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  • Therapeutic lymphangiogenesis with human recombinant VEGF‐C.

    Published in:
    FASEB Journal, 2002, v. 16, n. 14, p. 1985, doi. 10.1096/fj.02-0401fje
    • Szuba, Andrzej;
    • Skobe, Mihaela;
    • Karkkainen, Marika J.;
    • Shin, William S.;
    • Beynet, David P.;
    • Rockson, Ned B.;
    • Dakhil, Noma;
    • Spilman, Stan;
    • Goris, Michael L.;
    • Strauss, H. William;
    • Quertermous, Thomas;
    • Alitalo, Kari;
    • Rockson, Stanley G.
    Publication type: