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  • Correction: Sensitivity of fishery resources to climate change in the warm-temperate Southwest Atlantic Ocean.

    Published in:
    • Gianelli, Ignacio;
    • Orlando, Luis;
    • Cardoso, Luis Gustavo;
    • Carranza, Alvar;
    • Celentano, Eleonora;
    • Correa, Patricia;
    • de la Rosa, Andrés;
    • Doño, Florencia;
    • Haimovici, Manuel;
    • Horta, Sebastián;
    • Jaureguizar, Andrés Javier;
    • Jorge-Romero, Gabriela;
    • Lercari, Diego;
    • Martínez, Gastón;
    • Pereyra, Inés;
    • Silveira, Santiago;
    • Vögler, Rodolfo;
    • Defeo, Omar
    Publication type:
    Correction Notice
  • Sensitivity of fishery resources to climate change in the warm-temperate Southwest Atlantic Ocean.

    Published in:
    Regional Environmental Change, 2023, v. 23, n. 2, p. 1, doi. 10.1007/s10113-023-02049-8
    • Gianelli, Ignacio;
    • Orlando, Luis;
    • Cardoso, Luis Gustavo;
    • Carranza, Alvar;
    • Celentano, Eleonora;
    • Correa, Patricia;
    • de la Rosa, Andrés;
    • Doño, Florencia;
    • Haimovici, Manuel;
    • Horta, Sebastián;
    • Jaureguizar, Andrés Javier;
    • Jorge-Romero, Gabriela;
    • Lercari, Diego;
    • Martínez, Gastón;
    • Pereyra, Inés;
    • Silveira, Santiago;
    • Vögler, Rodolfo;
    • Defeo, Omar
    Publication type:
  • Equity and Justice should underpin the discourse on Tipping Points.

    Published in:
    Earth System Dynamics Discussions, 2023, p. 1, doi. 10.5194/egusphere-2023-1455
    • Pereira, Laura;
    • Gianelli, Ignacio;
    • Achieng, Therezah;
    • Amon, Diva;
    • Archibald, Sally;
    • Arif, Suchinta;
    • Castro, Azucena;
    • Chimbadzwa, Tapiwa Prosper;
    • Coetzer, Kaera;
    • Field, Tracy-Lynn;
    • Selomane, Odirilwe;
    • Sitas, Nadia;
    • Stevens, Nicola;
    • Villasante, Sebastian;
    • Armani, Mohammed;
    • Kimuyu, Duncan M.;
    • Adewumi, Ibukun J.;
    • Ghadiali, Ashish;
    • Obura, David;
    • Pinho, Patricia
    Publication type:
  • Equity and justice should underpin the discourse on tipping points.

    Published in:
    Earth System Dynamics, 2024, v. 15, n. 2, p. 341, doi. 10.5194/esd-15-341-2024
    • Pereira, Laura M.;
    • Gianelli, Ignacio;
    • Achieng, Therezah;
    • Amon, Diva;
    • Archibald, Sally;
    • Arif, Suchinta;
    • Castro, Azucena;
    • Chimbadzwa, Tapiwa Prosper;
    • Coetzer, Kaera;
    • Field, Tracy-Lynn;
    • Selomane, Odirilwe;
    • Sitas, Nadia;
    • Stevens, Nicola;
    • Villasante, Sebastian;
    • Armani, Mohammed;
    • Kimuyu, Duncan M.;
    • Adewumi, Ibukun J.;
    • Lapola, David M.;
    • Obura, David;
    • Pinho, Patricia
    Publication type:
  • Securing sustainable small-scale fisheries through comanagement: the yellow clam fishery in Uruguay.

    Published in:
    FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture Technical Paper, 2019, n. 644, p. 9
    • Pittman, Jeremy;
    • Gianelli, Ignacio;
    • Trinchín, Romina;
    • Gutiérrez, Nicolás;
    • de la Rosa, Andrés;
    • Martínez, Gastón;
    • Masello, Arianna;
    • Defeo, Omar
    Publication type: