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  • Percutaneous cholecystostomy: prognostic factors and comparison to cholecystectomy.

    Published in:
    • Loftus, Tyler;
    • Collins, Elisha;
    • Dessaigne, Camille;
    • Himmler, Amber;
    • Mohr, Alicia;
    • Thomas, Ryan;
    • Hobson, Charles;
    • Sarosi, George;
    • Zingarelli, William;
    • Loftus, Tyler J;
    • Collins, Elisha M;
    • Dessaigne, Camille G;
    • Himmler, Amber N;
    • Mohr, Alicia M;
    • Thomas, Ryan M;
    • Hobson, Charles E;
    • Sarosi, George A Jr;
    • Zingarelli, William J
    Publication type:
    journal article