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  • Correction: Blimp-1-Dependent IL-10 Production by Tr1 Cells Regulates TNF-Mediated Tissue Pathology.

    Published in:
    • Montes de Oca, Marcela;
    • Kumar, Rajiv;
    • de Labastida Rivera, Fabian;
    • Amante, Fiona H;
    • Sheel, Meru;
    • Faleiro, Rebecca J.;
    • Bunn, Patrick T.;
    • Best, Shannon E.;
    • Beattie, Lynette;
    • Ng, Susanna S.;
    • Edwards, Chelsea L.;
    • Muller, Werner;
    • Cretney, Erika;
    • Nutt, Stephen L.;
    • Smyth, Mark J.;
    • Haque, Ashraful;
    • Hill, Geoffrey R.;
    • Sundar, Shyam;
    • Kallies, Axel;
    • Engwerda, Christian R.
    Publication type:
    Correction Notice
  • Blimp-1-Dependent IL-10 Production by Tr1 Cells Regulates TNF-Mediated Tissue Pathology.

    Published in:
    PLoS Pathogens, 2016, v. 12, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.ppat.1005398
    • Montes de Oca, Marcela;
    • Kumar, Rajiv;
    • de Labastida Rivera, Fabian;
    • Amante, Fiona H;
    • Sheel, Meru;
    • Faleiro, Rebecca J.;
    • Bunn, Patrick T.;
    • Best, Shannon E.;
    • Beattie, Lynette;
    • Ng, Susanna S.;
    • Edwards, Chelsea L.;
    • Muller, Werner;
    • Cretney, Erika;
    • Nutt, Stephen L.;
    • Smyth, Mark J.;
    • Haque, Ashraful;
    • Hill, Geoffrey R.;
    • Sundar, Shyam;
    • Kallies, Axel;
    • Engwerda, Christian R.
    Publication type:
  • COPD Population in US Primary Care: Data From the Optimum Patient Care DARTNet Research Database and the Advancing the Patient Experience in COPD Registry.

    Published in:
    • Pace, Wilson D.;
    • Brandt, Elias;
    • Carter, Victoria A.;
    • Ku-Lang Chang;
    • Edwards, Chelsea L.;
    • Evans, Alexander;
    • Fox, Chester;
    • Gaona, Gabriela;
    • Han, MeiLan K.;
    • Kaplan, Alan G.;
    • Kent, Rachel;
    • Kocks, Janwillem W. H.;
    • Kruszyk, Maja;
    • Le Lievre, Chantal E.;
    • Li Voti, Tessa;
    • Mahle, Cathy;
    • Make, Barry;
    • Ratigan, Amanda R.;
    • Shaikh, Asif;
    • Skolnik, Neil
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • The Role of BACH2 in T Cells in Experimental Malaria Caused by Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi AS.

    Published in:
    Frontiers in Immunology, 2018, p. N.PAG, doi. 10.3389/fimmu.2018.02578
    • Edwards, Chelsea L.;
    • de Oca, Marcela Montes;
    • de Labastida Rivera, Fabian;
    • Kumar, Rajiv;
    • Ng, Susanna S.;
    • Wang, Yulin;
    • Amante, Fiona H.;
    • Kometani, Kohei;
    • Kurosaki, Tomohiro;
    • Sidwell, Tom;
    • Kallies, Axel;
    • Engwerda, Christian R.
    Publication type:
  • IL-27 signalling regulates glycolysis in Th1 cells to limit immunopathology during infection.

    Published in:
    PLoS Pathogens, 2020, v. 16, n. 10, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.ppat.1008994
    • Montes de Oca, Marcela;
    • de Labastida Rivera, Fabian;
    • Winterford, Clay;
    • Frame, Teija C. M.;
    • Ng, Susanna S.;
    • Amante, Fiona H.;
    • Edwards, Chelsea L.;
    • Bukali, Luzia;
    • Wang, Yulin;
    • Uzonna, Jude E.;
    • Kuns, Rachel D.;
    • Zhang, Ping;
    • Kabat, Agnieszka;
    • Klein Geltink, Ramon I.;
    • Pearce, Edward J.;
    • Hill, Geoffrey R.;
    • Engwerda, Christian R.
    Publication type:
  • Spatiotemporal requirements for IRF7 in mediating type I IFN-dependent susceptibility to blood-stage Plasmodium infection.

    Published in:
    European Journal of Immunology, 2015, v. 45, n. 1, p. 130, doi. 10.1002/eji.201444824
    • Edwards, Chelsea L.;
    • Best, Shannon E.;
    • Gun, Sin Yee;
    • Claser, Carla;
    • James, Kylie R.;
    • de Oca, Marcela Montes;
    • Sebina, Ismail;
    • Rivera, Fabian de Labastida;
    • Amante, Fiona H.;
    • Hertzog, Paul J.;
    • Engwerda, Christian R.;
    • Renia, Laurent;
    • Haque, Ashraful
    Publication type:
  • Combined Immune Therapy for the Treatment of Visceral Leishmaniasis.

    Published in:
    PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2016, v. 10, n. 2, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pntd.0004415
    • Faleiro, Rebecca J.;
    • Kumar, Rajiv;
    • Bunn, Patrick T.;
    • Singh, Neetu;
    • Chauhan, Shashi Bhushan;
    • Sheel, Meru;
    • Amante, Fiona H.;
    • Montes de Oca, Marcela;
    • Edwards, Chelsea L.;
    • Ng, Susanna S.;
    • Best, Shannon E.;
    • Haque, Ashraful;
    • Beattie, Lynette;
    • Hafner, Louise M.;
    • Sacks, David;
    • Nylen, Susanne;
    • Sundar, Shyam;
    • Engwerda, Christian R.
    Publication type:
  • Type I IFN signaling in CD8- DCs impairs Th1-dependent malaria immunity.

    Published in:
    • Haque, Ashraful;
    • Best, Shannon E;
    • Montes de Oca, Marcela;
    • James, Kylie R;
    • Ammerdorffer, Anne;
    • Edwards, Chelsea L;
    • de Labastida Rivera, Fabian;
    • Amante, Fiona H;
    • Bunn, Patrick T;
    • Sheel, Meru;
    • Sebina, Ismail;
    • Koyama, Motoko;
    • Varelias, Antiopi;
    • Hertzog, Paul J;
    • Kalinke, Ulrich;
    • Gun, Sin Yee;
    • Rénia, Laurent;
    • Ruedl, Christiane;
    • MacDonald, Kelli P A;
    • Hill, Geoffrey R
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Type I IFN signaling in CD8<sup>-</sup> DCs impairs Th1-dependent malaria immunity.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2014, v. 124, n. 6, p. 2483, doi. 10.1172/JCI70698
    • Haque, Ashraful;
    • Best, Shannon E.;
    • de Oca, Marcela Montes;
    • James, Kylie R.;
    • Ammerdorffer, Anne;
    • Edwards, Chelsea L.;
    • de Labastida Rivera, Fabian;
    • Amante, Fiona H.;
    • Bunn, Patrick T.;
    • Sheel, Meru;
    • Sebina, Ismail;
    • Motoko Koyama;
    • Varelias, Antiopi;
    • Hertzog, Paul J.;
    • Kalinke, Ulrich;
    • Sin Yee Gun;
    • Rénia, Laurent;
    • Ruedl, Christiane;
    • MacDonald, Kelli P. A.;
    • Hill, Geoffrey R.
    Publication type:
  • Early Changes in CD4+ T-Cell Activation During Blood-Stage Plasmodium falciparum Infection.

    Published in:
    • Edwards, Chelsea L;
    • Ng, Susanna S;
    • Corvino, Dillon;
    • Oca, Marcela Montes de;
    • Rivera, Fabian de Labastida;
    • Nones, Katia;
    • Lakis, Vanessa;
    • Waddell, Nicola;
    • Amante, Fiona H;
    • McCarthy, James S;
    • Montes de Oca, Marcela;
    • de Labastida Rivera, Fabian;
    • Engwerda, Christian R
    Publication type:
    journal article