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  • Using human factors principles to redesign a 3D lab workflow during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Published in:
    3D Printing in Medicine, 2022, v. 8, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/s41205-022-00161-9
    • Larsen, Ethan P.;
    • Silvestro, Elizabeth;
    • Ferro, Daria F.;
    • Chinwalla, Asif;
    • Oppenheimer, Natalie;
    • Rogers, Sarah;
    • Sze, Raymond W.;
    • Winston, Flaura K.
    Publication type:
  • Structure, function and diversity of the healthy human microbiome.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2012, v. 486, n. 7402, p. 207, doi. 10.1038/nature11234
    • Huttenhower, Curtis;
    • Gevers, Dirk;
    • Knight, Rob;
    • Abubucker, Sahar;
    • Badger, Jonathan H.;
    • Chinwalla, Asif T.;
    • Creasy, Heather H.;
    • Earl, Ashlee M.;
    • FitzGerald, Michael G.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Giglio, Michelle G.;
    • Hallsworth-Pepin, Kymberlie;
    • Lobos, Elizabeth A.;
    • Madupu, Ramana;
    • Magrini, Vincent;
    • Martin, John C.;
    • Mitreva, Makedonka;
    • Muzny, Donna M.;
    • Sodergren, Erica J.;
    • Versalovic, James
    Publication type:
  • A framework for human microbiome research.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2012, v. 486, n. 7402, p. 215, doi. 10.1038/nature11209
    • Methé, Barbara A.;
    • Nelson, Karen E.;
    • Pop, Mihai;
    • Creasy, Heather H.;
    • Giglio, Michelle G.;
    • Huttenhower, Curtis;
    • Gevers, Dirk;
    • Petrosino, Joseph F.;
    • Abubucker, Sahar;
    • Badger, Jonathan H.;
    • Chinwalla, Asif T.;
    • Earl, Ashlee M.;
    • FitzGerald, Michael G.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Hallsworth-Pepin, Kymberlie;
    • Lobos, Elizabeth A.;
    • Madupu, Ramana;
    • Magrini, Vincent;
    • Martin, John C.;
    • Mitreva, Makedonka
    Publication type:
  • Histidine Protects Against Zinc and Nickel Toxicity in Caenorhabditis elegans.

    Published in:
    PLoS Genetics, 2011, v. 7, n. 3, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pgen.1002013
    • Murphy, John T.;
    • Bruinsma, Janelle J.;
    • Schneider, Daniel L.;
    • Collier, Sara;
    • Guthrie, James;
    • Chinwalla, Asif;
    • Robertson, J. David;
    • Mardis, Elaine R.;
    • Kornfeld, Kerry
    Publication type:
  • Mapping copy number variation by population-scale genome sequencing.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2011, v. 470, n. 7332, p. 59, doi. 10.1038/nature09708
    • Mills, Ryan E.;
    • Walter, Klaudia;
    • Stewart, Chip;
    • Handsaker, Robert E.;
    • Chen, Ken;
    • Alkan, Can;
    • Abyzov, Alexej;
    • Yoon, Seungtai Chris;
    • Kai Ye;
    • Cheetham, R. Keira;
    • Chinwalla, Asif;
    • Conrad, Donald F.;
    • Yutao Fu;
    • Grubert, Fabian;
    • Hajirasouliha, Iman;
    • Hormozdiari, Fereydoun;
    • Iakoucheva, Lilia M.;
    • Iqbal, Zamin;
    • Shuli Kang;
    • Kidd, Jeffrey M.
    Publication type:
  • Comparative and demographic analysis of orang-utan genomes.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2011, v. 469, n. 7331, p. 529, doi. 10.1038/nature09687
    • Locke, Devin P.;
    • Hillier, LaDeana W.;
    • Warren, Wesley C.;
    • Worley, Kim C.;
    • Nazareth, Lynne V.;
    • Muzny, Donna M.;
    • Shiaw-Pyng Yang;
    • Zhengyuan Wang;
    • Chinwalla, Asif T.;
    • Minx, Pat;
    • Mitreva, Makedonka;
    • Cook, Lisa;
    • Delehaunty, Kim D.;
    • Fronick, Catrina;
    • Schmidt, Heather;
    • Fulton, Lucinda A.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Nelson, Joanne O.;
    • Magrini, Vincent;
    • Pohl, Craig
    Publication type:
  • The Pristionchus pacificus genome provides a unique perspective on nematode lifestyle and parasitism.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 2008, v. 40, n. 10, p. 1193, doi. 10.1038/ng.227
    • Dieterich, Christoph;
    • Clifton, Sandra W.;
    • Schuster, Lisa N.;
    • Chinwalla, Asif;
    • Delehaunty, Kimberly;
    • Dinkelacker, Iris;
    • Fulton, Lucinda;
    • Fulton, Robert;
    • Godfrey, Jennifer;
    • Minx, Pat;
    • Mitreva, Makedonka;
    • Roeseler, Waltraud;
    • Huiyu Tian;
    • Hanh Witte;
    • Shiaw-Pyng Yang;
    • Wilson, Richard K.;
    • Sommer, Ralf J.
    Publication type:
  • Genome analysis of the platypus reveals unique signatures of evolution.

    Published in:
    • Warren, Wesley C.;
    • Hillier, LaDeana W.;
    • Marshall Graves, Jennifer A.;
    • Birney, Ewan;
    • Ponting, Chris P.;
    • Grützner, Frank;
    • Belov, Katherine;
    • Miller, Webb;
    • Clarke, Laura;
    • Chinwalla, Asif T.;
    • Yang, Shiaw-Pyng;
    • Heger, Andreas;
    • Locke, Devin P.;
    • Miethke, Pat;
    • Waters, Paul D.;
    • Veyrunes, Frédéric;
    • Fulton, Lucinda;
    • Fulton, Bob;
    • Graves, Tina;
    • Wallis, John
    Publication type:
    Correction notice
  • Genome analysis of the platypus reveals unique signatures of evolution.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2008, v. 453, n. 7192, p. 175, doi. 10.1038/nature06936
    • Warren, Wesley C.;
    • Hillier, LaDeana W.;
    • Marshall Graves, Jennifer A.;
    • Birney, Ewan;
    • Ponting, Chris P.;
    • Grützner, Frank;
    • Belov, Katherine;
    • Miller, Webb;
    • Clarke, Laura;
    • Chinwalla, Asif T.;
    • Shiaw-Pyng Yang;
    • Heger, Andreas;
    • Locke, Devin P.;
    • Miethke, Pat;
    • Waters, Paul D.;
    • Veyrunes, Frédéric;
    • Fulton, Lucinda;
    • Fulton, Bob;
    • Graves, Tina;
    • Wallis, John
    Publication type:
  • Design and implementation of a generalized laboratory data model.

    Published in:
    BMC Bioinformatics, 2007, v. 8, p. 362, doi. 10.1186/1471-2105-8-362
    • Wendl, Michael C.;
    • Smith, Scott;
    • Pohl, Craig S.;
    • Dooling, David J.;
    • Chinwalla, Asif T.;
    • Crouse, Kevin;
    • Hepler, Todd;
    • Shin Leong;
    • Carmichael, Lynn;
    • Nhan, Mike;
    • Oberkfell, Benjamin J.;
    • Mardis, Elaine R.;
    • Hillier, LaDeana W.;
    • Wilson, Richard K.
    Publication type:
  • Application of a superword array in genome assembly.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2006, v. 34, n. 1, p. 201, doi. 10.1093/nar/gkj419
    • Huang, Xiaoqiu;
    • Yang, Shiaw-Pyng;
    • Chinwalla, Asif T.;
    • Hillier, LaDeana W.;
    • Minx, Patrick;
    • Mardis, Elaine R.;
    • Wilson, Richard K.
    Publication type:
  • Sequence and comparative analysis of the chicken genome provide unique perspectives on vertebrate evolution.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2004, v. 432, n. 7018, p. 695, doi. 10.1038/nature03154
    • Hillier, LaDeana W.;
    • Miller, Webb;
    • Birney, Ewan;
    • Warren, Wesley;
    • Hardison, Ross C.;
    • Ponting, Chris P.;
    • Bork, Peer;
    • Burt, David W.;
    • Groenen, Martien A. M.;
    • Delany, Mary E.;
    • Dodgson, Jerry B.;
    • Chinwalla, Asif T.;
    • Cliften, Paul F.;
    • Clifton, Sandra W.;
    • Delehaunty, Kimberly D.;
    • Fronick, Catrina;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Graves, Tina A.;
    • Kremitzki, Colin;
    • Layman, Dan
    Publication type:
  • a tool for navigating sequences from parasitic and free‐living nematodes.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2004, v. 32, n. suppl 1, p. d423
    • Wylie, Todd;
    • Martin, John C.;
    • Dante, Michael;
    • Mitreva, Makedonka Dautova;
    • Clifton, Sandra W.;
    • Chinwalla, Asif;
    • Waterston, Robert H.;
    • Wilson, Richard K.;
    • McCarter, James P.
    Publication type:
  • The Genome Sequence of Caenorhabditis briggsae: A Platform for Comparative Genomics.

    Published in:
    PLoS Biology, 2003, v. 1, n. 11, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pbio.0000045
    • Stein, Lincoln D;
    • Bao, Zhirong;
    • Blasiar, Darin;
    • Blumenthal, Thomas;
    • Brent, Michael R;
    • Chen, Nansheng;
    • Chinwalla, Asif;
    • Clarke, Laura;
    • Clee, Chris;
    • Coghlan, Avril;
    • Coulson, Alan;
    • D'Eustachio, Peter;
    • Fitch, David H. A;
    • Fulton, Lucinda A;
    • Fulton, Robert E;
    • Griffiths-Jones, Sam;
    • Harris, Todd W;
    • Hillier, LaDeana W;
    • Kamath, Ravi;
    • Kuwabara, Patricia E
    Publication type:
  • The Genome Sequence of Caenorhabditis briggsae: A Platform for Comparative Genomics.

    Published in:
    PLoS Biology, 2003, v. 1, n. 2, p. 166, doi. 10.1371/journal.pbio.0000045
    • Stein, Lincoln D.;
    • Bao, Zhirong;
    • Blasiar, Darin;
    • Blumenthal, Thomas;
    • Brent, Michael R.;
    • Nansheng Chen, Michael R.;
    • Chinwalla, Asif;
    • Clarke, Laura;
    • Clee, Chris;
    • Coghlan, Avril;
    • Coulson, Alan;
    • D'Eustachio, Peter;
    • Fitch, David H. A.;
    • Fulton, Lucinda A.;
    • Fulton, Robert E.;
    • Griffiths-Jones, Sam;
    • Harris, Todd W.;
    • Hillier, LaDeana W.;
    • Kamath, Ravi;
    • Kuwabara, Patricia E.
    Publication type:
  • The male-specific region of the human Y chromosome is a mosaic of discrete sequence classes.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2003, v. 423, n. 6942, p. 825, doi. 10.1038/nature01722
    • Skaletsky, Helen;
    • Kuroda-Kawaguchi, Tomoko;
    • Minx, Patrick J.;
    • Cordum, Holland S.;
    • Hillier, LaDeana;
    • Brown, Laura G.;
    • Repping, Sjoerd;
    • Pyntikova, Tatyana;
    • Ali, Johar;
    • Bieri, Tamberlyn;
    • Chinwalla, Asif;
    • Delehaunty, Andrew;
    • Delehaunty, Kim;
    • Du, Hui;
    • Fewell, Ginger;
    • Fulton, Lucinda;
    • Fulton, Robert;
    • Graves, Tina;
    • Hou, Shun-Fang
    Publication type:
  • A physical map of the mouse genome.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2002, v. 418, n. 6899, p. 743, doi. 10.1038/nature00957
    • Gregory, Simon G.;
    • Sekhon, Mandeep;
    • Schein, Jacqueline;
    • Zhao, Shaying;
    • Osoegawa, Kazutoyo;
    • Scott, Carol E.;
    • Evans, Richard S.;
    • Burridge, Paul W.;
    • Cox, Tony V.;
    • Fox, Christopher A.;
    • Hutton, Richard D.;
    • Mullenger, Ian R.;
    • Phillips, Kimbly J.;
    • Smith, James;
    • Stalker, Jim;
    • Threadgold, Glen J.;
    • Birney, Ewan;
    • Wylie, Kristine;
    • Chinwalla, Asif
    Publication type:
  • A physical map of the human genome.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2001, v. 409, n. 6822, p. 934
    • McPherson, John D.;
    • Marra, Marco;
    • Hillier, LaDeana;
    • Waterston, Robert H.;
    • Chinwalla, Asif;
    • Wallis, John;
    • Sekhon, Mandeep;
    • Wylie, Kristine;
    • Mardis, Elaine R.;
    • Wilson, Richard K.;
    • Fulton, Robert;
    • Kucaba, Tamara A.;
    • Wagner-McPherson, Caryn;
    • Barbazuk, William B.;
    • Gregory, Simon G.;
    • Humphray, Sean J.;
    • French, Lisa;
    • Evans, Richard S.;
    • Bethel, Graeme;
    • Whittaker, Adam
    Publication type:
  • A map for sequence analysis of the Arabidopsis thaliana genome.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 1999, v. 22, n. 3, p. 265, doi. 10.1038/10327
    • Marra, Marco;
    • Kucaba, Tamara;
    • Sekhon, Mandeep;
    • Hillier, LaDeana;
    • Martienssen, Robert;
    • Chinwalla, Asif;
    • Crockett, Jye'mon;
    • Fedele, Jacqueline;
    • Grover, Heather;
    • Gund, Christopher;
    • McCombie, W. Richard;
    • McDonald, Ken;
    • McPherson, John;
    • Mudd, Nancy;
    • Parnell, Larry;
    • Schein, Jacqueline;
    • Seim, Ryan;
    • Shelby, Proteon;
    • Waterston, Robert
    Publication type: