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  • State of the art of Mohs surgery for rare cutaneous tumors in the Spanish Registry of Mohs Surgery (REGESMOHS).

    Published in:
    International Journal of Dermatology, 2020, v. 59, n. 3, p. 321, doi. 10.1111/ijd.14732
    • Rodríguez‐Jiménez, Pedro;
    • Jimenez, Yolanda D.;
    • Reolid, Alejandra;
    • Sanmartın‐Jimenez, Onofre;
    • Garces, Joan R.;
    • Rodríguez‐Prieto, Manuel A.;
    • Medrano, Roman M.;
    • Vilarrasa, Eva;
    • Eusebio‐Murillo, Esther;
    • Redondo, Pedro;
    • Ciudad‐Blanco, Cristina;
    • Morales‐Gordillo, Victoriano;
    • Toll‐Abelló, Agustí;
    • Artola‐Igarza, Juan L.;
    • Pacheco, María L.A.;
    • Markixana, Irati A.;
    • Fernández, Ricardo S.;
    • Rubio, Alberto A.;
    • Vázquez‐Veiga, Hugo;
    • Flórez‐Menéndez, Angeles
    Publication type:
  • Mohs micrographic surgery in dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans: Rate and risk factors for recurrence in a prospective cohort study from the Spanish Registry of Mohs Surgery (REGESMOHS) and review of the literature.

    Published in:
    Experimental Dermatology, 2021, v. 30, n. 5, p. 717, doi. 10.1111/exd.14291
    • Nieto‐Benito, Lula María;
    • Ciudad‐Blanco, Cristina;
    • Sanmartin‐Jimenez, Onofre;
    • Garces, Joan R.;
    • Rodríguez‐Prieto, Manuel A.;
    • Vilarrasa, Eva;
    • Eusebio‐Murillo, Esther;
    • Miñano‐Medrano, Román;
    • Escutia‐Muñoz, Begoña;
    • Gonzalez‐Sixto, Beatriz;
    • Artola‐Igarza, Juan L.;
    • Alfaro Rubio, Alberto;
    • Redondo, Pedro;
    • Delgado‐Jiménez, Yolanda;
    • Sánchez‐Schmidt, Julia M.;
    • Allende‐Markixana, Irati;
    • Alonso‐Pacheco, María L.;
    • García‐Bracamonte, Beatriz;
    • Cueva Dobao, Pablo;
    • Navarro‐Tejedor, Raquel
    Publication type:
  • Complications Associated with Mohs Micrographic Surgery: Data from the Nationwide Prospective Cohort REGESMOHS.

    Published in:
    Dermatology (10188665), 2022, v. 238, n. 2, p. 320, doi. 10.1159/000517010
    • Ruiz-Salas, Verónica;
    • Sanmartin-Jiménez, Onofre;
    • Garcés, Joan R.;
    • Vilarrasa, Eva;
    • Miñano-Medrano, Román;
    • Escutia-Muñoz, Begoña;
    • Flórez-Menéndez, Ángeles;
    • Artola-Igarza, Juan L.;
    • Alfaro-Rubio, Alberto;
    • Redondo, Pedro;
    • Delgado-Jiménez, Yolanda;
    • Sánchez-Schmidt, Julia;
    • Allende-Markixana, Irati;
    • García Bracamonte, Beatriz;
    • de la Cueva-Dobao, Pablo;
    • Ciudad, Cristina;
    • Carnero-González, Lucía;
    • Vázquez-Veiga, Hugo;
    • Sánchez-Sambucety, Pedro;
    • Estebaranz, José Luis
    Publication type:
  • Risk Factors and Rate of Recurrence after Mohs Surgery in Basal Cell and Squamous Cell Carcinomas: A Nationwide Prospective Cohort (REGESMOHS, Spanish Registry of Mohs Surgery).

    Published in:
    Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 2021, v. 101, n. 11, p. 1, doi. 10.2340/actadv.v101.544
    • TOMÁS-VELÁZQUEZ, Alejandra;
    • R. GARCÉS, Joan;
    • RODRÍGUEZ-PRIETO, Manuel A.;
    • RUIZ-SALAS, Verónica;
    • MIÑANO-MEDRANO, Román;
    • ESCUTIA-MUÑOZ, Begoña;
    • FLÓREZ-MENÉNDEZ, Ángeles;
    • ARTOLA-IGARZA, Juan L.;
    • ALFARO-RUBIO, Alberto;
    • GIL, Pilar;
    • DELGADOJIMÉNEZ, Yolanda;
    • SÁNCHEZ-SCHMIDT, Julia M.;
    • ALONSO-PACHECO, María L.;
    • DE LA CUEVA-DOBAO, Pablo;
    • NAVARRO-TEJEDOR, Raquel;
    • CIUDAD-BLANCO, Cristina
    Publication type:
  • Development and validation of a model to predict complex Mohs micrographic surgery in clinical practice: REGESMOSH scale.

    Published in:
    Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology & Venereology, 2023, v. 37, n. 8, p. 1587, doi. 10.1111/jdv.19056
    • Montero‐Vilchez, Trinidad;
    • Garcés, Joan R.;
    • Rodríguez‐Prieto, Manuel A.;
    • Ruiz‐Salas, Verónica;
    • de Eusebio‐Murillo, Esther;
    • Miñano‐Medrano, Román;
    • Escutia‐Muñoz, Begoña;
    • González‐Sixto, Beatriz;
    • Artola‐Igarza, Juan L.;
    • Alfaro‐Rubio, Alberto;
    • Redondo, Pedro;
    • Delgado‐Jiménez, Yolanda;
    • Sánchez‐Schmidt, Julia M.;
    • Allende‐Markixana, Irati;
    • Alonso‐Pacheco, María L.;
    • García‐Bracamonte, Beatriz;
    • de la Cueva‐Dobao, Pablo;
    • Navarro‐Tejedor, Raquel;
    • Ciudad‐Blanco, Cristina;
    • Carnero‐González, Lucía
    Publication type: