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  • Connexins orchestrate progression of breast cancer metastasis to the brain by promoting FAK activation.

    Published in:
    Science Translational Medicine, 2022, v. 14, n. 661, p. 1, doi. 10.1126/scitranslmed.aax8933
    • Lorusso, Girieca;
    • Wyss, Christof B.;
    • Kuonen, François;
    • Vannini, Nicola;
    • Billottet, Clotilde;
    • Duffey, Nathalie;
    • Pineau, Raphael;
    • Lan, Qiang;
    • Wirapati, Pratyaksha;
    • Barras, David;
    • Tancredi, Alessandro;
    • Lyck, Ruth;
    • Lehr, Hans-Anton;
    • Engelhardt, Britta;
    • Delorenzi, Mauro;
    • Bikfalvi, Andreas;
    • Rüegg, Curzio
    Publication type: