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  • Hydrophobic interactions dominate the recognition of a KRAS G12V neoantigen.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2023, v. 14, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41467-023-40821-w
    • Wright, Katharine M.;
    • DiNapoli, Sarah R.;
    • Miller, Michelle S.;
    • Aitana Azurmendi, P.;
    • Zhao, Xiaowei;
    • Yu, Zhiheng;
    • Chakrabarti, Mayukh;
    • Shi, WuXian;
    • Douglass, Jacqueline;
    • Hwang, Michael S.;
    • Hsiue, Emily Han-Chung;
    • Mog, Brian J.;
    • Pearlman, Alexander H.;
    • Paul, Suman;
    • Konig, Maximilian F.;
    • Pardoll, Drew M.;
    • Bettegowda, Chetan;
    • Papadopoulos, Nickolas;
    • Kinzler, Kenneth W.;
    • Vogelstein, Bert
    Publication type:
  • Microbial Translocation and Inflammation Occur in Hyperacute Immunodeficiency Virus Infection and Compromise Host Control of Virus Replication.

    Published in:
    PLoS Pathogens, 2016, v. 12, n. 12, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.ppat.1006048
    • Ericsen, Adam J.;
    • Lauck, Michael;
    • Mohns, Mariel S.;
    • DiNapoli, Sarah R.;
    • Mutschler, James P.;
    • Greene, Justin M.;
    • Weinfurter, Jason T.;
    • Lehrer-Brey, Gabrielle;
    • Prall, Trent M.;
    • Gieger, Samantha M.;
    • Buechler, Connor R.;
    • Crosno, Kristin A.;
    • Peterson, Eric J.;
    • Reynolds, Matthew R.;
    • Wiseman, Roger W.;
    • Burwitz, Benjamin J.;
    • Estes, Jacob D.;
    • Sacha, Jonah B.;
    • Friedrich, Thomas C.;
    • Brenchley, Jason M.
    Publication type:
  • TCR β chain–directed bispecific antibodies for the treatment of T cell cancers.

    Published in:
    Science Translational Medicine, 2021, v. 13, n. 584, p. 1, doi. 10.1126/scitranslmed.abd3595
    • Paul, Suman;
    • Pearlman, Alexander H.;
    • Douglass, Jacqueline;
    • Mog, Brian J.;
    • Hsiue, Emily Han-Chung;
    • Hwang, Michael S.;
    • DiNapoli, Sarah R.;
    • Konig, Maximilian F.;
    • Brown, Patrick A.;
    • Wright, Katharine M.;
    • Sur, Surojit;
    • Gabelli, Sandra B.;
    • Li, Yana;
    • Ghiaur, Gabriel;
    • Pardoll, Drew M.;
    • Papadopoulos, Nickolas;
    • Bettegowda, Chetan;
    • Kinzler, Kenneth W.;
    • Zhou, Shibin;
    • Vogelstein, Bert
    Publication type:
  • Decreased macrophage-mediated cytotoxicity in mammary-tumor-bearing mice is related to alteration of nitric-oxide production and/or release.

    Published in:
    International Journal of Cancer, 1995, v. 60, n. 5, p. 660, doi. 10.1002/ijc.2910600516
    • Sotomayor, Eduardo M.;
    • Dinapoli, Michael R.;
    • Calderón, Cesar;
    • Colsky, Arthur;
    • Fu, Yang-Xin;
    • Lopez, Diana M.
    Publication type:
  • The EIGER detector for low-energy electron microscopy and photoemission electron microscopy.

    Published in:
    Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2017, v. 24, n. 5, p. 963, doi. 10.1107/S1600577517009109
    • Tinti, G.;
    • Marchetto, H.;
    • Vaz, C. A. F.;
    • Kleibert, A.;
    • Andrä, M.;
    • Barten, R.;
    • Bergamaschi, A.;
    • Brückner, M.;
    • Cartier, S.;
    • Dinapoli, R.;
    • Franz, T.;
    • Fröjdh, E.;
    • Greiffenberg, D.;
    • Lopez-Cuenca, C.;
    • Mezza, D.;
    • Mozzanica, A.;
    • Nolting, F.;
    • Ramilli, M.;
    • Redford, S.;
    • Ruat, M.
    Publication type:
  • Towards hybrid pixel detectors for energy-dispersive or soft X-ray photon science.

    Published in:
    Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2016, v. 23, n. 2, p. 385, doi. 10.1107/S1600577515023541
    • Jungmann-Smith, J. H.;
    • Bergamaschi, A.;
    • Brückner, M.;
    • Cartier, S.;
    • Dinapoli, R.;
    • Greiffenberg, D.;
    • Huthwelker, T.;
    • Maliakal, D.;
    • Mayilyan, D.;
    • Medjoubi, K.;
    • Mezza, D.;
    • Mozzanica, A.;
    • Ramilli, M.;
    • Ruder, Ch.;
    • Schädler, L.;
    • Schmitt, B.;
    • Shi, X.;
    • Tinti, G.
    Publication type:
  • Capturing dynamics with Eiger, a fast-framing X-ray detector.

    Published in:
    Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2012, v. 19, n. 6, p. 1001, doi. 10.1107/S0909049512035972
    • Johnson, I.;
    • Bergamaschi, A.;
    • Buitenhuis, J.;
    • Dinapoli, R.;
    • Greiffenberg, D.;
    • Henrich, B.;
    • Ikonen, T.;
    • Meier, G.;
    • Menzel, A.;
    • Mozzanica, A.;
    • Radicci, V.;
    • Satapathy, D. K.;
    • Schmitt, B.;
    • Shi, X.
    Publication type:
  • Micrometre resolution of a charge integrating microstrip detector with single photon sensitivity.

    Published in:
    Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2012, v. 19, n. 3, p. 359, doi. 10.1107/S090904951200235X
    • Schubert, A.;
    • Bergamaschi, A.;
    • David, C.;
    • Dinapoli, R.;
    • Elbracht-Leong, S.;
    • Gorelick, S.;
    • Graafsma, H.;
    • Henrich, B.;
    • Johnson, I.;
    • Lohmann, M.;
    • Mozzanica, A.;
    • Radicci, V.;
    • Rassool, R.;
    • Schädler, L.;
    • Schmitt, B.;
    • Shi, X.;
    • Sobott, B.
    Publication type:
  • Synchrotron radiation hardness studies of PILATUS II.

    Published in:
    Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2009, v. 16, n. 4, p. 489, doi. 10.1107/S0909049509014733
    • Sobott, B. A.;
    • Broennimann, Ch.;
    • Eikenberry, E. F.;
    • Dinapoli, R.;
    • Kraft, P.;
    • Taylor, G. N.;
    • Willmott, P. R.;
    • Schlepütz, C. M.;
    • Rassool, R. P.
    Publication type:
  • Performance of single-photon-counting PILATUS detector modules.

    Published in:
    Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2009, v. 16, n. 3, p. 368, doi. 10.1107/S0909049509009911
    • Kraft, P.;
    • Bergamaschi, A.;
    • Broennimann, Ch.;
    • Dinapoli, R.;
    • Eikenberry, E. F.;
    • Henrich, B.;
    • Johnson, I.;
    • Mozzanica, A.;
    • Schlepütz, C. M.;
    • Willmott, P. R.;
    • Scmitt, B.
    Publication type:
  • Cerebral infarction as a result of tumor emboli.

    Published in:
    • O'Neill, B. P.;
    • Dinapoli, Robert P.;
    • Okazaki, Haruo;
    • Dinapoli, R P;
    • Okazaki, H
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Hallmarks of primate lentiviral immunodeficiency infection recapitulate loss of innate lymphoid cells.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2018, v. 9, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41467-018-05528-3
    • Mudd, Joseph C.;
    • Busman-Sahay, Kathleen;
    • DiNapoli, Sarah R.;
    • Lai, Stephen;
    • Sheik, Virginia;
    • Lisco, Andrea;
    • Deleage, Claire;
    • Richardson, Brian;
    • Palesch, David J.;
    • Paiardini, Mirko;
    • Cameron, Mark;
    • Sereti, Irini;
    • Reeves, R. Keith;
    • Estes, Jacob D.;
    • Brenchley, Jason M.
    Publication type:
  • Structural engineering of chimeric antigen receptors targeting HLA-restricted neoantigens.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2021, v. 12, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41467-021-25605-4
    • Hwang, Michael S.;
    • Miller, Michelle S.;
    • Thirawatananond, Puchong;
    • Douglass, Jacqueline;
    • Wright, Katharine M.;
    • Hsiue, Emily Han-Chung;
    • Mog, Brian J.;
    • Aytenfisu, Tihitina Y.;
    • Murphy, Michael B.;
    • Aitana Azurmendi, P.;
    • Skora, Andrew D.;
    • Pearlman, Alexander H.;
    • Paul, Suman;
    • DiNapoli, Sarah R.;
    • Konig, Maximilian F.;
    • Bettegowda, Chetan;
    • Pardoll, Drew M.;
    • Papadopoulos, Nickolas;
    • Kinzler, Kenneth W.;
    • Vogelstein, Bert
    Publication type:
  • Hybrid Detectors for High Resolution Imaging.

    Published in:
    • Bergamaschi, A.;
    • Andra, M.;
    • Barten, R.;
    • Bruckner, M.;
    • Chiriotti, S.;
    • David, C.;
    • Dinapoli, R.;
    • Frojdh, E.;
    • Greiffenberg, D.;
    • Lebugle, M.;
    • Lopez-Cuenca, C.;
    • Mezza, D.;
    • Mozzanica, A.;
    • Ramilli, M.;
    • Redford, S.;
    • Ruder, C.;
    • Schmitt, B.;
    • Shi, X.;
    • Thattil, D.;
    • Tinti, G.
    Publication type:
  • Hybrid Detectors for High Resolution Imaging.

    Published in:
    • Bergamaschi, A.;
    • Andra, M.;
    • Barten, R.;
    • Bruckner, M.;
    • Chiriotti, S.;
    • David, C.;
    • Dinapoli, R.;
    • Frojdh, E.;
    • Greiffenberg, D.;
    • Lebugle, M.;
    • Lopez-Cuenca, C.;
    • Mezza, D.;
    • Mozzanica, A.;
    • Ramilli, M.;
    • Redford, S.;
    • Ruder, C.;
    • Schmitt, B.;
    • Shi, X.;
    • Thattil, D.;
    • Tinti, G.
    Publication type:
  • Bispecific antibodies targeting mutant RAS neoantigens.

    Published in:
    Science Immunology, 2021, v. 6, n. 57, p. 1, doi. 10.1126/sciimmunol.abd5515
    • Douglass, Jacqueline;
    • Hsiue, Emily Han-Chung;
    • Mog, Brian J.;
    • Hwang, Michael S.;
    • DiNapoli, Sarah R.;
    • Pearlman, Alexander H.;
    • Miller, Michelle S.;
    • Wright, Katharine M.;
    • Azurmendi, P. Aitana;
    • Wang, Qing;
    • Paul, Suman;
    • Schaefer, Annika;
    • Skora, Andrew D.;
    • Molin, Marco Dal;
    • Konig, Maximilian F.;
    • Liu, Qiang;
    • Watson, Evangeline;
    • Li, Yana;
    • Murphy, Michael B.;
    • Pardoll, Drew M.
    Publication type:
  • Preclinical studies show that Co-STARs combine the advantages of chimeric antigen and T cell receptors for the treatment of tumors with low antigen densities.

    Published in:
    Science Translational Medicine, 2024, v. 16, n. 755, p. 1, doi. 10.1126/scitranslmed.adg7123
    • Mog, Brian J.;
    • Marcou, Nikita;
    • DiNapoli, Sarah R.;
    • Pearlman, Alexander H.;
    • Nichakawade, Tushar D.;
    • Hwang, Michael S.;
    • Douglass, Jacqueline;
    • Hsiue, Emily Han-Chung;
    • Glavaris, Stephanie;
    • Wright, Katharine M.;
    • Konig, Maximilian F.;
    • Paul, Suman;
    • Wyhs, Nicolas;
    • Ge, Jiaxin;
    • Miller, Michelle S.;
    • Azurmendi, Aitana;
    • Watson, Evangeline;
    • Pardoll, Drew M.;
    • Gabelli, Sandra B.;
    • Bettegowda, Chetan
    Publication type:
  • Cranial nerve lesions due to base of the skull metastases in prostate carcinoma.

    Published in:
    • Ransom, David T.;
    • Dinapoli, Robert P.;
    • Richardson, Ronald L.;
    • Ransom, D T;
    • Dinapoli, R P;
    • Richardson, R L
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Automatic defibrillator causes a pain in the neck.

    Published in:
    • Partington, Michael D.;
    • Dinapoli, Robert P.;
    • Davis, Dudley H.;
    • Partington, M D;
    • Dinapoli, R P;
    • Davis, D H
    Publication type:
    case study