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  • Development and evaluation of a genome‐wide Coffee 8.5K SNP array and its application for high‐density genetic mapping and for investigating the origin of Coffea arabica L.

    Published in:
    Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2019, v. 17, n. 7, p. 1418, doi. 10.1111/pbi.13066
    • Merot‐L'anthoene, Virginie;
    • Tournebize, Rémi;
    • Darracq, Olivier;
    • Rattina, Vimel;
    • Lepelley, Maud;
    • Bellanger, Laurence;
    • Tranchant‐Dubreuil, Christine;
    • Coulée, Manon;
    • Pégard, Marie;
    • Metairon, Sylviane;
    • Fournier, Coralie;
    • Stoffelen, Piet;
    • Janssens, Steven B.;
    • Kiwuka, Catherine;
    • Musoli, Pascal;
    • Sumirat, Ucu;
    • Legnaté, Hyacinthe;
    • Kambale, Jean‐Léon;
    • Ferreira da Costa Neto, João;
    • Revel, Clara
    Publication type:
  • Adaptive potential of Coffea canephora from Uganda in response to climate change.

    Published in:
    Molecular Ecology, 2022, v. 31, n. 6, p. 1800, doi. 10.1111/mec.16360
    • de Aquino, Sinara Oliveira;
    • Kiwuka, Catherine;
    • Tournebize, Rémi;
    • Gain, Clément;
    • Marraccini, Pierre;
    • Mariac, Cédric;
    • Bethune, Kévin;
    • Couderc, Marie;
    • Cubry, Philippe;
    • Andrade, Alan C.;
    • Lepelley, Maud;
    • Darracq, Olivier;
    • Crouzillat, Dominique;
    • Anten, Niels;
    • Musoli, Pascal;
    • Vigouroux, Yves;
    • de Kochko, Alexandre;
    • Manel, Stéphanie;
    • François, Olivier;
    • Poncet, Valérie
    Publication type:
  • A TILLING Platform for Functional Genomics in <i>Brachypodium distachyon</i>.

    Published in:
    PLoS ONE, 2013, v. 8, n. 6, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0065503
    • Dalmais, Marion;
    • Antelme, Sébastien;
    • Ho-Yue-Kuang, Séverine;
    • Wang, Yin;
    • Darracq, Olivier;
    • d’Yvoire, Madeleine Bouvier;
    • Cézard, Laurent;
    • Légée, Frédéric;
    • Blondet, Eddy;
    • Oria, Nicolas;
    • Troadec, Christelle;
    • Brunaud, Véronique;
    • Jouanin, Lise;
    • Höfte, Herman;
    • Bendahmane, Abdelafid;
    • Lapierre, Catherine;
    • Sibout, Richard
    Publication type: