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  • MicroRNA miR-7 Regulates Secretion of Insulin-Like Peptides.

    Published in:
    Endocrinology, 2020, v. 161, n. 2, p. 1, doi. 10.1210/endocr/bqz040
    • Agbu, Pamela;
    • Cassidy, Justin J;
    • Braverman, Jonathan;
    • Jacobson, Alec;
    • Carthew, Richard W
    Publication type:
  • Differential Masking of Natural Genetic Variation by miR-9a in Drosophila.

    Published in:
    Genetics, 2016, v. 202, n. 2, p. 675, doi. 10.1534/genetics.115.183822
    • Cassidy, Justin J.;
    • Straughan, Alexander J.;
    • Carthew, Richard W.
    Publication type:
  • Silencing by small RNAs is linked to endosomal trafficking.

    Published in:
    • Young Sik Lee;
    • Pressman, Sigal;
    • Andress, Arlise P.;
    • Kevin Kim;
    • White, Jamie L.;
    • Cassidy, Justin J.;
    • Xin Li;
    • Lubell, Kim;
    • Do Hwan Lim;
    • Ik Sang Cho;
    • Nakahara, Kenji;
    • Preall, Jonathan B.;
    • Bellare, Priya;
    • Sontheimer, Erik J.;
    • Carthew, Richard W.
    Publication type:
    Correction notice
  • Silencing by small RNAs is linked to endosomal trafficking.

    Published in:
    Nature Cell Biology, 2009, v. 11, n. 9, p. 1150, doi. 10.1038/ncb1930
    • Lee, Young Sik;
    • Pressman, Sigal;
    • Andress, Arlise P.;
    • Kim, Kevin;
    • White, Jamie L.;
    • Cassidy, Justin J.;
    • Xin Li;
    • Lubell, Kim;
    • Do Hwan Lim;
    • Ik Sang Cho;
    • Nakahara, Kenji;
    • Preall, Jonathan B.;
    • Bellare, Priya;
    • Sontheimer, Erik J.;
    • Carthew, Richard W.
    Publication type: