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  • Worldwide version-controlled database of glacier thickness observations.

    Published in:
    Earth System Science Data, 2020, v. 12, n. 4, p. 3039, doi. 10.5194/essd-12-3039-2020
    • Welty, Ethan;
    • Zemp, Michael;
    • Navarro, Francisco;
    • Huss, Matthias;
    • Fürst, Johannes J.;
    • Gärtner-Roer, Isabelle;
    • Landmann, Johannes;
    • Machguth, Horst;
    • Naegeli, Kathrin;
    • Andreassen, Liss M.;
    • Farinotti, Daniel;
    • Li, Huilin;
    • GlaThiDa Contributors
    Publication type: