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  • Modelling with COREDIV Code of JET ILW Configuration.

    Published in:
    Contributions to Plasma Physics, 2010, v. 50, n. 3-5, p. 306, doi. 10.1002/ctpp.201010050
    • Zagörski, R.;
    • Telesca, G.;
    • Fundamenski, W.;
    • McCormick, K.
    Publication type:
  • On Kinetic Effects during Parallel Transport in the SOL.

    Published in:
    Contributions to Plasma Physics, 2008, v. 48, n. 1-3, p. 89, doi. 10.1002/ctpp.200810015
    • Tskhakaya, D.;
    • Subba, F.;
    • Bonnin, X.;
    • Coster, D. P.;
    • Fundamenski, W.;
    • Pitts, R. A.;
    • JET EFDA Contributors
    Publication type:
  • Integrated Modelling with COCONUT of Type-I ELMs at JET.

    Published in:
    Contributions to Plasma Physics, 2008, v. 48, n. 1-3, p. 201, doi. 10.1002/ctpp.200810036
    • Wiesen, S.;
    • Parail, V.;
    • Corrigan, G.;
    • Fundamenski, W.;
    • Loarte, A.;
    • Lönnroth, J.;
    • Saibene, G.;
    • Sartori, R.;
    • JET EFDA Contributors
    Publication type:
  • Progress in Edge Plasma Transport Modeling on JET.

    Published in:
    Contributions to Plasma Physics, 2008, v. 48, n. 1-3, p. 190, doi. 10.1002/ctpp.200810034
    • Fundamenski, W.;
    • Coster, D. P.;
    • Airila, M.;
    • Belo, P.;
    • Bonnin, X.;
    • Chankin, A.;
    • Corrigan, G.;
    • Erents, S. K.;
    • Garcia, O. E.;
    • Glowacz, S.;
    • Gulejova, B.;
    • Kirschner, A.;
    • Naulin, V.;
    • Nielsen, A.;
    • Kirnev, G.;
    • Kotov, V.;
    • Konz, C.;
    • Rasmussen, J. J.;
    • Pitts, R. A.;
    • Reiter, D.
    Publication type:
  • Integrated ELM Modelling.

    Published in:
    Contributions to Plasma Physics, 2006, v. 46, n. 7-9, p. 726, doi. 10.1002/ctpp.200610070
    • Lönnroth, J.-S.;
    • Bateman, G.;
    • Bécoulet, M.;
    • Beyer, P.;
    • Corrigan, G.;
    • Figarella, C.;
    • Fundamenski, W.;
    • Garcia, O. E.;
    • Garbet, X.;
    • Huysmans, G.;
    • Janeschitz, G.;
    • Johnson, T.;
    • Kiviniemi, T.;
    • Kuhn, S.;
    • Kritz, A.;
    • Loarte, A.;
    • Naulin, V.;
    • Nave, F.;
    • Onjun, T.;
    • Pacher, G. W.
    Publication type:
  • Divertor modelling of septum assessment experiments in JET MkIIGB.

    Published in:
    Contributions to Plasma Physics, 2004, v. 44, n. 1-3, p. 241, doi. 10.1002/ctpp.200410035
    • Tsitrone, E.;
    • Andrew, P.;
    • Bonnin, X.;
    • Coad, P.;
    • Coster, D.;
    • Fundamenski, W.;
    • Ghendrih, P.;
    • Huber, A.;
    • Jachmich, S.;
    • Kukushkin, A.;
    • Loarte, A.;
    • Matthews, G.;
    • Pitts, R.;
    • Rapp, J.;
    • Reiter, D.;
    • Stamp, M.;
    • Wischmeier, M.;
    • contributors to the JET EFDA work programme
    Publication type:
  • Recent Developments in Monte Carlo Codes for Edge Plasma Studies.

    Published in:
    Contributions to Plasma Physics, 2002, v. 42, n. 2-4, p. 145, doi. 10.1002/1521-3986(200204)42:2/4<145::AID-CTPP145>3.0.CO;2-0
    • Sipilä, S.K.;
    • Heikkinen, J.A.;
    • Kiviniemi, T.P.;
    • Kurki-Suonio, T.;
    • Fundamenski, W.;
    • Nordlund, K.
    Publication type: