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  • Bone marrow hematons: An access point to the human hematopoietic niche.

    Published in:
    American Journal of Hematology, 2017, v. 92, n. 10, p. 1020, doi. 10.1002/ajh.24830
    • Janel, Alexandre;
    • Berger, Juliette;
    • Bourgne, Céline;
    • Lemal, Richard;
    • Boiret-Dupré, Nathalie;
    • Dubois-Galopin, Frédérique;
    • Déchelotte, Pierre;
    • Bothorel, Charlotte;
    • Hermet, Eric;
    • Chabi, Sara;
    • Bay, Jacques-Olivier;
    • Lambert, Céline;
    • Pereira, Bruno;
    • Pflumio, Françoise;
    • Haddad, Rima;
    • Berger, Marc G.
    Publication type:
  • État des lieux des pratiques d'utilisation du microscope automatisé en hématologie en France.

    Published in:
    Annales de Biologie Clinique, 2020, v. 78, n. 5, p. 519, doi. 10.1684/abc.2020.1587
    • Grimon, Noémie;
    • Ceccomarini, Théo;
    • Maurel-Ribes, Agnès;
    • Rieu, Jean-Baptiste;
    • Mémier, Vincent;
    • Dubois-Galopin, Frédérique
    Publication type:
  • White blood cells scattergram as a valuable tool for COVID‐19 screening: A multicentric study.

    Published in:
    International Journal of Laboratory Hematology, 2024, v. 46, n. 4, p. 613, doi. 10.1111/ijlh.14257
    • Osman, Jennifer;
    • Gonnin, Cécile;
    • Lambert, Jérome;
    • Behier, Céline;
    • Chapuis, Nicolas;
    • Chevalier, Simon;
    • Debus, Jérôme;
    • Delaval, Anne;
    • Depoorter, Maxime;
    • Dumas, Cécile;
    • Dumesges, Amély;
    • Dussert, Pascale;
    • Vacher, Corinne Ferrero;
    • Dubois‐Galopin, Frédérique;
    • Gerard, Delphine;
    • Bollotte, Pauline Gravière;
    • Guignedoux, Geoffroy;
    • Mayeur‐Rousse, Caroline;
    • Mercier‐Bataille, Delphine;
    • Ronez, Emily
    Publication type:
  • Major rise of a chronic lymphoid leukemia clone during the course of COVID‐19.

    Published in:
    • Largeaud, Laetitia;
    • Ribes, Agnès;
    • Dubois‐Galopin, Frédérique;
    • Mémier, Vincent;
    • Rolland, Yves;
    • Gaudin, Clément;
    • Rousset, David;
    • Geeraerts, Thomas;
    • Noel‐Savina, Elise;
    • Rieu, Jean‐Baptiste;
    • Vergez, François
    Publication type:
    Letter to the Editor