Found: 45

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  • Single-cell T-cell receptor repertoire profiling in dogs.

    Published in:
    Communications Biology, 2024, v. 7, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s42003-024-06174-w
    • Hoang, My H.;
    • Skidmore, Zachary L.;
    • Rindt, Hans;
    • Chu, Shirley;
    • Fisk, Bryan;
    • Foltz, Jennifer A.;
    • Fronick, Catrina;
    • Fulton, Robert;
    • Zhou, Mingyi;
    • Bivens, Nathan J.;
    • Reinero, Carol N.;
    • Fehniger, Todd A.;
    • Griffith, Malachi;
    • Bryan, Jeffrey N.;
    • Griffith, Obi L.
    Publication type:
  • DGIdb 5.0: rebuilding the drug–gene interaction database for precision medicine and drug discovery platforms.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2024, v. 52, n. D1, p. D1227, doi. 10.1093/nar/gkad1040
    • Cannon, Matthew;
    • Stevenson, James;
    • Stahl, Kathryn;
    • Basu, Rohit;
    • Coffman, Adam;
    • Kiwala, Susanna;
    • McMichael, Joshua F;
    • Kuzma, Kori;
    • Morrissey, Dorian;
    • Cotto, Kelsy;
    • Mardis, Elaine R;
    • Griffith, Obi L;
    • Griffith, Malachi;
    • Wagner, Alex H
    Publication type:
  • Aromatase inhibition remodels the clonal architecture of estrogen-receptor-positive breast cancers.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2016, v. 7, n. 8, p. 12498, doi. 10.1038/ncomms12498
    • Miller, Christopher A.;
    • Gindin, Yevgeniy;
    • Lu, Charles;
    • Griffith, Obi L;
    • Griffith, Malachi;
    • Shen, Dong;
    • Hoog, Jeremy;
    • Li, Tiandao;
    • Larson, David E.;
    • Watson, Mark;
    • Davies, Sherri R;
    • Hunt, Kelly;
    • Suman, Vera J.;
    • Snider, Jacqueline;
    • Walsh, Thomas;
    • Colditz, Graham A.;
    • DeSchryver, Katherine;
    • Wilson, Richard K.;
    • Mardis, Elaine R.;
    • Ellis, Matthew J.
    Publication type:
  • Text-mining clinically relevant cancer biomarkers for curation into the CIViC database.

    Published in:
    Genome Medicine, 2019, v. 11, n. 1, p. N.PAG, doi. 10.1186/s13073-019-0686-y
    • Lever, Jake;
    • Jones, Martin R.;
    • Danos, Arpad M.;
    • Krysiak, Kilannin;
    • Bonakdar, Melika;
    • Grewal, Jasleen K.;
    • Culibrk, Luka;
    • Griffith, Obi L.;
    • Griffith, Malachi;
    • Jones, Steven J. M.
    Publication type:
  • Best practices for bioinformatic characterization of neoantigens for clinical utility.

    Published in:
    Genome Medicine, 2019, v. 11, n. 1, p. N.PAG, doi. 10.1186/s13073-019-0666-2
    • Richters, Megan M.;
    • Xia, Huiming;
    • Campbell, Katie M.;
    • Gillanders, William E.;
    • Griffith, Obi L.;
    • Griffith, Malachi
    Publication type:
  • Association Between Mutation Clearance After Induction Therapy and Outcomes in Acute Myeloid Leukemia.

    Published in:
    JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association, 2015, v. 314, n. 8, p. 811, doi. 10.1001/jama.2015.9643
    • Klco, Jeffery M.;
    • Miller, Christopher A.;
    • Griffith, Malachi;
    • Petti, Allegra;
    • Spencer, David H.;
    • Ketkar-Kulkarni, Shamika;
    • Wartman, Lukas D.;
    • Christopher, Matthew;
    • Lamprecht, Tamara L.;
    • Helton, Nicole M.;
    • Duncavage, Eric J.;
    • Payton, Jacqueline E.;
    • Baty, Jack;
    • Heath, Sharon E.;
    • Griffith, Obi L.;
    • Dong Shen;
    • Hundal, Jasreet;
    • Gue Su Chang;
    • Fulton, Robert;
    • O'Laughlin, Michelle
    Publication type:
  • Somatic mutations altering EZH2 (Tyr641) in follicular and diffuse large B-cell lymphomas of germinal-center origin.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 2010, v. 42, n. 2, p. 181, doi. 10.1038/ng.518
    • Morin, Ryan D.;
    • Johnson, Nathalie A.;
    • Severson, Tesa M.;
    • Mungall, Andrew J.;
    • Jianghong An;
    • Goya, Rodrigo;
    • Paul, Jessica E.;
    • Boyle, Merrill;
    • Woolcock, Bruce W.;
    • Kuchenbauer, Florian;
    • Yap, Damian;
    • Humphries, R. Keith;
    • Griffith, Obi L.;
    • Shah, Sohrab;
    • Zhu, Henry;
    • Kimbara, Michelle;
    • Shashkin, Pavel;
    • Charlot, Jean F.;
    • Tcherpakov, Marianna;
    • Corbett, Richard
    Publication type:
  • Exploring the Genomic Landscape of Cancer Patient Cohorts with GenVisR.

    Published in:
    Current Protocols, 2021, v. 1, n. 9, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/cpz1.252
    • Skidmore, Zachary L.;
    • Campbell, Katie M.;
    • Cotto, Kelsy C.;
    • Griffith, Malachi;
    • Griffith, Obi L.
    Publication type:
  • Wikidata as a knowledge graph for the life sciences.

    Published in:
    eLife, 2020, p. 1, doi. 10.7554/eLife.52614
    • HUDSON, TOBY S.;
    Publication type:
  • Author Correction: The prognostic effects of somatic mutations in ER-positive breast cancer.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2018, v. 9, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41467-018-07407-3
    • Griffith, Obi L.;
    • Spies, Nicholas C.;
    • Anurag, Meenakshi;
    • Griffith, Malachi;
    • Luo, Jingqin;
    • Tu, Dongsheng;
    • Yeo, Belinda;
    • Kunisaki, Jason;
    • Miller, Christopher A;
    • Krysiak, Kilannin;
    • Hundal, Jasreet;
    • Ainscough, Benjamin J;
    • Skidmore, Zachary L.;
    • Campbell, Katie;
    • Kumar, Runjun;
    • Fronick, Catrina;
    • Cook, Lisa;
    • Snider, Jacqueline E.;
    • Davies, Sherri;
    • Kavuri, Shyam M.
    Publication type:
  • The prognostic effects of somatic mutations in ER-positive breast cancer.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2018, v. 9, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41467-018-05914-x
    • Griffith, Obi L.;
    • Spies, Nicholas C.;
    • Anurag, Meenakshi;
    • Griffith, Malachi;
    • Luo, Jingqin;
    • Tu, Dongsheng;
    • Yeo, Belinda;
    • Kunisaki, Jason;
    • Miller, Christopher A;
    • Krysiak, Kilannin;
    • Hundal, Jasreet;
    • Ainscough, Benjamin J;
    • Skidmore, Zachary L.;
    • Campbell, Katie;
    • Kumar, Runjun;
    • Fronick, Catrina;
    • Cook, Lisa;
    • Snider, Jacqueline E.;
    • Davies, Sherri;
    • Kavuri, Shyam M.
    Publication type:
  • Informatics for RNA Sequencing: A Web Resource for Analysis on the Cloud.

    Published in:
    PLoS Computational Biology, 2015, v. 11, n. 8, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004393
    • Griffith, Malachi;
    • Walker, Jason R.;
    • Spies, Nicholas C.;
    • Ainscough, Benjamin J.;
    • Griffith, Obi L.
    Publication type:
  • Genome Modeling System: A Knowledge Management Platform for Genomics.

    Published in:
    PLoS Computational Biology, 2015, v. 11, n. 7, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004274
    • Griffith, Malachi;
    • Griffith, Obi L.;
    • Smith, Scott M.;
    • Ramu, Avinash;
    • Callaway, Matthew B.;
    • Brummett, Anthony M.;
    • Kiwala, Michael J.;
    • Coffman, Adam C.;
    • Regier, Allison A.;
    • Oberkfell, Ben J.;
    • Sanderson, Gabriel E.;
    • Mooney, Thomas P.;
    • Nutter, Nathaniel G.;
    • Belter, Edward A.;
    • Du, Feiyu;
    • Long, Robert L.;
    • Abbott, Travis E.;
    • Ferguson, Ian T.;
    • Morton, David L.;
    • Burnett, Mark M.
    Publication type:
  • SciClone: Inferring Clonal Architecture and Tracking the Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Tumor Evolution.

    Published in:
    PLoS Computational Biology, 2014, v. 10, n. 8, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003665
    • Miller, Christopher A.;
    • White, Brian S.;
    • Dees, Nathan D.;
    • Griffith, Malachi;
    • Welch, John S.;
    • Griffith, Obi L.;
    • Vij, Ravi;
    • Tomasson, Michael H.;
    • Graubert, Timothy A.;
    • Walter, Matthew J.;
    • Ellis, Matthew J.;
    • Schierding, William;
    • DiPersio, John F.;
    • Ley, Timothy J.;
    • Mardis, Elaine R.;
    • Wilson, Richard K.;
    • Ding, Li
    Publication type:
  • A Survey of Genomic Properties for the Detection of Regulatory Polymorphisms.

    Published in:
    PLoS Computational Biology, 2007, v. 3, n. 6, p. e106, doi. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.0030106
    • Montgomery, Stephen B.;
    • Griffith, Obi L.;
    • Schuetz, Johanna M.;
    • Brooks-Wilson, Angela;
    • Jones, Steven J. M.
    Publication type:
  • F11R Is a Novel Monocyte Prognostic Biomarker for Malignant Glioma.

    Published in:
    PLoS ONE, 2013, v. 8, n. 10, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0077571
    • Pong, Winnie W.;
    • Walker, Jason;
    • Wylie, Todd;
    • Magrini, Vincent;
    • Luo, Jingqin;
    • Emnett, Ryan J.;
    • Choi, Jaebok;
    • Cooper, Matthew L.;
    • Griffith, Malachi;
    • Griffith, Obi L.;
    • Rubin, Joshua B.;
    • Fuller, Gregory N.;
    • Piwnica-Worms, David;
    • Feng, Xi;
    • Hambardzumyan, Dolores;
    • DiPersio, John F.;
    • Mardis, Elaine R.;
    • Gutmann, David H.
    Publication type:
  • RNA-sequencing reveals oligodendrocyte and neuronal transcripts in microglia relevant to central nervous system disease.

    Published in:
    Glia, 2015, v. 63, n. 4, p. 531, doi. 10.1002/glia.22754
    • Solga, Anne C.;
    • Pong, Winnie W.;
    • Walker, Jason;
    • Wylie, Todd;
    • Magrini, Vincent;
    • Apicelli, Anthony J.;
    • Griffith, Malachi;
    • Griffith, Obi L.;
    • Kohsaka, Shinichi;
    • Wu, Gregory F.;
    • Brody, David L.;
    • Mardis, Elaine R.;
    • Gutmann, David H.
    Publication type:
  • Convergent loss of PTEN leads to clinical resistance to a PI(3)Kα inhibitor.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2015, v. 518, n. 7538, p. 240, doi. 10.1038/nature13948
    • Juric, Dejan;
    • Castel, Pau;
    • Griffith, Malachi;
    • Griffith, Obi L.;
    • Won, Helen H.;
    • Ellis, Haley;
    • Ebbesen, Saya H.;
    • Ainscough, Benjamin J.;
    • Ramu, Avinash;
    • Iyer, Gopa;
    • Shah, Ronak H.;
    • Huynh, Tiffany;
    • Mino-Kenudson, Mari;
    • Sgroi, Dennis;
    • Isakoff, Steven;
    • Thabet, Ashraf;
    • Elamine, Leila;
    • Solit, David B.;
    • Lowe, Scott W.;
    • Quadt, Cornelia
    Publication type:
  • Metagenomic Analysis of DNA Viruses with Targeted Sequence Capture of Canine Lobular Orbital Adenomas and Normal Conjunctiva.

    Published in:
    Microorganisms, 2023, v. 11, n. 5, p. 1163, doi. 10.3390/microorganisms11051163
    • Schaefer, Elizabeth A. F.;
    • Chu, Shirley;
    • Wylie, Kristine M.;
    • Wylie, Todd N.;
    • Griffith, Obi L.;
    • Pearce, Jacqueline W.;
    • Johnson, Gayle C.;
    • Bryan, Jeffrey N.;
    • Flesner, Brian K.
    Publication type:
  • Unraveling the chaotic genomic landscape of primary and metastatic canine appendicular osteosarcoma with current sequencing technologies and bioinformatic approaches.

    Published in:
    PLoS ONE, 2021, v. 16, n. 2, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0246443
    • Chu, Shirley;
    • Skidmore, Zachary L.;
    • Kunisaki, Jason;
    • Walker, Jason R.;
    • Griffith, Malachi;
    • Griffith, Obi L.;
    • Bryan, Jeffrey N.
    Publication type:
  • DGIdb: mining the druggable genome.

    Published in:
    Nature Methods, 2013, v. 10, n. 12, p. 1209, doi. 10.1038/nmeth.2689
    • Griffith, Malachi;
    • Griffith, Obi L;
    • Coffman, Adam C;
    • Weible, James V;
    • McMichael, Josh F;
    • Spies, Nicholas C;
    • Koval, James;
    • Das, Indraniel;
    • Callaway, Matthew B;
    • Eldred, James M;
    • Miller, Christopher A;
    • Subramanian, Janakiraman;
    • Govindan, Ramaswamy;
    • Kumar, Runjun D;
    • Bose, Ron;
    • Ding, Li;
    • Walker, Jason R;
    • Larson, David E;
    • Dooling, David J;
    • Smith, Scott M
    Publication type:
  • Alternative expression analysis by RNA sequencing.

    Published in:
    Nature Methods, 2010, v. 7, n. 10, p. 843, doi. 10.1038/nmeth.1503
    • Griffith, Malachi;
    • Griffith, Obi L.;
    • Mwenifumbo, Jill;
    • Goya, Rodrigo;
    • Morrissy, A Sorana;
    • Morin, Ryan D;
    • Corbett, Richard;
    • Tang, Michelle J.;
    • Ying-Chen Hou;
    • Pugh, Trevor J.;
    • Robertson, Gordon;
    • Chittaranjan, Suganthi;
    • Ally, Adrian;
    • Asano, Jennifer K.;
    • Chan, Susanna Y.;
    • Li, Haiyan I.;
    • McDonald, Helen;
    • Teague, Kevin;
    • Yongjun Zhao;
    • Zeng, Thomas
    Publication type:
  • Normalization of drug and therapeutic concepts with Thera-Py.

    Published in:
    JAMIA Open, 2023, v. 6, n. 4, p. 1, doi. 10.1093/jamiaopen/ooad093
    • Cannon, Matthew;
    • Stevenson, James;
    • Kuzma, Kori;
    • Kiwala, Susanna;
    • Warner, Jeremy L;
    • Griffith, Obi L;
    • Griffith, Malachi;
    • Wagner, Alex H
    Publication type:
  • DGIdb 3.0: a redesign and expansion of the drug–gene interaction database.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2018, v. 46, n. D1, p. D1068, doi. 10.1093/nar/gkx1143
    • Cotto, Kelsy C;
    • Wagner, Alex H;
    • Feng, Yang-Yang;
    • Kiwala, Susanna;
    • Coffman, Adam C;
    • Spies, Gregory;
    • Wollam, Alex;
    • Spies, Nicholas C;
    • Griffith, Obi L;
    • Griffith, Malachi
    Publication type:
  • DGIdb 2.0: mining clinically relevant drug-gene interactions.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2016, v. 44, n. 1, p. D1036, doi. 10.1093/nar/gkv1165
    • Wagner, Alex H.;
    • Coffman, Adam C.;
    • Ainscough, Benjamin J.;
    • Spies, Nicholas C.;
    • Skidmore, Zachary L.;
    • Campbell, Katie M.;
    • Krysiak, Kilannin;
    • Deng Pan;
    • McMichael, Joshua F.;
    • Eldred, James M.;
    • Walker, Jason R.;
    • Wilson, Richard K.;
    • Mardis, Elaine R.;
    • Griffith, Malachi;
    • Griffith, Obi L.
    Publication type:
  • ORegAnno 3.0: a community-driven resource for curated regulatory annotation.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2016, v. 44, n. 1, p. D126, doi. 10.1093/nar/gkv1203
    • Lesurf, Robert;
    • Cotto, Kelsy C.;
    • Wang, Grace;
    • Griffith, Malachi;
    • Kasaian, Katayoon;
    • Jones, Steven J. M.;
    • Montgomery, Stephen B.;
    • Griffith, Obi L.
    Publication type:
  • Clinical implications of neoepitope landscapes for adult and pediatric cancers.

    Published in:
    Genome Medicine, 2017, v. 9, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/s13073-017-0470-9
    • Yang-Yang Feng;
    • Griffith, Obi L.;
    • Griffith, Malachi
    Publication type:
  • pVAC-Seq: A genome-guided in silico approach to identifying tumor neoantigens.

    Published in:
    Genome Medicine, 2016, v. 8, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/s13073-016-0264-5
    • Hundal, Jasreet;
    • Carreno, Beatriz M.;
    • Petti, Allegra A.;
    • Linette, Gerald P.;
    • Griffith, Obi L.;
    • Mardis, Elaine R.;
    • Griffith, Malachi
    Publication type:
  • A robust prognostic signature for hormone-positive node-negative breast cancer.

    Published in:
    Genome Medicine, 2013, v. 5, n. 10, p. 19, doi. 10.1186/gm496
    • Griffith, Obi L.;
    • Pepin, François;
    • Enache, Oana M.;
    • Heiser, Laura M.;
    • Collisson, Eric A.;
    • Spellman, Paul T.;
    • Gray, Joe W.
    Publication type:
  • Correction: Decoupling of the PI3K Pathway via Mutation Necessitates Combinatorial Treatment in HER2+ Breast Cancer.

    Published in:
    • Korkola, James E.;
    • Collisson, Eric A.;
    • Heiser, Laura M.;
    • Oates, Chris;
    • Bayani, Nora;
    • Itani, Sleiman;
    • Esch, Amanda;
    • Thompson, Wallace;
    • Griffith, Obi L.;
    • Wang, Nicholas J.;
    • Kuo, Wen-Lin;
    • Cooper, Brian;
    • Billig, Jessica;
    • Ziyad, Safiyyah;
    • Hung, Jenny L.;
    • Jakkula, Lakshmi;
    • Feiler, Heidi;
    • Lu, Yiling;
    • Mills, Gordon B.;
    • Spellman, Paul T.
    Publication type:
    Correction Notice
  • Identification of PADI2 as a potential breast cancer biomarker and therapeutic target.

    Published in:
    BMC Cancer, 2012, v. 12, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/1471-2407-12-500
    • McElwee, John L.;
    • Mohanan, Sunish;
    • Griffith, Obi L.;
    • Breuer, Heike C.;
    • Anguish, Lynne J.;
    • Cherrington, Brian D.;
    • Palmer, Ashley M.;
    • Howe, Louise R.;
    • Subramanian, Venkataraman;
    • Causey, Corey P.;
    • Thompson, Paul R.;
    • Gray, Joe W.;
    • Coonrod, Scott A.
    Publication type:
  • Identification of PADI2 as a potential breast cancer biomarker and therapeutic target.

    Published in:
    • McElwee, John L;
    • Mohanan, Sunish;
    • Griffith, Obi L;
    • Breuer, Heike C;
    • Anguish, Lynne J;
    • Cherrington, Brian D;
    • Palmer, Ashley M;
    • Howe, Louise R;
    • Subramanian, Venkataraman;
    • Causey, Corey P;
    • Thompson, Paul R;
    • Gray, Joe W;
    • Coonrod, Scott A
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • GenVisR: Genomic Visualizations in R.

    Published in:
    Bioinformatics, 2016, v. 32, n. 19, p. 3012, doi. 10.1093/bioinformatics/btw325
    • Skidmore, Zachary L.;
    • Wagner, Alex H.;
    • Lesurf, Robert;
    • Campbell, Katie M.;
    • Kunisaki, Jason;
    • Griffith, Obi L.;
    • Griffith, Malachi
    Publication type:
  • Statistically identifying tumor suppressors and oncogenes from pan-cancer genome-sequencing data.

    Published in:
    Bioinformatics, 2015, v. 31, n. 22, p. 3561, doi. 10.1093/bioinformatics/btv430
    • Kumar, Runjun D.;
    • Searleman, Adam C.;
    • Swamidass, S. Joshua;
    • Griffith, Obi L.;
    • Bose, Ron
    Publication type:
  • Personalized ctDNA micro-panels can monitor and predict clinical outcomes for patients with triple-negative breast cancer.

    Published in:
    Scientific Reports, 2022, v. 12, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41598-022-20928-8
    • Barnell, Erica K.;
    • Fisk, Bryan;
    • Skidmore, Zachary L.;
    • Cotto, Kelsy C.;
    • Basu, Anamika;
    • Anand, Aparna;
    • Richters, Megan M.;
    • Luo, Jingqin;
    • Fronick, Catrina;
    • Anurag, Meenakshi;
    • Fulton, Robert;
    • Ellis, Matthew J.;
    • Griffith, Obi L.;
    • Griffith, Malachi;
    • Ademuyiwa, Foluso O.
    Publication type:
  • ORegAnno: an open-access community-driven resource for regulatory annotation.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2008, v. 36, p. D107
    • Griffith, Obi L.;
    • Montgomery, Stephen B.;
    • Bernier, Bridget;
    • Chu, Bryan;
    • Kasaian, Katayoon;
    • Aerts, Stein;
    • Mahony, Shaun;
    • Sleumer, Monica C.;
    • Bilenky, Mikhail;
    • Haeussler, Maximilian;
    • Griffith, Malachi;
    • Gallo, Steven M.;
    • Giardine, Belinda;
    • Hooghe, Bart;
    • Van Loo, Peter;
    • Blanco, Enrique;
    • Ticoll, Amy;
    • Lithwick, Stuart;
    • Portales-Casamar, Elodie;
    • Donaldson, Ian J.
    Publication type:
  • Sequence biases in large scale gene expression profiling data.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2006, v. 34, n. 12, p. e83, doi. 10.1093/nar/gkl404
    • Siddiqui, Asim S.;
    • Delaney, Allen D.;
    • Schnerch, Angelique;
    • Griffith, Obi L.;
    • Jones, Steven J. M.;
    • Marra, Marco A.
    Publication type:
  • 'Omic approaches to preventing or managing metastatic breast cancer.

    Published in:
    • Griffith OL;
    • Gray JW;
    • Griffith, Obi L;
    • Gray, Joe W
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • ALEXA: a microarray design platform for alternative expression analysis.

    Published in:
    • Griffith, Malachi;
    • Tang, Michelle J;
    • Griffith, Obi L;
    • Morin, Ryan D;
    • Chan, Susanna Y;
    • Asano, Jennifer K;
    • Zeng, Thomas;
    • Flibotte, Stephane;
    • Ally, Adrian;
    • Baross, Agnes;
    • Hirst, Martin;
    • Jones, Steven J M;
    • Morin, Gregg B;
    • Tai, Isabella T;
    • Marra, Marco A
    Publication type:
  • Genome-wide profiles of STAT1 DNA association using chromatin immunoprecipitation and massively parallel sequencing.

    Published in:
    Nature Methods, 2007, v. 4, n. 8, p. 651, doi. 10.1038/nmeth1068
    • Robertson, Gordon;
    • Hirst, Martin;
    • Bainbridge, Matthew;
    • Bilenky, Misha;
    • Yongjun Zhao;
    • Zeng, Thomas;
    • Euskirchen, Ghia;
    • Bernier, Bridget;
    • Varhol, Richard;
    • Delaney, Allen;
    • Thiessen, Nina;
    • Griffith, Obi L;
    • He, Ann;
    • Marra, Marco;
    • Snyder, Michael;
    • Jones, Steven
    Publication type:
  • Adapting crowdsourced clinical cancer curation in CIViC to the ClinGen minimum variant level data community‐driven standards.

    Published in:
    Human Mutation, 2018, v. 39, n. 11, p. 1721, doi. 10.1002/humu.23651
    • Danos, Arpad M.;
    • Ritter, Deborah I.;
    • Wagner, Alex H.;
    • Krysiak, Kilannin;
    • Sonkin, Dmitriy;
    • Micheel, Christine;
    • McCoy, Matthew;
    • Rao, Shruti;
    • Raca, Gordana;
    • Boca, Simina M.;
    • Roy, Angshumoy;
    • Barnell, Erica K.;
    • McMichael, Joshua F.;
    • Kiwala, Susanna;
    • Coffman, Adam C.;
    • Kujan, Lynzey;
    • Kulkarni, Shashikant;
    • Griffith, Malachi;
    • Madhavan, Subha;
    • Griffith, Obi L.
    Publication type:
  • High-performance web services for querying gene and variant annotation.

    Published in:
    Genome Biology, 2016, v. 17, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/s13059-016-0953-9
    • Jiwen Xin;
    • Mark, Adam;
    • Afrasiabi, Cyrus;
    • Tsueng, Ginger;
    • Juchler, Moritz;
    • Gopal, Nikhil;
    • Stupp, Gregory S.;
    • Putman, Timothy E.;
    • Ainscough, Benjamin J.;
    • Griffith, Obi L.;
    • Torkamani, Ali;
    • Whetzel, Patricia L.;
    • Mungall, Christopher J.;
    • Mooney, Sean D.;
    • Su, Andrew I.;
    • Chunlei Wu
    Publication type:
  • Organizing knowledge to enable personalization of medicine in cancer.

    Published in:
    Genome Biology, 2014, v. 15, n. 7, p. 438, doi. 10.1186/s13059-014-0438-7
    • Good, Benjamin M.;
    • Ainscough, Benjamin J.;
    • McMichael, Josh F.;
    • Su, Andrew I.;
    • Griffith, Obi L.
    Publication type:
  • Modeling precision treatment of breast cancer.

    Published in:
    Genome Biology, 2013, v. 14, n. 10, p. R110, doi. 10.1186/gb-2013-14-10-r110
    • Daemen, Anneleen;
    • Griffith, Obi L;
    • Heiser, Laura M;
    • Wang, Nicholas J;
    • Enache, Oana M;
    • Sanborn, Zachary;
    • Pepin, Francois;
    • Durinck, Steffen;
    • Korkola, James E;
    • Griffith, Malachi;
    • Joe S Hur;
    • Nam Huh;
    • Jongsuk Chung;
    • Cope, Leslie;
    • Fackler, Mary Jo;
    • Umbricht, Christopher;
    • Sukumar, Saraswati;
    • Seth, Pankaj;
    • Sukhatme, Vikas P;
    • Jakkula, Lakshmi R
    Publication type:
  • Decoupling of the PI3K Pathway via Mutation Necessitates Combinatorial Treatment in HER2+ Breast Cancer.

    Published in:
    PLoS ONE, 2015, v. 10, n. 7, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0133219
    • Korkola, James E.;
    • Collisson, Eric A.;
    • Heiser, Laura;
    • Oates, Chris;
    • Bayani, Nora;
    • Itani, Sleiman;
    • Esch, Amanda;
    • Thompson, Wallace;
    • Griffith, Obi L.;
    • Wang, Nicholas J.;
    • Kuo, Wen-Lin;
    • Cooper, Brian;
    • Billig, Jessica;
    • Ziyad, Safiyyah;
    • Hung, Jenny L.;
    • Jakkula, Lakshmi;
    • Feiler, Heidi;
    • Lu, Yiling;
    • Mills, Gordon B.;
    • Spellman, Paul T.
    Publication type: