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  • Calculation of A for the Proton-Deuteron Breakup Reaction at 135 MeV.

    Published in:
    Few-Body Systems, 2013, v. 54, n. 7-10, p. 1297, doi. 10.1007/s00601-012-0512-1
    • Eslami-Kalantari, M.;
    • Mehmandoost-Khajeh-Dad, A.;
    • Shafaei, M.;
    • Amir-Ahmadi, H.;
    • Biegun, A.;
    • Gašparic, I.;
    • Joulaeizadeh, L.;
    • Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N.;
    • Kistryn, St.;
    • Kozela, A.;
    • Mardanpour, H.;
    • Messchendorp, J.;
    • Moeini, H.;
    • Ramazani-Moghaddam-Arani, A.;
    • Shende, S.;
    • Stephan, E.;
    • Sworst, R.
    Publication type: