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  • Nine out of ten samples were mistakenly switched by The Orang-utan Genome Consortium.

    Published in:
    Scientific Data, 2022, v. 9, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41597-022-01602-0
    • Banes, Graham L.;
    • Fountain, Emily D.;
    • Karklus, Alyssa;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Antonacci-Fulton, Lucinda;
    • Nelson, Joanne O.
    Publication type:
  • Author Correction: A general approach for detecting expressed mutations in AML cells using single cell RNA-sequencing.

    Published in:
    • Petti, Allegra A.;
    • Williams, Stephen R.;
    • Miller, Christopher A.;
    • Fiddes, Ian T.;
    • Srivatsan, Sridhar N.;
    • Chen, David Y.;
    • Fronick, Catrina C.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Church, Deanna M.;
    • Ley, Timothy J.
    Publication type:
    Correction Notice
  • A domestic cat whole exome sequencing resource for trait discovery.

    Published in:
    Scientific Reports, 2021, v. 11, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41598-021-86200-7
    • Rodney, Alana R.;
    • Buckley, Reuben M.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Fronick, Catrina;
    • Richmond, Todd;
    • Helps, Christopher R.;
    • Pantke, Peter;
    • Trent, Dianne J.;
    • Vernau, Karen M.;
    • Munday, John S.;
    • Lewin, Andrew C.;
    • Middleton, Rondo;
    • Lyons, Leslie A.;
    • Warren, Wesley C.
    Publication type:
  • Rapid and Extraction-Free Detection of SARS-CoV-2 from Saliva by Colorimetric Reverse-Transcription Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification.

    Published in:
    Clinical Chemistry, 2021, v. 67, n. 2, p. 415, doi. 10.1093/clinchem/hvaa267
    • Lalli, Matthew A.;
    • Langmade, Joshua S.;
    • Chen, Xuhua;
    • Fronick, Catrina C.;
    • Sawyer, Christopher S.;
    • Burcea, Lauren C.;
    • Wilkinson, Michael N.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Heinz, Michael;
    • Buchser, William J.;
    • Head, Richard D.;
    • Mitra, Robi D.;
    • Milbrandt, Jeffrey
    Publication type:
  • A general approach for detecting expressed mutations in AML cells using single cell RNA-sequencing.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2019, v. 10, n. 1, p. N.PAG, doi. 10.1038/s41467-019-11591-1
    • Petti, Allegra A.;
    • Williams, Stephen R.;
    • Miller, Christopher A.;
    • Fiddes, Ian T.;
    • Srivatsan, Sridhar N.;
    • Chen, David Y.;
    • Fronick, Catrina C.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Church, Deanna M.;
    • Ley, Timothy J.
    Publication type:
  • Recurrent WNT pathway alterations are frequent in relapsed small cell lung cancer.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2018, v. 9, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41467-018-06162-9
    • Wagner, Alex H.;
    • Devarakonda, Siddhartha;
    • Skidmore, Zachary L.;
    • Krysiak, Kilannin;
    • Ramu, Avinash;
    • Trani, Lee;
    • Kunisaki, Jason;
    • Masood, Ashiq;
    • Waqar, Saiama N.;
    • Spies, Nicholas C.;
    • Morgensztern, Daniel;
    • Waligorski, Jason;
    • Ponce, Jennifer;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Maggi, Leonard B.;
    • Weber, Jason D.;
    • Watson, Mark A.;
    • O’Conor, Christopher J.;
    • Ritter, Jon H.;
    • Olsen, Rachelle R.
    Publication type:
  • Cellular stressors contribute to the expansion of hematopoietic clones of varying leukemic potential.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2018, v. 9, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41467-018-02858-0
    • Wong, Terrence N.;
    • Miller, Christopher A.;
    • Jotte, Matthew R. M.;
    • Bagegni, Nusay ba;
    • Baty, Jack D.;
    • Schmidt, Amy P.;
    • Cashen, Amanda F.;
    • Duncavage, Eric J.;
    • Helton, Nichole M.;
    • Fiala, Mark;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Heath, Sharon E.;
    • Janke, Megan;
    • Luber, Kierstin;
    • Westervelt, Peter;
    • Vij, Ravi;
    • Di Persio, John F.;
    • Welch, John S.;
    • Graubert, Timothy A.;
    • Walter, Matthew J.
    Publication type:
  • Brief Report: The Role of Rare Protein-Coding Variants in Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor Treatment Response in Rheumatoid Arthritis.

    Published in:
    Arthritis & Rheumatology, 2017, v. 69, n. 4, p. 735, doi. 10.1002/art.39966
    • Cui, Jing;
    • Diogo, Dorothee;
    • Stahl, Eli A.;
    • Canhao, Helena;
    • Mariette, Xavier;
    • Greenberg, Jeffrey D.;
    • Okada, Yukinori;
    • Pappas, Dimitrios A.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Tak, Paul P.;
    • Nurmohamed, Michael T.;
    • Lee, Annette;
    • Larson, David E.;
    • Kurreeman, Fina;
    • Deluca, Tracie L.;
    • O'Laughlin, Michelle;
    • Fronick, Catrina C.;
    • Fulton, Lucinda L.;
    • Mardis, Elaine R.;
    • van der Horst‐Bruinsma, Irene E.
    Publication type:
  • ATRX in Diffuse Gliomas With its Mosaic/Heterogeneous Expression in a Subset.

    Published in:
    Brain Pathology, 2017, v. 27, n. 2, p. 138, doi. 10.1111/bpa.12364
    • Purkait, Suvendu;
    • Miller, Christopher A.;
    • Kumar, Anupam;
    • Sharma, Vikas;
    • Pathak, Pankaj;
    • Jha, Prerana;
    • Sharma, Mehar Chand;
    • Suri, Vaishali;
    • Suri, Ashish;
    • Sharma, B.S.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Kale, Shashank Sharad;
    • Dahiya, Sonika;
    • Sarkar, Chitra
    Publication type:
  • Correction: Tumor Evolution in Two Patients with Basal-like Breast Cancer: A Retrospective Genomics Study of Multiple Metastases.

    Published in:
    • Hoadley, Katherine A.;
    • Siegel, Marni B.;
    • Kanchi, Krishna L.;
    • Miller, Christopher A.;
    • Ding, Li;
    • Zhao, Wei;
    • He, Xiaping;
    • Parker, Joel S.;
    • Wendl, Michael C.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Demeter, Ryan T.;
    • Wilson, Richard K.;
    • Carey, Lisa A.;
    • Perou, Charles M.;
    • Mardis, Elaine R.
    Publication type:
    corrected article
  • Mutant U2AF1-expressing cells are sensitive to pharmacological modulation of the spliceosome.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2017, v. 8, n. 1, p. 14060, doi. 10.1038/ncomms14060
    • Shirai, Cara Lunn;
    • White, Brian S.;
    • Tripathi, Manorama;
    • Tapia, Roberto;
    • Ley, James N.;
    • Ndonwi, Matthew;
    • Kim, Sanghyun;
    • Shao, Jin;
    • Carver, Alexa;
    • Saez, Borja;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Fronick, Catrina;
    • O'Laughlin, Michelle;
    • Lagisetti, Chandraiah;
    • Webb, Thomas R.;
    • Graubert, Timothy A.;
    • Walter, Matthew J.
    Publication type:
  • Tumor Evolution in Two Patients with Basal-like Breast Cancer: A Retrospective Genomics Study of Multiple Metastases.

    Published in:
    • Hoadley, Katherine A.;
    • Siegel, Marni B.;
    • Kanchi, Krishna L.;
    • Miller, Christopher A.;
    • Ding, Li;
    • Zhao, Wei;
    • He, Xiaping;
    • Parker, Joel S.;
    • Wendl, Michael C.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Demeter, Ryan T.;
    • Wilson, Richard K.;
    • Carey, Lisa A.;
    • Perou, Charles M.;
    • Mardis, Elaine R.
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • North Carolina macular dystrophy (MCDR1) caused by a novel tandem duplication of the PRDM13 gene.

    Published in:
    Molecular Vision, 2016, v. 22, p. 1
    • Bowne, Sara J.;
    • Sullivan, Lori S.;
    • Wheaton, Dianna K.;
    • Locke, Kirsten G.;
    • Jones, Kaylie D.;
    • Koboldt, Daniel C.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Wilson, Richard K.;
    • Blanton, Susan H.;
    • Birch, David G.;
    • Daiger, Stephen P.
    Publication type:
  • Patterns and functional implications of rare germline variants across 12 cancer types.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2015, v. 6, n. 12, p. 10086, doi. 10.1038/ncomms10086
    • Lu, Charles;
    • Xie, Mingchao;
    • Wendl, Michael C.;
    • Wang, Jiayin;
    • McLellan, Michael D.;
    • Leiserson, Mark D. M.;
    • Huang, Kuan-lin;
    • Wyczalkowski, Matthew A.;
    • Jayasinghe, Reyka;
    • Banerjee, Tapahsama;
    • Ning, Jie;
    • Tripathi, Piyush;
    • Zhang, Qunyuan;
    • Niu, Beifang;
    • Ye, Kai;
    • Schmidt, Heather K.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • McMichael, Joshua F.;
    • Batra, Prag;
    • Kandoth, Cyriac
    Publication type:
  • [<sup>18</sup>F]FHBG PET/CT Imaging of CD34-TK75 Transduced Donor T Cells in Relapsed Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant Patients: Safety and Feasibility.

    Published in:
    Molecular Therapy, 2015, v. 23, n. 6, p. 1110, doi. 10.1038/mt.2015.48
    • Eissenberg, Linda G;
    • Rettig, Michael P;
    • Ritchey, Julie K;
    • Prior, Julie L;
    • Schwarz, Sally W;
    • Frye, Jennifer;
    • White, Brian S;
    • Fulton, Robert S;
    • Ghobadi, Armin;
    • Cooper, Matthew L;
    • Couriel, Daniel R;
    • Seegulam, Muhammad Esa;
    • Piwnica-Worms, David;
    • Dehdashti, Farrokh;
    • Cornetta, Kenneth;
    • DiPersio, John F
    Publication type:
  • TYK2 Protein-Coding Variants Protect against Rheumatoid Arthritis and Autoimmunity, with No Evidence of Major Pleiotropic Effects on Non-Autoimmune Complex Traits.

    Published in:
    PLoS ONE, 2015, v. 10, n. 4, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0122271
    • Diogo, Dorothée;
    • Bastarache, Lisa;
    • Liao, Katherine P.;
    • Graham, Robert R.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Greenberg, Jeffrey D.;
    • Eyre, Steve;
    • Bowes, John;
    • Cui, Jing;
    • Lee, Annette;
    • Pappas, Dimitrios A.;
    • Kremer, Joel M.;
    • Barton, Anne;
    • Coenen, Marieke J. H.;
    • Franke, Barbara;
    • Kiemeney, Lambertus A.;
    • Mariette, Xavier;
    • Richard-Miceli, Corrine;
    • Canhão, Helena;
    • Fonseca, João E.
    Publication type:
  • Role of TP53 mutations in the origin and evolution of therapy-related acute myeloid leukaemia.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2015, v. 518, n. 7540, p. 552, doi. 10.1038/nature13968
    • Wong, Terrence N.;
    • Ramsingh, Giridharan;
    • Young, Andrew L.;
    • Miller, Christopher A.;
    • Touma, Waseem;
    • Welch, John S.;
    • Lamprecht, Tamara L.;
    • Shen, Dong;
    • Hundal, Jasreet;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Heath, Sharon;
    • Baty, Jack D.;
    • Klco, Jeffery M.;
    • Ding, Li;
    • Mardis, Elaine R.;
    • Westervelt, Peter;
    • DiPersio, John F.;
    • Walter, Matthew J.;
    • Graubert, Timothy A.;
    • Ley, Timothy J.
    Publication type:
  • Corrigendum: Mammalian Y chromosomes retain widely expressed dosage-sensitive regulators.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2014, v. 514, n. 7520, p. 126, doi. 10.1038/nature13719
    • Bellott, Daniel W.;
    • Hughes, Jennifer F.;
    • Skaletsky, Helen;
    • Brown, Laura G.;
    • Pyntikova, Tatyana;
    • Cho, Ting-Jan;
    • Koutseva, Natalia;
    • Zaghlul, Sara;
    • Graves, Tina;
    • Rock, Susie;
    • Kremitzki, Colin;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Dugan, Shannon;
    • Ding, Yan;
    • Morton, Donna;
    • Khan, Ziad;
    • Lewis, Lora;
    • Buhay, Christian;
    • Wang, Qiaoyan;
    • Watt, Jennifer
    Publication type:
  • Mammalian Y chromosomes retain widely expressed dosage-sensitive regulators.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2014, v. 508, n. 7497, p. 494, doi. 10.1038/nature13206
    • Bellott, Daniel W.;
    • Hughes, Jennifer F.;
    • Skaletsky, Helen;
    • Brown, Laura G.;
    • Pyntikova, Tatyana;
    • Cho, Ting-Jan;
    • Koutseva, Natalia;
    • Zaghlul, Sara;
    • Graves, Tina;
    • Rock, Susie;
    • Kremitzki, Colin;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Dugan, Shannon;
    • Ding, Yan;
    • Morton, Donna;
    • Khan, Ziad;
    • Lewis, Lora;
    • Buhay, Christian;
    • Wang, Qiaoyan;
    • Watt, Jennifer
    Publication type:
  • Integration of Sequence Data from a Consanguineous Family with Genetic Data from an Outbred Population Identifies <i>PLB1</i> as a Candidate Rheumatoid Arthritis Risk Gene.

    Published in:
    PLoS ONE, 2014, v. 9, n. 2, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0087645
    • Okada, Yukinori;
    • Diogo, Dorothee;
    • Greenberg, Jeffrey D.;
    • Mouassess, Faten;
    • Achkar, Walid A. L.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Denny, Joshua C.;
    • Gupta, Namrata;
    • Mirel, Daniel;
    • Gabriel, Stacy;
    • Li, Gang;
    • Kremer, Joel M.;
    • Pappas, Dimitrios A.;
    • Carroll, Robert J.;
    • Eyler, Anne E.;
    • Trynka, Gosia;
    • Stahl, Eli A.;
    • Cui, Jing;
    • Saxena, Richa;
    • Coenen, Marieke J. H.
    Publication type:
  • Integrated analysis of germline and somatic variants in ovarian cancer.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2014, v. 5, n. 1, p. 3156, doi. 10.1038/ncomms4156
    • Kanchi, Krishna L.;
    • Johnson, Kimberly J.;
    • Lu, Charles;
    • McLellan, Michael D.;
    • Leiserson, Mark D. M.;
    • Wendl, Michael C.;
    • Zhang, Qunyuan;
    • Koboldt, Daniel C.;
    • Xie, Mingchao;
    • Kandoth, Cyriac;
    • McMichael, Joshua F.;
    • Wyczalkowski, Matthew A.;
    • Larson, David E.;
    • Schmidt, Heather K.;
    • Miller, Christopher A.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Spellman, Paul T.;
    • Mardis, Elaine R.;
    • Druley, Todd E.;
    • Graubert, Timothy A.
    Publication type:
  • Identification of a rare coding variant in complement 3 associated with age-related macular degeneration.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 2013, v. 45, n. 11, p. 1375, doi. 10.1038/ng.2758
    • Zhan, Xiaowei;
    • Larson, David E;
    • Wang, Chaolong;
    • Koboldt, Daniel C;
    • Sergeev, Yuri V;
    • Fulton, Robert S;
    • Fulton, Lucinda L;
    • Fronick, Catrina C;
    • Branham, Kari E;
    • Bragg-Gresham, Jennifer;
    • Jun, Goo;
    • Hu, Youna;
    • Kang, Hyun Min;
    • Liu, Dajiang;
    • Othman, Mohammad;
    • Brooks, Matthew;
    • Ratnapriya, Rinki;
    • Boleda, Alexis;
    • Grassmann, Felix;
    • von Strachwitz, Claudia
    Publication type:
  • The Oxytricha trifallax Macronuclear Genome: A Complex Eukaryotic Genome with 16,000 Tiny Chromosomes.

    Published in:
    PLoS Biology, 2013, v. 11, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pbio.1001473
    • Swart, Estienne C.;
    • Bracht, John R.;
    • Magrini, Vincent;
    • Minx, Patrick;
    • Xiao Chen;
    • Yi Zhou;
    • Khurana, Jaspreet S.;
    • Goldman, Aaron D.;
    • Nowacki, Mariusz;
    • Schotanus, Klaas;
    • Seolkyoung Jung;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Ly, Amy;
    • McGrath, Sean;
    • Haub, Kevin;
    • Wiggins, Jessica L.;
    • Storton, Donna;
    • Matese, John C.;
    • Parsons, Lance;
    • Wei-Jen Chang
    Publication type:
  • Comprehensive molecular portraits of human breast tumours.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2012, v. 490, n. 7418, p. 61, doi. 10.1038/nature11412
    • Koboldt, Daniel C.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • McLellan, Michael D.;
    • Schmidt, Heather;
    • Kalicki-Veizer, Joelle;
    • McMichael, Joshua F.;
    • Fulton, Lucinda L.;
    • Dooling, David J.;
    • Ding, Li;
    • Mardis, Elaine R.;
    • Wilson, Richard K.;
    • Ally, Adrian;
    • Balasundaram, Miruna;
    • Butterfield, Yaron S. N.;
    • Carlsen, Rebecca;
    • Carter, Candace;
    • Chu, Andy;
    • Chuah, Eric;
    • Chun, Hye-Jung E.;
    • Coope, Robin J. N.
    Publication type:
  • Structure, function and diversity of the healthy human microbiome.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2012, v. 486, n. 7402, p. 207, doi. 10.1038/nature11234
    • Huttenhower, Curtis;
    • Gevers, Dirk;
    • Knight, Rob;
    • Abubucker, Sahar;
    • Badger, Jonathan H.;
    • Chinwalla, Asif T.;
    • Creasy, Heather H.;
    • Earl, Ashlee M.;
    • FitzGerald, Michael G.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Giglio, Michelle G.;
    • Hallsworth-Pepin, Kymberlie;
    • Lobos, Elizabeth A.;
    • Madupu, Ramana;
    • Magrini, Vincent;
    • Martin, John C.;
    • Mitreva, Makedonka;
    • Muzny, Donna M.;
    • Sodergren, Erica J.;
    • Versalovic, James
    Publication type:
  • A framework for human microbiome research.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2012, v. 486, n. 7402, p. 215, doi. 10.1038/nature11209
    • Methé, Barbara A.;
    • Nelson, Karen E.;
    • Pop, Mihai;
    • Creasy, Heather H.;
    • Giglio, Michelle G.;
    • Huttenhower, Curtis;
    • Gevers, Dirk;
    • Petrosino, Joseph F.;
    • Abubucker, Sahar;
    • Badger, Jonathan H.;
    • Chinwalla, Asif T.;
    • Earl, Ashlee M.;
    • FitzGerald, Michael G.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Hallsworth-Pepin, Kymberlie;
    • Lobos, Elizabeth A.;
    • Madupu, Ramana;
    • Magrini, Vincent;
    • Martin, John C.;
    • Mitreva, Makedonka
    Publication type:
  • Strict evolutionary conservation followed rapid gene loss on human and rhesus Y chromosomes.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2012, v. 483, n. 7387, p. 82, doi. 10.1038/nature10843
    • Hughes, Jennifer F.;
    • Skaletsky, Helen;
    • Brown, Laura G.;
    • Pyntikova, Tatyana;
    • Graves, Tina;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Dugan, Shannon;
    • Ding, Yan;
    • Buhay, Christian J.;
    • Kremitzki, Colin;
    • Wang, Qiaoyan;
    • Shen, Hua;
    • Holder, Michael;
    • Villasana, Donna;
    • Nazareth, Lynne V.;
    • Cree, Andrew;
    • Courtney, Laura;
    • Veizer, Joelle;
    • Kotkiewicz, Holland;
    • Cho, Ting-Jan
    Publication type:
  • Clonal evolution in relapsed acute myeloid leukaemia revealed by whole-genome sequencing.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2012, v. 481, n. 7382, p. 506, doi. 10.1038/nature10738
    • Ding, Li;
    • Ley, Timothy J.;
    • Larson, David E.;
    • Miller, Christopher A.;
    • Koboldt, Daniel C.;
    • Welch, John S.;
    • Ritchey, Julie K.;
    • Young, Margaret A.;
    • Lamprecht, Tamara;
    • McLellan, Michael D.;
    • McMichael, Joshua F.;
    • Wallis, John W.;
    • Lu, Charles;
    • Shen, Dong;
    • Harris, Christopher C.;
    • Dooling, David J.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Fulton, Lucinda L.;
    • Chen, Ken;
    • Schmidt, Heather
    Publication type:
  • Recurrent mutations in the U2AF1 splicing factor in myelodysplastic syndromes.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 2012, v. 44, n. 1, p. 53, doi. 10.1038/ng.1031
    • Graubert, Timothy A;
    • Shen, Dong;
    • Ding, Li;
    • Okeyo-Owuor, Theresa;
    • Lunn, Cara L;
    • Shao, Jin;
    • Krysiak, Kilannin;
    • Harris, Christopher C;
    • Koboldt, Daniel C;
    • Larson, David E;
    • McLellan, Michael D;
    • Dooling, David J;
    • Abbott, Rachel M;
    • Fulton, Robert S;
    • Schmidt, Heather;
    • Kalicki-Veizer, Joelle;
    • O'Laughlin, Michelle;
    • Grillot, Marcus;
    • Baty, Jack;
    • Heath, Sharon
    Publication type:
  • A dominant mutation in RPE65 identified by whole-exome sequencing causes retinitis pigmentosa with choroidal involvement.

    Published in:
    European Journal of Human Genetics, 2011, v. 19, n. 10, p. 1074, doi. 10.1038/ejhg.2011.86
    • Bowne, Sara J.;
    • Humphries, Marian M.;
    • Sullivan, Lori S.;
    • Kenna, Paul F.;
    • Tam, Lawrence C. S.;
    • Kiang, Anna S.;
    • Campbell, Matthew;
    • Weinstock, George M.;
    • Koboldt, Daniel C.;
    • Ding, Li;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Sodergren, Erica J.;
    • Allman, Denis;
    • Millington-Ward, Sophia;
    • Palfi, Arpad;
    • McKee, Alex;
    • Blanton, Susan H.;
    • Slifer, Susan;
    • Konidari, Ioanna;
    • Farrar, G. Jane
    Publication type:
  • A dominant mutation in RPE65 identified by whole-exome sequencing causes retinitis pigmentosa with choroidal involvement.

    Published in:
    • Bowne, Sara J;
    • Humphries, Marian M;
    • Sullivan, Lori S;
    • Kenna, Paul F;
    • Tam, Lawrence CS;
    • Kiang, Anna S;
    • Campbell, Matthew;
    • Weinstock, George M;
    • Koboldt, Daniel C;
    • Ding, Li;
    • Fulton, Robert S;
    • Sodergren, Erica J;
    • Allman, Denis;
    • Millington-Ward, Sophia;
    • Palfi, Arpad;
    • McKee, Alex;
    • Blanton, Susan H;
    • Slifer, Susan;
    • Konidari, Ioanna;
    • Farrar, G Jane
    Publication type:
    Correction notice
  • Identification of a Novel TP53 Cancer Susceptibility Mutation Through Whole-Genome Sequencing of a Patient With Therapy-Related AML.

    Published in:
    • Link, Daniel C.;
    • Schuettpelz, Laura G.;
    • Dong Shen;
    • Jinling Wang;
    • Walter, Matthew J.;
    • Kulkarni, Shashikant;
    • Payton, Jacqueline E.;
    • Ivanovich, Jennifer;
    • Goodfellow, Paul J.;
    • Le Beau, Michelle;
    • Koboldt, Daniel C.;
    • Dooling, David J.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Bender, R. Hugh F.;
    • Fulton, Lucinda L.;
    • Delehaunty, Kimberly D.;
    • Fronick, Catrina C.;
    • Appelbaum, Elizabeth L.;
    • Schmidt, Heather;
    • Abbott, Rachel
    Publication type:
    Case Study
  • Use of Whole-Genome Sequencing to Diagnose a Cryptic Fusion Oncogene.

    Published in:
    • Welch, John S.;
    • Westervelt, Peter;
    • Li Ding;
    • Larson, David E.;
    • Klco, Jeffery M.;
    • Kulkarni, Shashikant;
    • Wallis, John;
    • Chen, Ken;
    • Payton, Jacqueline E.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Veizer, Joelle;
    • Schmidt, Heather;
    • Vickery, Tammi L.;
    • Heath, Sharon;
    • Watson, Mark A.;
    • Tomasson, Michael H.;
    • Link, Daniel C.;
    • Graubert, Timothy A.;
    • DiPersio, John F.;
    • Mardis, Elaine R.
    Publication type:
    Case Study
  • Sequencing a mouse acute promyelocytic leukemia genome reveals genetic events relevant for disease progression.

    Published in:
    • Wartman, Lukas D.;
    • Larson, David E.;
    • Zhifu Xiang;
    • Li Ding;
    • Ken Chen;
    • Ling Lin;
    • Cahan, Patrick;
    • Klco, Jeffery M.;
    • Welch, John S.;
    • Cheng Li;
    • Payton, Jacqueline E.;
    • Uy, Geoffrey L.;
    • Varghese, Nobish;
    • Ries, Rhonda E.;
    • Hoock, Mieke;
    • Koboldt, Daniel C.;
    • McLellan, Michael D.;
    • Schmidt, Heather;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Abbott, Rachel M.
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • The draft genome of the parasitic nematode Trichinella spiralis.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 2011, v. 43, n. 3, p. 228, doi. 10.1038/ng.769
    • Mitreva, Makedonka;
    • Jasmer, Douglas P.;
    • Zarlenga, Dante S.;
    • Zhengyuan Wang;
    • Abubucker, Sahar;
    • Martin, John;
    • Taylor, Christina M.;
    • Yong Yin;
    • Fulton, Lucinda;
    • Minx, Pat;
    • Shiaw-Pyng Yang;
    • Warren, Wesley C.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Bhonagiri, Veena;
    • Xu Zhang;
    • Hallsworth-Pepin, Kym;
    • Clifton, Sandra W.;
    • McCarter, James P.;
    • Appleton, Judith;
    • Mardis, Elaine R.
    Publication type:
  • Comparative and demographic analysis of orang-utan genomes.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2011, v. 469, n. 7331, p. 529, doi. 10.1038/nature09687
    • Locke, Devin P.;
    • Hillier, LaDeana W.;
    • Warren, Wesley C.;
    • Worley, Kim C.;
    • Nazareth, Lynne V.;
    • Muzny, Donna M.;
    • Shiaw-Pyng Yang;
    • Zhengyuan Wang;
    • Chinwalla, Asif T.;
    • Minx, Pat;
    • Mitreva, Makedonka;
    • Cook, Lisa;
    • Delehaunty, Kim D.;
    • Fronick, Catrina;
    • Schmidt, Heather;
    • Fulton, Lucinda A.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Nelson, Joanne O.;
    • Magrini, Vincent;
    • Pohl, Craig
    Publication type:
  • Genome remodelling in a basal-like breast cancer metastasis and xenograft.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2010, v. 464, n. 7291, p. 999, doi. 10.1038/nature08989
    • Li Ding;
    • Ellis, Matthew J.;
    • Shunqiang Li;
    • Larson, David E.;
    • Ken Chen;
    • Wallis, John W.;
    • Harris, Christopher C.;
    • McLellan, Michael D.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Fulton, Lucinda L.;
    • Abbott, Rachel M.;
    • Hoog, Jeremy;
    • Dooling, David J.;
    • Koboldt, Daniel C.;
    • Schmidt, Heather;
    • Kalicki, Joelle;
    • Qunyuan Zhang;
    • Lei Chen;
    • Ling Lin;
    • Wendl, Michael C.
    Publication type:
  • Chimpanzee and human Y chromosomes are remarkably divergent in structure and gene content.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2010, v. 463, n. 7280, p. 536, doi. 10.1038/nature08700
    • Hughes, Jennifer F.;
    • Skaletsky, Helen;
    • Pyntikova, Tatyana;
    • Graves, Tina A.;
    • van Daalen, Saskia K. M.;
    • Minx, Patrick J.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • McGrath, Sean D.;
    • Locke, Devin P.;
    • Friedman, Cynthia;
    • Trask, Barbara J.;
    • Mardis, Elaine R.;
    • Warren, Wesley C.;
    • Repping, Sjoerd;
    • Rozen, Steve;
    • Wilson, Richard K.;
    • Page, David C.
    Publication type:
  • The Physical and Genetic Framework of the Maize B73 Genome.

    Published in:
    PLoS Genetics, 2009, v. 5, n. 11, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pgen.1000715
    • Fusheng Wei;
    • Jianwei Zhang;
    • Shiguo Zhou;
    • Ruifeng He;
    • Schaeffer, Mary;
    • Collura, Kristi;
    • Kudrna, David;
    • Faga, Ben P.;
    • Wissotski1, Marina;
    • Golser, Wolfgang;
    • Rock, Susan M.;
    • Graves, Tina A.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Coe, Ed;
    • Schnable, Patrick S.;
    • Schwartz, David C.;
    • Doreen Ware;
    • Sandra W. Clifton;
    • Wilson, Richard K.;
    • Wing, Rod A.
    Publication type:
  • Detailed Analysis of a Contiguous 22-Mb Region of the Maize Genome.

    Published in:
    PLoS Genetics, 2009, v. 5, n. 11, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pgen.1000728
    • Fusheng Wei;
    • Stein, Joshua C.;
    • Chengzhi Liang;
    • Jianwei Zhang;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Baucom, Regina S.;
    • de Paoli, Emanuele;
    • Shiguo Zhou;
    • Lixing Yang;
    • Yujun Han;
    • Pasternak, Shiran;
    • Narechania, Apurva;
    • Lifang Zhang;
    • Cheng-Ting Yeh;
    • Kai Ying;
    • Nagel, Dawn H.;
    • Collura, Kristi;
    • Kudrna, David;
    • Currie, Jennifer;
    • Jinke Lin
    Publication type:
  • BreakDancer: an algorithm for high-resolution mapping of genomic structural variation.

    Published in:
    Nature Methods, 2009, v. 6, n. 9, p. 677, doi. 10.1038/nmeth.1363
    • Chen, Ken;
    • Wallis, John W.;
    • McLellan, Michael D.;
    • Larson, David E.;
    • Kalicki, Joelle M.;
    • Pohl, Craig S.;
    • McGrath, Sean D.;
    • Wendl, Michael C.;
    • Qunyuan Zhang;
    • Locke, Devin P.;
    • Xiaoqi Shi;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Ley, Timothy J.;
    • Wilson, Richard K.;
    • Li Ding;
    • Mardis, Elaine R.
    Publication type:
  • Somatic mutations affect key pathways in lung adenocarcinoma.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2008, v. 455, n. 7216, p. 1069, doi. 10.1038/nature07423
    • Li Ding;
    • Getz, Gad;
    • Wheeler, David A.;
    • Mardis, Elaine R.;
    • McLellan, Michael D.;
    • Cibulskis, Kristian;
    • Sougnez, Carrie;
    • Greulich, Heidi;
    • Muzny, Donna M.;
    • Morgan, Margaret B.;
    • Fulton, Lucinda;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Qunyuan Zhang;
    • Wendl, Michael C.;
    • Lawrence, Michael S.;
    • Larson, David E.;
    • Chen, Ken;
    • Dooling, David J.;
    • Sabo, Aniko;
    • Hawes, Alicia C.
    Publication type:
  • After the Duplication: Gene Loss and Adaptation in Saccharomyces Genomes.

    Published in:
    Genetics, 2006, v. 172, n. 2, p. 863, doi. 10.1534/genetics.105.048900
    • Cliften, Paul F.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Wilson, Richard K.;
    • Johnston, Mark
    Publication type:
  • Generation and annotation of the DNA sequences of human chromosomes 2 and 4.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2005, v. 434, n. 7034, p. 724, doi. 10.1038/nature03466
    • Hillier, LaDeana W.;
    • Graves, Tina A.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Fulton, Lucinda A.;
    • Pepin, Kymberlie H.;
    • Minx, Patrick;
    • Wagner-McPherson, Caryn;
    • Layman, Dan;
    • Wylie, Kristine;
    • Sekhon, Mandeep;
    • Becker, Michael C.;
    • Fewell, Ginger A.;
    • Delehaunty, Kimberly D.;
    • Miner, Tracie L.;
    • Nash, William E.;
    • Kremitzki, Colin;
    • Oddy, Lachlan;
    • Du, Hui;
    • Sun, Hui;
    • Bradshaw-Cordum, Holland
    Publication type:
  • The DNA sequence of the human X chromosome.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2005, v. 434, n. 7031, p. 325, doi. 10.1038/nature03440
    • Ross, Mark T.;
    • Grafham, Darren V.;
    • Coffey, Alison J.;
    • Scherer, Steven;
    • McLay, Kirsten;
    • Muzny, Donna;
    • Platzer, Matthias;
    • Howell, Gareth R.;
    • Burrows, Christine;
    • Bird, Christine P.;
    • Frankish, Adam;
    • Lovell, Frances L.;
    • Howe, Kevin L.;
    • Ashurst, Jennifer L.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Sudbrak, Ralf;
    • Wen, Gaiping;
    • Jones, Matthew C.;
    • Hurles, Matthew E.;
    • Andrews, T. Daniel
    Publication type:
  • Sequence and comparative analysis of the chicken genome provide unique perspectives on vertebrate evolution.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2004, v. 432, n. 7018, p. 695, doi. 10.1038/nature03154
    • Hillier, LaDeana W.;
    • Miller, Webb;
    • Birney, Ewan;
    • Warren, Wesley;
    • Hardison, Ross C.;
    • Ponting, Chris P.;
    • Bork, Peer;
    • Burt, David W.;
    • Groenen, Martien A. M.;
    • Delany, Mary E.;
    • Dodgson, Jerry B.;
    • Chinwalla, Asif T.;
    • Cliften, Paul F.;
    • Clifton, Sandra W.;
    • Delehaunty, Kimberly D.;
    • Fronick, Catrina;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Graves, Tina A.;
    • Kremitzki, Colin;
    • Layman, Dan
    Publication type:
  • The DNA sequence of human chromosome 7.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2003, v. 424, n. 6945, p. 157, doi. 10.1038/nature01782
    • Hillier, LaDeana W.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Fulton, Lucinda A.;
    • Graves, Tina A.;
    • Pepin, Kymberlie H.;
    • Wagner-McPherson, Caryn;
    • Layman, Dan;
    • Maas, Jason;
    • Jaeger, Sara;
    • Walker, Rebecca;
    • Wylie, Kristine;
    • Sekhon, Mandeep;
    • Becker, Michael C.;
    • O'Laughlin, Michelle D.;
    • Schaller, Mark E.;
    • Fewell, Ginger A.;
    • Delehaunty, Kimberly D.;
    • Miner, Tracie L.;
    • Nash, William E.
    Publication type:
  • Integration of physical, genetic and cytogenetic maps of human chromosome 7: isolation and analysis of yeast artificial chromosome clones for 117 mapped genetic markers.

    Published in:
    Human Molecular Genetics, 1994, v. 3, n. 3, p. 489
    • Green, Eric D.;
    • ldol, Jacquelyn R.;
    • Mohr-Tldwell, Rose M.;
    • Braden, Valerie V.;
    • Peluso, Dale C.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Massa, Hillary F.;
    • Magness, Charles L.;
    • Wllson, Alllson M.;
    • Kimura, Joe;
    • Welssenbach, Jean;
    • Trask, Barbara J.
    Publication type: