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  • Identification of microbial DNA in human cancer.

    Published in:
    BMC Medical Genomics, 2009, v. 2, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/1755-8794-2-22
    • Duncan, Christopher G.;
    • Leary, Rebecca J.;
    • Jimmy Cheng-Ho Lin;
    • Cummins, Jordan;
    • Chunhui Di;
    • Schaefer, Carl F.;
    • Tian-Li Wang;
    • Riggins, Gregory J.;
    • Edwards, Jennifer;
    • Bigner, Darell;
    • Kopelovich, Levy;
    • Vogelstein, Bert;
    • Kinzler, Kenneth W.;
    • Velculescu, Victor E.;
    • Hai Yan
    Publication type:
  • Transformation by the (R)-enantiomer of 2-hydroxyglutarate linked to EGLN activation.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2012, v. 483, n. 7390, p. 484, doi. 10.1038/nature10898
    • Koivunen, Peppi;
    • Lee, Sungwoo;
    • Duncan, Christopher G.;
    • Lopez, Giselle;
    • Lu, Gang;
    • Ramkissoon, Shakti;
    • Losman, Julie A.;
    • Joensuu, Päivi;
    • Bergmann, Ulrich;
    • Gross, Stefan;
    • Travins, Jeremy;
    • Weiss, Samuel;
    • Looper, Ryan;
    • Ligon, Keith L.;
    • Verhaak, Roel G. W.;
    • Yan, Hai;
    • Kaelin Jr, William G.
    Publication type:
  • Base-Resolution Analysis of DNA Methylation Patterns Downstream of Dnmt3a in Mouse Naïve B Cells.

    Published in:
    G3: Genes | Genomes | Genetics, 2018, v. 8, n. 3, p. 805, doi. 10.1534/g3.117.300446
    • Duncan, Christopher G.;
    • Kondilis-Mangum, Hrisavgi D.;
    • Grimm, Sara A.;
    • Bushel, Pierre R.;
    • Chrysovergis, Kaliopi;
    • Roberts, John D.;
    • Tyson, Frederick L.;
    • Merrick, B. Alex;
    • Wade, Paul A.
    Publication type:
  • DNA methylation in mice is influenced by genetics as well as sex and life experience.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2019, v. 10, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41467-018-08067-z
    • Grimm, Sara A.;
    • Shimbo, Takashi;
    • Takaku, Motoki;
    • Thomas, James W.;
    • Auerbach, Scott;
    • Bennett, Brian D.;
    • Bucher, John R.;
    • Burkholder, Adam B.;
    • Day, Frank;
    • Du, Ying;
    • Duncan, Christopher G.;
    • French, John E.;
    • Foley, Julie F.;
    • Li, Jianying;
    • Merrick, B. Alex;
    • Tice, Raymond R.;
    • Wang, Tianyuan;
    • Xu, Xiaojiang;
    • NISC Comparative Sequencing Program;
    • Bushel, Pierre R.
    Publication type:
  • Workshop Report: Catalyzing Knowledge-Driven Discovery in Environmental Health Sciences through a Harmonized Language.

    Published in:
    International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 2023, v. 20, n. 3, p. 2317, doi. 10.3390/ijerph20032317
    • Holmgren, Stephanie;
    • Bell, Shannon M.;
    • Wignall, Jessica;
    • Duncan, Christopher G.;
    • Kwok, Richard K.;
    • Cronk, Ryan;
    • Osborn, Kimberly;
    • Black, Steven;
    • Thessen, Anne;
    • Schmitt, Charles
    Publication type:
  • Catalyzing Knowledge-Driven Discovery in Environmental Health Sciences through a Community-Driven Harmonized Language.

    Published in:
    International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 2021, v. 18, n. 17, p. 8985, doi. 10.3390/ijerph18178985
    • Holmgren, Stephanie D.;
    • Boyles, Rebecca R.;
    • Cronk, Ryan D.;
    • Duncan, Christopher G.;
    • Kwok, Richard K.;
    • Lunn, Ruth M.;
    • Osborn, Kimberly C.;
    • Thessen, Anne E.;
    • Schmitt, Charles P.
    Publication type:
  • EGFR phosphorylation of DCBLD2 recruits TRAF6 and stimulates AKT-promoted tumorigenesis.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2014, v. 124, n. 9, p. 3741, doi. 10.1172/JCI73093
    • Haizhong Feng;
    • Lopez, Giselle Y.;
    • Chung Kwon Kim;
    • Alvarez, Angel;
    • Duncan, Christopher G.;
    • Ryo Nishikawa;
    • Motoo Nagane;
    • An-Jey A. Su;
    • Auron, Philip E.;
    • Hedberg, Matthew L.;
    • Lin Wang;
    • Raizer, Jeffery J.;
    • Kessler, John A.;
    • Parsa, Andrew T.;
    • Wei-Qiang Gao;
    • Sung-Hak Kim;
    • Mutsuko Minata;
    • Ichiro Nakano;
    • Grandis, Jennifer R.;
    • McLendon, Roger E.
    Publication type:
  • Sharing SRP data to reduce environmentally associated disease and promote transdisciplinary research.

    Published in:
    • Heacock, Michelle L.;
    • Amolegbe, Sara M.;
    • Skalla, Lesley A.;
    • Trottier, Brittany A.;
    • Carlin, Danielle J.;
    • Henry, Heather F.;
    • Lopez, Adeline R.;
    • Duncan, Christopher G.;
    • Lawler, Cindy P.;
    • Balshaw, David M.;
    • Suk, William A.
    Publication type:
    journal article

    Published in:
    Neuro-Oncology, 2014, v. 16, n. suppl_3, p. iii16, doi. 10.1093/neuonc/nou206.60
    • Cheng, Shiyuan;
    • Feng, Haizhong;
    • Lopez, Giselle Y.;
    • Kim, Chung Kwon;
    • Duncan, Christopher G.;
    • Alvarez, Angel;
    • Nishikawa, Ryo;
    • Nagane, Motoo;
    • Su, An-Jey;
    • Auron, Phillip E.;
    • Hedberg, Matthew L.;
    • Wang, Lin;
    • Grandis, Jennifer R.;
    • McLendon, Roger E.;
    • Bigner, Darell D.;
    • Nakano, Ichiro;
    • Joshi, Kaushal;
    • Kim, Sunghak;
    • Lin, Hui-Kuan;
    • Furnari, Frank B.
    Publication type: