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  • Agricultural Tractor Test.

    Published in:
    Revista Ciência Agronômica, 2020, v. 51, n. 5, p. 1, doi. 10.5935/1806-6690.20200104
    • Pereira Lanças, Kléber;
    • Marques Filho, Aldir Carpes;
    • dos Santos Moura, Michel;
    • de Jesus Damasceno, Fellippe Aroon;
    • Roveri Balestrin, Daniel
    Publication type:
  • Models for predicting coffee yield from chemical characteristics of soil and leaves using machine learning.

    Published in:
    Journal of the Science of Food & Agriculture, 2024, v. 104, n. 9, p. 5197, doi. 10.1002/jsfa.13362
    • de Oliveira Faria, Rafael;
    • Filho, Aldir Carpes Marques;
    • Santana, Lucas Santos;
    • Martins, Murilo Battistuzzi;
    • Sobrinho, Renato Lustosa;
    • Zoz, Tiago;
    • de Oliveira, Bruno Rodrigues;
    • Alwasel, Yasmeen A.;
    • Okla, Mohammad K.;
    • Abdelgawad, Hamada
    Publication type:
  • Controlled Traffic Farm: Fuel Demand and Carbon Emissions in Soybean Sowing.

    Published in:
    AgriEngineering, 2024, v. 6, n. 2, p. 1794, doi. 10.3390/agriengineering6020104
    • Martins, Murilo Battistuzzi;
    • Marques Filho, Aldir Carpes;
    • Seron, Cássio de Castro;
    • Guimarães Júnnyor, Wellingthon da Silva;
    • Vendruscolo, Eduardo Pradi;
    • Bortolheiro, Fernanda Pacheco de Almeida Prado;
    • Blanco Bertolo, Diego Miguel;
    • Lopes, Arthur Gabriel Caldas;
    • Santana, Lucas Santos
    Publication type:
  • Productivity and Quality Sugarcane Broth at Different Soil Management.

    Published in:
    Agronomy, 2023, v. 13, n. 1, p. 170, doi. 10.3390/agronomy13010170
    • Martins, Murilo Battistuzzi;
    • Filho, Aldir Carpes Marques;
    • Santana, Lucas Santos;
    • Júnnyor, Wellingthon da Silva Guimarães;
    • Bortolheiro, Fernanda Pacheco de Almeida Prado;
    • Vendruscolo, Eduardo Pradi;
    • Seron, Cássio de Castro;
    • Costa, Edilson;
    • da Silva, Kelly Gabriela Pereira
    Publication type:
  • Continuous and Impact Cutting in Mechanized Sugarcane Harvest: Quality, Losses and Impurities.

    Published in:
    Agriculture; Basel, 2023, v. 13, n. 7, p. 1329, doi. 10.3390/agriculture13071329
    • Paulo Testa, João Vitor;
    • Battistuzzi Martins, Murilo;
    • Carpes Marques Filho, Aldir;
    • Pereira Lanças, Kléber;
    • Lustosa Sobrinho, Renato;
    • Finatto, Taciane;
    • Okla, Mohammad K.;
    • AbdElgawad, Hamada
    Publication type: