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  • Professional Physical Training of Future Border Guards.

    Published in:
    Romanian Journal for Multidimensional Education / Revista Românească pentru Educaţie Multidimensională, 2021, v. 13, n. 2, p. 540, doi. 10.18662/rrem/13.2/435
    • MARIONDA, Ivan;
    • ROMANISHYNA, Lyudmila;
    • STARCHUK, Oleksandr;
    • LISNICHENKO, Yuriі;
    • MASLII, Oleh;
    • TORICHNYI, Oleksandr;
    • DYAKOV, Svyatoslav;
    • NANIVSKYI, Roman;
    • GALUS, Alexander;
    • OLLO, Vasyl;
    • SINKEVYCH, Serhii;
    • KAPINUS, Oleksandr
    Publication type: