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  • Detector Development for the CRESST Experiment.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2024, v. 216, n. 1/2, p. 393, doi. 10.1007/s10909-024-03154-6
    • Angloher, G.;
    • Banik, S.;
    • Benato, G.;
    • Bento, A.;
    • Bertolini, A.;
    • Breier, R.;
    • Bucci, C.;
    • Burkhart, J.;
    • Canonica, L.;
    • D'Addabbo, A.;
    • Di Lorenzo, S.;
    • Einfalt, L.;
    • Erb, A.;
    • Feilitzsch, F. V.;
    • Fichtinger, S.;
    • Fuchs, D.;
    • Garai, A.;
    • Ghete, V. M.;
    • Gorla, P.;
    • Guillaumon, P. V.
    Publication type:
  • Optimal Operation of Cryogenic Calorimeters Through Deep Reinforcement Learning.

    Published in:
    Computing & Software for Big Science, 2024, v. 8, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1007/s41781-024-00119-y
    • Angloher, G.;
    • Banik, S.;
    • Benato, G.;
    • Bento, A.;
    • Bertolini, A.;
    • Breier, R.;
    • Bucci, C.;
    • Burkhart, J.;
    • Canonica, L.;
    • D'Addabbo, A.;
    • Di Lorenzo, S.;
    • Einfalt, L.;
    • Erb, A.;
    • v. Feilitzsch, F.;
    • Fichtinger, S.;
    • Fuchs, D.;
    • Garai, A.;
    • Ghete, V. M.;
    • Gorla, P.;
    • Guillaumon, P. V.
    Publication type:
  • Light dark matter search using a diamond cryogenic detector.

    Published in:
    European Physical Journal C -- Particles & Fields, 2024, v. 84, n. 3, p. 1, doi. 10.1140/epjc/s10052-024-12647-3
    • Angloher, G.;
    • Banik, S.;
    • Benato, G.;
    • Bento, A.;
    • Bertolini, A.;
    • Breier, R.;
    • Bucci, C.;
    • Burkhart, J.;
    • Canonica, L.;
    • D’Addabbo, A.;
    • Lorenzo, S. Di;
    • Einfalt, L.;
    • Erb, A.;
    • Feilitzsch, F. v.;
    • Fichtinger, S.;
    • Fuchs, D.;
    • Garai, A.;
    • Ghete, V. M.;
    • Gorla, P.;
    • Guillaumon, P. V.
    Publication type:
  • Improving the Quality of CaWO<sub>4</sub> Target Crystals for CRESST.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2022, v. 209, n. 5/6, p. 1128, doi. 10.1007/s10909-022-02743-7
    • Kinast, A.;
    • Angloher, G.;
    • Benato, G.;
    • Bento, A.;
    • Bertolini, A.;
    • Breier, R.;
    • Bucci, C.;
    • Canonica, L.;
    • D'Addabbo, A.;
    • Lorenzo, S. Di;
    • Einfalt, L.;
    • Erb, A.;
    • Feilitzsch, F. V.;
    • Iachellini, N. Ferreiro;
    • Fichtinger, S.;
    • Fuchs, D.;
    • Fuss, A.;
    • Garai, A.;
    • Ghete, V.-M.;
    • Gorla, P.
    Publication type:
  • Probing spin-dependent dark matter interactions with 6Li: CRESST Collaboration.

    Published in:
    European Physical Journal C -- Particles & Fields, 2022, v. 82, n. 3, p. 1, doi. 10.1140/epjc/s10052-022-10140-3
    • Angloher, G.;
    • Benato, G.;
    • Bento, A.;
    • Bertoldo, E.;
    • Bertolini, A.;
    • Breier, R.;
    • Bucci, C.;
    • Canonica, L.;
    • D'Addabbo, A.;
    • Di Lorenzo, S.;
    • Einfalt, L.;
    • Erb, A.;
    • Feilitzsch, F. v.;
    • Ferreiro Iachellini, N.;
    • Fichtinger, S.;
    • Fuchs, D.;
    • Fuss, A.;
    • Garai, A.;
    • Ghete, V. M.;
    • Gorla, P.
    Publication type:
  • Cryogenic characterization of a LiAlO2 crystal and new results on spin-dependent dark matter interactions with ordinary matter: CRESST Collaboration.

    Published in:
    European Physical Journal C -- Particles & Fields, 2020, v. 80, n. 9, p. N.PAG, doi. 10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-8329-4
    • Abdelhameed, A. H.;
    • Angloher, G.;
    • Bauer, P.;
    • Bento, A.;
    • Bertoldo, E.;
    • Breier, R.;
    • Bucci, C.;
    • Canonica, L.;
    • D'Addabbo, A.;
    • Di Lorenzo, S.;
    • Erb, A.;
    • Feilitzsch, F. V.;
    • Iachellini, N. Ferreiro;
    • Fichtinger, S.;
    • Fuchs, D.;
    • Fuss, A.;
    • Ghete, V. M.;
    • Garai, A.;
    • Gorla, P.;
    • Hauff, D.
    Publication type:
  • Lithium-Containing Crystals for Light Dark Matter Search Experiments.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2020, v. 199, n. 1/2, p. 510, doi. 10.1007/s10909-019-02287-3
    • Bertoldo, E.;
    • Abdelhameed, A. H.;
    • Angloher, G.;
    • Bauer, P.;
    • Bento, A.;
    • Breier, R.;
    • Bucci, C.;
    • Canonica, L.;
    • D'Addabbo, A.;
    • Di Lorenzo, S.;
    • Erb, A.;
    • Feilitzsch, F. V.;
    • Ferreiro Iachellini, N.;
    • Fichtinger, S.;
    • Fuchs, D.;
    • Fuss, A.;
    • Gorla, P.;
    • Hauff, D.;
    • Ješkovský, M.;
    • Jochum, J.
    Publication type:
  • Erratum to: Geant4-based electromagnetic background model for the CRESST dark matter experiment.

    Published in:
    • Abdelhameed, A. H.;
    • Angloher, G.;
    • Bauer, P.;
    • Bento, A.;
    • Bertoldo, E.;
    • Breier, R.;
    • Bucci, C.;
    • Canonica, L.;
    • D'Addabbo, A.;
    • Lorenzo, S. Di;
    • Erb, A.;
    • Feilitzsch, F. v.;
    • Iachellini, N. Ferreiro;
    • Fichtinger, S.;
    • Fuss, A.;
    • Gorla, P.;
    • Hauff, D.;
    • Jes̆kovský, M.;
    • Jochum, J.;
    • Kaizer, J.
    Publication type:
    Correction Notice
  • Geant4-based electromagnetic background model for the CRESST dark matter experiment.

    Published in:
    European Physical Journal C -- Particles & Fields, 2019, v. 79, n. 10, p. N.PAG, doi. 10.1140/epjc/s10052-019-7385-0
    • Abdelhameed, A. H.;
    • Angloher, G.;
    • Bauer, P.;
    • Bento, A.;
    • Bertoldo, E.;
    • Breier, R.;
    • Bucci, C.;
    • Canonica, L.;
    • D'Addabbo, A.;
    • Lorenzo, S. Di;
    • Erb, A.;
    • Feilitzsch, F. v.;
    • Iachellini, N. Ferreiro;
    • Fichtinger, S.;
    • Fuss, A.;
    • Gorla, P.;
    • Hauff, D.;
    • Jes̆kovský, M.;
    • Jochum, J.;
    • Kaizer, J.
    Publication type:
  • First results on sub-GeV spin-dependent dark matter interactions with 7Li.

    Published in:
    • Abdelhameed, A. H.;
    • Angloher, G.;
    • Bauer, P.;
    • Bento, A.;
    • Bertoldo, E.;
    • Bucci, C.;
    • Canonica, L.;
    • D'Addabbo, A.;
    • Defay, X.;
    • Di Lorenzo, S.;
    • Erb, A.;
    • Feilitzsch, F. v.;
    • Iachellini, N. Ferreiro;
    • Fichtinger, S.;
    • Fuss, A.;
    • Gorla, P.;
    • Hauff, D.;
    • Jochum, J.;
    • Kinast, A.;
    • Kluck, H.
    Publication type:
  • Limits on dark matter effective field theory parameters with CRESST-II.

    Published in:
    European Physical Journal C -- Particles & Fields, 2019, v. 79, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1140/epjc/s10052-018-6523-4
    • Angloher, G.;
    • Bauer, P.;
    • Bento, A.;
    • Bertoldo, E.;
    • Bucci, C.;
    • Canonica, L.;
    • D'Addabbo, A.;
    • Defay, X.;
    • Lorenzo, S. Di;
    • Erb, A.;
    • Feilitzsch, F. v.;
    • Ferreiro Iachellini, N.;
    • Gorla, P.;
    • Hauff, D.;
    • Jochum, J.;
    • Kiefer, M.;
    • Kluck, H.;
    • Kraus, H.;
    • Langenkämper, A.;
    • Mancuso, M.
    Publication type:
  • TES-Based Light Detectors for the CRESST Direct Dark Matter Search.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2018, v. 193, n. 5/6, p. 1160, doi. 10.1007/s10909-018-1944-x
    • Rothe, J.;
    • Angloher, G.;
    • Bauer, P.;
    • Bento, A.;
    • Bucci, C.;
    • Canonica, L.;
    • D’Addabbo, A.;
    • Defay, X.;
    • Erb, A.;
    • Feilitzsch, F. v.;
    • Ferreiro Iachellini, N.;
    • Gorla, P.;
    • Gütlein, A.;
    • Hauff, D.;
    • Jochum, J.;
    • Kiefer, M.;
    • Kluck, H.;
    • Kraus, H.;
    • Lanfranchi, J.-C.;
    • Langenkämper, A.
    Publication type:
  • Results on MeV-scale dark matter from a gram-scale cryogenic calorimeter operated above ground.

    Published in:
    European Physical Journal C -- Particles & Fields, 2017, v. 77, n. 9, p. 1, doi. 10.1140/epjc/s10052-017-5223-9
    • Angloher, G.;
    • Bauer, P.;
    • Bento, A.;
    • Bucci, C.;
    • Canonica, L.;
    • Defay, X.;
    • Erb, A.;
    • Feilitzsch, F. V.;
    • Ferreiro Iachellini, N.;
    • Gorla, P.;
    • Gütlein, A.;
    • Hauff, D.;
    • Jochum, J.;
    • Kiefer, M.;
    • Kluck, H.;
    • Kraus, H.;
    • Lanfranchi, J.-C.;
    • Langenkämper, A.;
    • Loebell, J.;
    • Mancuso, M.
    Publication type:

    Published in:
    EAS Publications Series, 2009, v. 36, p. 311, doi. 10.1051/eas/0936044
    • Roth, S.;
    • Ciemniak, C.;
    • Coppi, C.;
    • Feilitzsch, F. V.;
    • Gütlein, A.;
    • Isaila, C.;
    • Lanfranchi, J.-C.;
    • Pfister, S.;
    • Potzel, W.;
    • Westphal, W.
    Publication type:
  • Superconducting tunnel junctions as detectors for high-resolution x-ray spectroscopy.

    Published in:
    XRS: X-ray Spectrometry, 2004, v. 33, n. 4, p. 253, doi. 10.1002/xrs.715
    • Huber, M.;
    • Angloher, G.;
    • Hollerith, C.;
    • Ruedig, A.;
    • Jochum, J.;
    • Potzel, W.;
    • Feilitzsch, F. v.
    Publication type:
  • The CRESST Dark Matter Search.

    Published in:
    Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 2000, v. 63, n. 7, p. 1242, doi. 10.1134/1.855777
    • Seidel, W.;
    • Bravin, M.;
    • Bruckmayer, M.;
    • Bucci, C.;
    • Cooper, S.;
    • DiStefano, P.;
    • Feilitzsch, F. V.;
    • Frank, T.;
    • Jochum, J.;
    • Keeling, R.;
    • Kraus, H.;
    • Loidl, M.;
    • Marchese, J.;
    • Meier, O.;
    • Meunier, P.;
    • Nagel, U.;
    • Pergolesi, D.;
    • Pröbst, F.;
    • Ramachers, Y.;
    • Schnagl, J.
    Publication type:
  • High-resolution x-ray spectroscopy with superconducting tunnel junctions.

    Published in:
    XRS: X-ray Spectrometry, 1999, v. 28, n. 5, p. 309, doi. 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4539(199909/10)28:5&lt;309::AID-XRS341&gt;3.0.CO;2-1
    • Hettl, P.;
    • Angloher, G.;
    • Feilitzsch, F. v.;
    • Höhne, J.;
    • Jochum, J.;
    • Kraus, H.;
    • Mössbauer, R. L.
    Publication type:
  • High-resolution x-ray spectrometry using iridium-gold phase transition thermometers.

    Published in:
    XRS: X-ray Spectrometry, 1999, v. 28, n. 5, p. 396, doi. 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4539(199909/10)28:5&lt;396::AID-XRS374&gt;3.0.CO;2-Q
    • Höhne, J.;
    • Altmann, M.;
    • Angloher, G.;
    • Hettl, P.;
    • Jochum, J.;
    • Nüssle, T.;
    • Pfnür, S.;
    • Schnagl, J.;
    • Sarsa, M. L.;
    • Wänninger, S.;
    • Feilitzsch, F. v.
    Publication type:
  • Dynamics of radiation induced quasiparticles in superconducting tunnel junction detectors.

    Published in:
    Annalen der Physik, 1993, v. 505, n. 7, p. 611, doi. 10.1002/andp.19935050704
    • Jochum, J.;
    • Kraus, H.;
    • Gutsche, M.;
    • Kemmather, B.;
    • v. Feilitzsch, F.;
    • Mössbauer, R. L.
    Publication type: