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  • Defective activation and regulation of type I interferon immunity is associated with increasing COVID-19 severity.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2022, v. 13, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41467-022-34895-1
    • Smith, Nikaïa;
    • Possémé, Céline;
    • Bondet, Vincent;
    • Sugrue, Jamie;
    • Townsend, Liam;
    • Charbit, Bruno;
    • Rouilly, Vincent;
    • Saint-André, Violaine;
    • Dott, Tom;
    • Pozo, Andre Rodriguez;
    • Yatim, Nader;
    • Schwartz, Olivier;
    • Cervantes-Gonzalez, Minerva;
    • Ghosn, Jade;
    • Bastard, Paul;
    • Casanova, Jean Laurent;
    • Szwebel, Tali-Anne;
    • Terrier, Benjamin;
    • Conlon, Niall;
    • O'Farrelly, Cliona
    Publication type:
  • Differences in HADS and SF-36 scores 1 year after critical illness in COVID-19 patients.

    Published in:
    Intensive Care Medicine, 2022, v. 48, n. 9, p. 1245, doi. 10.1007/s00134-022-06797-9
    • Tallarico, Roberta Teixeira;
    • Deniau, Benjamin;
    • Fong, Nicholas;
    • Ghosn, Jade;
    • Legrand, Matthieu;
    • the French-COVID and the FROG-ICU Investigators;
    • Abrous, Laurent Abel Amal;
    • Andrejak, Claire;
    • Angoulvant, François;
    • Bachelet, Delphine;
    • Bartoli, Marie;
    • Behilill, Sylvie;
    • Beluze, Marine;
    • Bhavsar, Krishna;
    • Bouadma, Lila;
    • Cervantes-Gonzalez, Minerva;
    • Chair, Anissa;
    • Charpentier, Charlotte;
    • Chenard, Léo;
    • Chirouze, Catherine
    Publication type:
  • MOSAIC: a European cohort study of human Mpox – the challenges of clinical research in outbreaks.

    Published in:
    Virologie, 2023, v. 27, n. 1, p. 12, doi. 10.1684/vir.2023.986
    • Kali, Sabrina;
    • Bourner, Josephine;
    • Calmy, Alexandra;
    • Laouénan, Cédric;
    • Merson, Laura;
    • Cervantes-Gonzalez, Minerva;
    • Rojek, Amanda;
    • Pesonel, Elise;
    • Guiraud, Laetitia;
    • Tardivon, Coralie;
    • Descamps, Diane;
    • Diallo, Alpha;
    • Gibowski, Severine;
    • Rosenthal, Eric;
    • Petrov-Sanchez, Ventzislava;
    • Letrou, Sophie;
    • Hoffmann, Isabelle;
    • Le Mestre, Soizic;
    • Mentré, France;
    • Yazdanpanah, Yazdan
    Publication type:
  • A Preliminary Study of Viral Metagenomics of French Bat Species in Contact with Humans: Identification of New Mammalian Viruses.

    Published in:
    PLoS ONE, 2014, v. 9, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0087194
    • Dacheux, Laurent;
    • Cervantes-Gonzalez, Minerva;
    • Guigon, Ghislaine;
    • Thiberge, Jean-Michel;
    • Vandenbogaert, Mathias;
    • Maufrais, Corinne;
    • Caro, Valérie;
    • Bourhy, Hervé
    Publication type:
  • Circumstances of Human–Bat interactions and risk of lyssavirus transmission in metropolitan France.

    Published in:
    Zoonoses & Public Health, 2020, v. 67, n. 7, p. 774, doi. 10.1111/zph.12747
    • Parize, Perrine;
    • Travecedo Robledo, Isabel Cristina;
    • Cervantes‐Gonzalez, Minerva;
    • Kergoat, Lauriane;
    • Larrous, Florence;
    • Serra‐Cobo, Jordi;
    • Dacheux, Laurent;
    • Bourhy, Hervé
    Publication type:
  • Correction to: Neutrophil Activation and Immune Thrombosis Profiles Persist in Convalescent COVID‑19.

    Published in:
    • Hocini, Hakim;
    • Wiedemann, Aurélie;
    • Blengio, Fabiola;
    • Lefebvre, Cécile;
    • Cervantes‑Gonzalez, Minerva;
    • Foucat, Emile;
    • Tisserand, Pascaline;
    • Surenaud, Mathieu;
    • Coléon, Séverin;
    • Prague, Mélanie;
    • Guillaumat, Lydia;
    • Krief, Corinne;
    • Fenwick, Craig;
    • Laouénan, Cédric;
    • Bouadma, Lila;
    • Ghosn, Jade;
    • Pantaleo, Giuseppe;
    • Thiébaut, Rodolphe;
    • Lévy, Yves
    Publication type:
    Correction Notice
  • Neutrophil Activation and Immune Thrombosis Profiles Persist in Convalescent COVID-19.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Immunology, 2023, v. 43, n. 5, p. 882, doi. 10.1007/s10875-023-01459-x
    • Hocini, Hakim;
    • Wiedemann, Aurélie;
    • Blengio, Fabiola;
    • Lefebvre, Cécile;
    • Cervantes-Gonzalez, Minerva;
    • Foucat, Emile;
    • Tisserand, Pascaline;
    • Surenaud, Mathieu;
    • Coléon, Séverin;
    • Prague, Mélanie;
    • Guillaumat, Lydia;
    • Krief, Corinne;
    • Fenwick, Craig;
    • Laouénan, Cédric;
    • Bouadma, Lila;
    • Ghosn, Jade;
    • Pantaleo, Giuseppe;
    • Thiébaut, Rodolphe;
    • Abel, Laurent;
    • Abrous, Amal
    Publication type:
  • Massive APOBEC3 Editing of Hepatitis B Viral DNA in Cirrhosis.

    Published in:
    PLoS Pathogens, 2010, v. 6, n. 5, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.ppat.1000928
    • Vartanian, Jean-Pierre;
    • Henry, Michel;
    • Marchio, Agnès;
    • Suspène, Rodolphe;
    • Aynaud, Marie-Ming;
    • Guétard, Denise;
    • Cervantes-Gonzalez, Minerva;
    • Battiston, Carlo;
    • Mazzaferro, Vincenzo;
    • Pineau, Pascal;
    • Dejean, Anne;
    • Wain-Hobson, Simon
    Publication type: