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  • The Integrated Carbon Observation System in Europe.

    Published in:
    Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2022, v. 103, n. 3, p. E855, doi. 10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0364.1
    • Heiskanen, Jouni;
    • Brümmer, Christian;
    • Buchmann, Nina;
    • Calfapietra, Carlo;
    • Chen, Huilin;
    • Gielen, Bert;
    • Gkritzalis, Thanos;
    • Hammer, Samuel;
    • Hartman, Susan;
    • Herbst, Mathias;
    • Janssens, Ivan A.;
    • Jordan, Armin;
    • Juurola, Eija;
    • Karstens, Ute;
    • Kasurinen, Ville;
    • Kruijt, Bart;
    • Lankreijer, Harry;
    • Levin, Ingeborg;
    • Linderson, Maj-Lena;
    • Loustau, Denis
    Publication type:
  • Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope Signatures of Dissolved Methane in the Scheldt Estuary.

    Published in:
    Estuaries & Coasts, 2021, v. 44, n. 1, p. 137, doi. 10.1007/s12237-020-00768-3
    • Jacques, Caroline;
    • Gkritzalis, Thanos;
    • Tison, Jean-Louis;
    • Hartley, Thomas;
    • van der Veen, Carina;
    • Röckmann, Thomas;
    • Middelburg, Jack J.;
    • Cattrijsse, André;
    • Egger, Matthias;
    • Dehairs, Frank;
    • Sapart, Célia J.
    Publication type:
  • Air--sea carbon flux from high-temporal-resolution data of in situ CO<sub>2</sub> measurements in the southern North Sea.

    Published in:
    Biogeosciences Discussions, 2020, p. 1, doi. 10.5194/bg-2020-442
    • Pint, Steven;
    • Everaert, Gert;
    • Theetaert, Hannelore;
    • Vandegehuchte, Michiel B.;
    • Gkritzalis, Thanos
    Publication type:
  • Nutrient, pigment, suspended matter and turbidity measurements in the Belgian part of the North Sea.

    Published in:
    Scientific Data, 2019, v. 6, n. 1, p. N.PAG, doi. 10.1038/s41597-019-0032-7
    • Mortelmans, Jonas;
    • Deneudt, Klaas;
    • Cattrijsse, André;
    • Beauchard, Olivier;
    • Daveloose, Ilse;
    • Vyverman, Wim;
    • Vanaverbeke, Jan;
    • Timmermans, Klaas;
    • Peene, Jan;
    • Roose, Patrick;
    • Knockaert, Mark;
    • Chou, Lei;
    • Sanders, Richard;
    • Stinchcombe, Marc;
    • Kimpe, Philippe;
    • Lammens, Saskia;
    • Theetaert, Hannelore;
    • Gkritzalis, Thanos;
    • Hernandez, Francisco;
    • Mees, Jan
    Publication type:
  • Global Carbon Budget 2018.

    Published in:
    Earth System Science Data, 2018, v. 10, n. 4, p. 2141, doi. 10.5194/essd-10-2141-2018
    • Le Quéré, Corinne;
    • Andrew, Robbie M.;
    • Friedlingstein, Pierre;
    • Sitch, Stephen;
    • Hauck, Judith;
    • Pongratz, Julia;
    • Pickers, Penelope A.;
    • Korsbakken, Jan Ivar;
    • Peters, Glen P.;
    • Canadell, Josep G.;
    • Arneth, Almut;
    • Arora, Vivek K.;
    • Barbero, Leticia;
    • Bastos, Ana;
    • Bopp, Laurent;
    • Chevallier, Frédéric;
    • Chini, Louise P.;
    • Ciais, Philippe;
    • Doney, Scott C.;
    • Gkritzalis, Thanos
    Publication type:
  • Global Carbon Budget 2018.

    Published in:
    Earth System Science Data Discussions, 2018, p. 1, doi. 10.5194/essd-2018-120
    • Le Quéré, Corinne;
    • Andrew, Robbie M.;
    • Friedlingstein, Pierre;
    • Sitch, Stephen;
    • Hauck, Judith;
    • Pongratz, Julia;
    • Pickers, Penelope;
    • Korsbakken, Jan Ivar;
    • Peters, Glen P.;
    • Canadell, Josep G.;
    • Arneth, Almut;
    • Arora, Vivek K.;
    • Barbero, Leticia;
    • Bastos, Ana;
    • Bopp, Laurent;
    • Chevallier, Frédéric;
    • Chini, Louise P.;
    • Ciais, Philippe;
    • Doney, Scott C.;
    • Gkritzalis, Thanos
    Publication type:
  • The Porcupine Abyssal Plain fixed-point sustained observatory (PAP-SO): variations and trends from the Northeast Atlantic fixed-point time-series.

    Published in:
    ICES Journal of Marine Science / Journal du Conseil, 2012, v. 69, n. 5, p. 776, doi. 10.1093/icesjms/fss077
    • Hartman, Susan E.;
    • Lampitt, Richard S.;
    • Larkin, Kate E.;
    • Pagnani, Maureen;
    • Campbell, Jon;
    • Gkritzalis, Thanos;
    • Jiang, Zong-Pei;
    • Pebody, Corinne A.;
    • Ruhl, Henry A.;
    • Gooday, Andrew J.;
    • Bett, Brian J.;
    • Billett, David S. M.;
    • Provost, Paul;
    • McLachlan, Rob;
    • Turton, Jon D.;
    • Lankester, Steven
    Publication type: