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  • Measuring cosmic bulk flows with Type Ia supernovae from the Nearby Supernova Factory (Corrigendum).

    Published in:
    • Feindt, U.;
    • Kerschhaggl, M.;
    • Kowalski, M.;
    • Aldering, G.;
    • Antilogus, P.;
    • Aragon, C.;
    • Bailey, S.;
    • Baltay, C.;
    • Bongard, S.;
    • Buton, C.;
    • Canto, A.;
    • Cellier-Holzem, F.;
    • Childress, M.;
    • Chotard, N.;
    • Copin, Y.;
    • Fakhouri, H. K.;
    • Gangler, E.;
    • Guy, J.;
    • Kim, A.;
    • Nugent, P.
    Publication type:
    Correction Notice
  • Improved cosmological constraints from a joint analysis of the SDSS-II and SNLS supernova samples.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2014, v. 568, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201423413
    • Betoule, M.;
    • Kessler, R.;
    • Guy, J.;
    • Mosher, J.;
    • Hardin, D.;
    • Biswas, R.;
    • Astier, P.;
    • El-Hage, P.;
    • Konig, M.;
    • Kuhlmann, S.;
    • Marriner, J.;
    • Pain, R.;
    • Regnault, N.;
    • Balland, C.;
    • Bassett, B. A.;
    • Brown, P. J.;
    • Campbell, H.;
    • Carlberg, R. G.;
    • Cellier-Holzem, F.;
    • Cinabro, D.
    Publication type:
  • Evidence of environmental dependencies of Type Ia supernovae from the Nearby Supernova Factory indicated by local Hα.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2013, v. 560, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201322104
    • Rigault, M.;
    • Copin, Y.;
    • Aldering, G.;
    • Antilogus, P.;
    • Aragon, C.;
    • Bailey, S.;
    • Baltay, C.;
    • Bongard, S.;
    • Buton, C.;
    • Canto, A.;
    • Cellier-Holzem, F.;
    • Childress, M.;
    • Chotard, N.;
    • Fakhouri, H. K.;
    • Feindt, U.;
    • Fleury, M.;
    • Gangler, E.;
    • Greskovic, P.;
    • Guy, J.;
    • Kim, A. G.
    Publication type:
  • Measuring cosmic bulk flows with Type Ia supernovae from the Nearby Supernova Factory.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2013, v. 560, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201321880
    • Feindt, U.;
    • Kerschhaggl, M.;
    • Kowalski, M.;
    • Aldering, G.;
    • Antilogus, P.;
    • Aragon, C.;
    • Bailey, S.;
    • Baltay, C.;
    • Bongard, S.;
    • Buton, C.;
    • Canto, A.;
    • Cellier-Holzem, F.;
    • Childress, M.;
    • Chotard, N.;
    • Copin, Y.;
    • Fakhouri, H. K.;
    • Gangler, E.;
    • Guy, J.;
    • Kim, A.;
    • Nugent, P.
    Publication type:
  • The ESO’s VLT type Ia supernova spectral set of the final two years of SNLS.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2018, v. 614, p. N.PAG, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201731924
    • Balland, C.;
    • Cellier-Holzem, F.;
    • Lidman, C.;
    • Astier, P.;
    • Betoule, M.;
    • Carlberg, R. G.;
    • Conley, A.;
    • Ellis, R. S.;
    • Guy, J.;
    • Hardin, D.;
    • Hook, I. M.;
    • Howell, D. A.;
    • Pain, R.;
    • Pritchet, C. J.;
    • Regnault, N.;
    • Sullivan, M.;
    • Arsenijevic, V.;
    • Baumont, S.;
    • El-Hage, P.;
    • Fabbro, S.
    Publication type: