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  • Leisure activities and cognitive decline in a rural elderly Chinese cohort

    Published in:
    • Gao, Sujuan;
    • Jin, Yinlong;
    • Hall, Kathleen S.;
    • Liang, Chaoke;
    • Unverzagt, Frederick W.;
    • Ji, Rongdi;
    • Murrell, Jill R.;
    • Cao, Jingxiang;
    • Ma, Feng;
    • Ying, Bo;
    • Chen, Yibin;
    • Li, Ping;
    • Bian, Jianchao;
    • Hendrie, Hugh C.
    Publication type:
  • P4-072: Selenium levels and cognitive decline in a rural elderly Chinese cohort

    Published in:
    • Gao, Sujuan;
    • Jin, Yinlong;
    • Hall, Kathleen S.;
    • Liang, Chaoke;
    • Unverzagt, Frederick W.;
    • Ji, Rongdi;
    • Murrell, Jill R.;
    • Cao, Jingxiang;
    • Shen, Jianzhao;
    • Ma, Feng;
    • Matesan, Janetta;
    • Ying, Bo;
    • Cheng, Yibin;
    • Li, Ping;
    • Bian, Jianchao;
    • Hendrie, Hugh C.
    Publication type:
  • P3-124: Selenium and cognitive function in rural elderly Chinese

    Published in:
    • Gao, Sujuan;
    • Liang, Chaoke;
    • Hall, Kathleen S.;
    • Jin, Yinlong;
    • Unverzagt, Frederick W.;
    • Ji, Rongdi;
    • Murrell, Jill;
    • Cao, Jingxiang;
    • Shen, Jianzhao;
    • Ma, Feng;
    • Matesan, Janetta;
    • Ying, Bo;
    • Cheng, Yibing;
    • Hendrie, Hugh C.
    Publication type:
  • P3-124: Selenium and cognitive function in rural elderly Chinese

    Published in:
    • Gao, Sujuan;
    • Liang, Chaoke;
    • Hall, Kathleen S.;
    • Jin, Yinlong;
    • Unverzagt, Frederick W.;
    • Ji, Rongdi;
    • Murrell, Jill;
    • Cao, Jingxiang;
    • Shen, Jianzhao;
    • Ma, Feng;
    • Matesan, Janetta;
    • Ying, Bo;
    • Cheng, Yibing;
    • Hendrie, Hugh C.
    Publication type:
  • Late Life Leisure Activities and Risk of Cognitive Decline.

    Published in:
    Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences & Medical Sciences, 2013, v. 68, n. 2, p. 205, doi. 10.1093/gerona/gls153
    • Wang, Hui-Xin;
    • Jin, Yinlong;
    • Hendrie, Hugh C.;
    • Liang, Chaoke;
    • Yang, Lili;
    • Cheng, Yibin;
    • Unverzagt, Frederick W.;
    • Ma, Feng;
    • Hall, Kathleen S.;
    • Murrell, Jill R.;
    • Li, Ping;
    • Bian, Jianchao;
    • Pei, Jin-Jing;
    • Gao, Sujuan
    Publication type:
  • Trace Element Levels and Cognitive Function in Rural Elderly Chinese.

    Published in:
    Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences & Medical Sciences, 2008, v. 63, n. 6, p. 635, doi. 10.1093/gerona/63.6.635
    • Sujuan Gao;
    • Yinlong Jin;
    • Unverzagt, Frederick W.;
    • Feng Ma;
    • Hall, Kathleen S.;
    • Murrell, Jill R.;
    • Yibin Cheng;
    • Jianzhao Shen;
    • Bo Ying;
    • Rongdi Ji;
    • Matesan, Janetta;
    • Chaoke Liang;
    • Hendrie, Hugh C.
    Publication type:
  • Correlates of depressive symptoms in rural elderly Chinese.

    Published in:
    International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 2009, v. 24, n. 12, p. 1358, doi. 10.1002/gps.2271
    • Gao, Sujuan;
    • Jin, Yinlong;
    • Unverzagt, Frederick W.;
    • Liang, Chaoke;
    • Hall, Kathleen S.;
    • Ma, Feng;
    • Murrell, Jill R.;
    • Cheng, Yibin;
    • Matesan, Janetta;
    • Li, Ping;
    • Bian, Jianchao;
    • Hendrie, Hugh C.
    Publication type:
  • Low selenium and reduced cognitive function in a cohort elderly study.

    Published in:
    • Jianchao Bian;
    • Qiliang Qin;
    • Zhongjie Yun;
    • Yuan Liu;
    • Shuliang Song;
    • Chuanjiao Liu;
    • Xiaohong Luo;
    • Jie Gao;
    • Chaoke Liang;
    • Sujuan Gao
    Publication type:
  • Effect of Long-Term Exposure to Fluoride in Drinking Water on Risks of Bone Fractures.

    Published in:
    Journal of Bone & Mineral Research, 2001, v. 16, n. 5, p. 932, doi. 10.1359/jbmr.2001.16.5.932
    • Li, Yiming;
    • Liang, Chaoke;
    • Slemenda, Charles W.;
    • Ji, Rongdi;
    • Sun, Shuzhuang;
    • Cao, Jingxiang;
    • Emsley, Christine L.;
    • Ma, Feng;
    • Wu, Yunpeng;
    • Ying, Po;
    • Zhang, Yan;
    • Gao, Sujuan;
    • Zhang, Wu;
    • Katz, Barry P.;
    • Niu, Shiru;
    • Cao, Shouren;
    • Johnston, Conrad C.
    Publication type:
  • Hypertension and Cognitive Decline in Rural Elderly Chinese.

    Published in:
    Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2009, v. 57, n. 6, p. 1051, doi. 10.1111/j.1532-5415.2009.02267.x
    • Sujuan Gao;
    • Yinlong Jin;
    • Unverzagt, Frederick W.;
    • Chaoke Liang;
    • Hall, Kathleen S.;
    • Feng Ma;
    • Murrell, Jill R.;
    • Yibin Cheng;
    • Matesan, Janetta;
    • Jianchao Bian;
    • Ping Li;
    • Hendrie, Hugh C.
    Publication type:
  • Selenium level and depressive symptoms in a rural elderly Chinese cohort.

    Published in:
    BMC Psychiatry, 2012, v. 12, n. 1, p. 72, doi. 10.1186/1471-244X-12-72
    • Sujuan Gao;
    • Yinlong Jin;
    • Unverzagt, Frederick W.;
    • Chaoke Liang;
    • Hall, Kathleen S;
    • Jingxiang Cao;
    • Feng Ma;
    • Murrell, Jill R.;
    • Yibin Cheng;
    • Ping Li;
    • Jianchao Bian;
    • Hugh C Hendrie
    Publication type:
  • Selenium Level and Cognitive Function in Rural Elderly Chinese.

    Published in:
    American Journal of Epidemiology, 2007, v. 165, n. 8, p. 955, doi. 10.1093/aje/kwk073
    • Sujuan Gao;
    • Yinlong Jin;
    • Kathleen S. Hall;
    • Chaoke Liang;
    • Frederick W. Unverzagt;
    • Rongdi Ji;
    • Jill R. Murrell;
    • Jingxiang Cao;
    • Jianzhao Shen;
    • Feng Ma;
    • Janetta Matesan;
    • Bo Ying;
    • Yibin Cheng;
    • Jianchao Bian;
    • Ping Li;
    • Hugh C. Hendrie
    Publication type:
  • Zinc exposure in Chinese foundry workers.

    Published in:
    American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 1999, v. 35, n. 6, p. 574, doi. 10.1002/(SICI)1097-0274(199906)35:6<574::AID-AJIM4>3.0.CO;2-L
    • Martin, Christopher J.;
    • Le, X. Chris;
    • Guidotti, Tee L.;
    • Yalcin, Serife;
    • Chum, Elliott;
    • Audette, Robert J.;
    • Liang, Chaoke;
    • Yuan, Baoshan;
    • Zhang, Xue;
    • Wu, Jie
    Publication type:
  • Selenium level is associated with apoE epsilon4 in rural elderly Chinese.

    Published in:
    • Gao S;
    • Jin Y;
    • Hall KS;
    • Liang C;
    • Unverzagt FW;
    • Ma F;
    • Cheng Y;
    • Shen J;
    • Cao J;
    • Matesan J;
    • Li P;
    • Bian J;
    • Hendrie HC;
    • Murrell JR;
    • Gao, Sujuan;
    • Jin, Yinlong;
    • Hall, Kathleen S;
    • Liang, Chaoke;
    • Unverzagt, Frederick W;
    • Ma, Feng
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Selenium level is associated with apoE ϵ4 in rural elderly Chinese.

    Published in:
    Public Health Nutrition, 2009, v. 12, n. 12, p. 2371, doi. 10.1017/S1368980009005102
    • Sujuan Gao;
    • Yinlong Jin;
    • Hall, Kathleen S.;
    • Chaoke Liang;
    • Unverzagt, Frederick W.;
    • Feng Ma;
    • Yibin Cheng;
    • Jianzhao Shen;
    • Jingxiang Cao;
    • Matesan, Janetta;
    • Ping Li;
    • Jianchao Bian;
    • Hendrie, Hugh C.;
    • Murrell, Jill R.
    Publication type:
  • Trace Element Levels in Drinking Water and Cognitive Function among Elderly Chinese.

    Published in:
    American Journal of Epidemiology, 2009, v. 151, n. 9, p. 913
    • Emsley, Christine L.;
    • Gao, Sujuan;
    • Li, Yiming;
    • Liang, Chaoke;
    • Ji, Rongcli;
    • Hall, Kathleen S.;
    • Cao, Jingxiang;
    • Ma, Feng;
    • Wu, Yunpeng;
    • Ying, Po;
    • Zhang, Yan;
    • Sun, Shuzhuang;
    • Unverzagt, Frederick W.;
    • Slemenda, Charles W.;
    • Hendrie, Hugh C.
    Publication type: