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  • Spatial and temporal regulation of DNA fragmentation in the aleurone of germinating barley.

    Published in:
    Journal of Experimental Botany, 1998, v. 49, n. 325, doi. 10.1093/jexbot/49.325.1293
    • Wang, M;
    • Mei Wang;
    • Oppedijk, BJ;
    • Oppedijk, Berry J.;
    • Caspers, MPM;
    • Caspers, Martien P.M.;
    • Lamers, GEM;
    • Lamers, Gerda E.M.;
    • Boot, MJ;
    • Boot, Marit J.;
    • Geerlings, DNG;
    • Geerings, Dave N.G.;
    • Bakhuizen, B;
    • Bakhuizen, Bob;
    • Meijer, AH;
    • Meijer, Annemarie H.;
    • Van Duijn, B;
    • Van Duijn, Bert
    Publication type: