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  • RFC1 and FGF14 Repeat Expansions in Serbian Patients with Cerebellar Ataxia.

    Published in:
    Movement Disorders Clinical Practice, 2024, v. 11, n. 6, p. 626, doi. 10.1002/mdc3.14020
    • Milovanović, Andona;
    • Dragaševic‐Mišković, Nataša;
    • Thomsen, Mirja;
    • Borsche, Max;
    • Hinrichs, Frauke;
    • Westenberger, Ana;
    • Klein, Christine;
    • Brüggemann, Norbert;
    • Branković, Marija;
    • Marjanović, Ana;
    • Svetel, Marina;
    • Kostić, Vladimir S.;
    • Lohmann, Katja
    Publication type: