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  • LOFAR Deep Fields: Probing the sub-mJy regime of polarized extragalactic sources in ELAIS-N1: I. The catalog.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2024, v. 687, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/202349085
    • Piras, S.;
    • Horellou, C.;
    • Conway, J. E.;
    • Thomasson, M.;
    • del Palacio, S.;
    • Shimwell, T. W.;
    • O'Sullivan, S. P.;
    • Carretti, E.;
    • Šnidarić, I.;
    • Jelić, V.;
    • Adebahr, B.;
    • Berger, A.;
    • Best, P. N.;
    • Brüggen, M.;
    • Herrera Ruiz, N.;
    • Paladino, R.;
    • Prandoni, I.;
    • Sabater, J.;
    • Vacca, V.
    Publication type:
  • Pulse Tube Cooler with > 100 m Flexible Lines for Operation of Cryogenic Detector Arrays at Large Radiotelescopes.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2023, v. 211, n. 5/6, p. 415, doi. 10.1007/s10909-022-02934-2
    • Coppolecchia, A.;
    • Battistelli, E. S.;
    • Masi, S.;
    • Marongiu, P.;
    • Barbavara, E.;
    • de Bernardis, P.;
    • Cacciotti, F.;
    • Carretti, E.;
    • Columbro, F.;
    • Cruciani, A.;
    • D'Alessandro, G.;
    • De Petris, M.;
    • Govoni, F.;
    • Isopi, G.;
    • Lamagna, L.;
    • Mele, L.;
    • Molinari, E.;
    • Murgia, M.;
    • Navarrini, A.;
    • Orlati, A.
    Publication type:
  • MISTRAL and its KIDs.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2022, v. 209, n. 5/6, p. 889, doi. 10.1007/s10909-022-02848-z
    • Paiella, A.;
    • de Bernardis, P.;
    • Cacciotti, F.;
    • Coppolecchia, A.;
    • Masi, S.;
    • Barbavara, E.;
    • Battistelli, E. S.;
    • Carretti, E.;
    • Columbro, F.;
    • Cruciani, A.;
    • D'Alessandro, G.;
    • De Petris, M.;
    • Govoni, F.;
    • Isopi, G.;
    • Lamagna, L.;
    • Marongiu, P.;
    • Mele, L.;
    • Molinari, E.;
    • Murgia, M.;
    • Navarrini, A.
    Publication type:
  • Interstellar magnetic cannon targeting the Galactic halo.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2018, v. 617, p. N.PAG, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201833358
    • Robitaille, J.-F.;
    • Scaife, A. M. M.;
    • Carretti, E.;
    • Haverkorn, M.;
    • Crocker, R. M.;
    • Kesteven, M. J.;
    • Poppi, S.;
    • Staveley-Smith, L.
    Publication type:
  • Polarized point sources in the LOFAR Two-meter Sky Survey: A preliminary catalog.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2018, v. 613, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201732228
    • Van Eck, C. L.;
    • Haverkorn, M.;
    • Alves, M. I. R.;
    • Beck, R.;
    • Best, P.;
    • Carretti, E.;
    • Chyży, K. T.;
    • Farnes, J. S.;
    • Ferrière, K.;
    • Hardcastle, M. J.;
    • Heald, G.;
    • Horellou, C.;
    • Iacobelli, M.;
    • Jelić, V.;
    • Mulcahy, D. D.;
    • O'Sullivan, S. P.;
    • Polderman, I. M.;
    • Reich, W.;
    • Riseley, C. J.;
    • Röttgering, H.
    Publication type:
  • SArdinia Roach2-based Digital Architecture for Radio Astronomy (SARDARA).

    Published in:
    Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation, 2018, v. 7, n. 1, p. -1, doi. 10.1142/S2251171718500046
    • Melis, A.;
    • Concu, R.;
    • Trois, A.;
    • Possenti, A.;
    • Bocchinu, A.;
    • Bolli, P.;
    • Burgay, M.;
    • Carretti, E.;
    • Castangia, P.;
    • Casu, S.;
    • Pestellini, C. Cecchi;
    • Corongiu, A.;
    • D'Amico, N.;
    • Egron, E.;
    • Govoni, F.;
    • Iacolina, M. N.;
    • Murgia, M.;
    • Pellizzoni, A.;
    • Perrodin, D.;
    • Pilia, M.
    Publication type:
  • A Southern-Sky Total Intensity Source Catalogue at 2.3 GHz from S-Band Polarisation All-Sky Survey Data.

    Published in:
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 2017, v. 34, p. 1, doi. 10.1017/pasa.2017.5
    • Meyers, B. W.;
    • Hurley-Walker, N.;
    • Hancock, P. J.;
    • Franzen, T. M. O.;
    • Carretti, E.;
    • Staveley-Smith, L.;
    • Gaensler, B. M.;
    • Haverkorn, M.;
    • Poppi, S.
    Publication type:
  • HIPSR: A Digital Signal Processor for the Parkes 21-cm Multibeam Receiver.

    Published in:
    Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation, 2016, v. 5, n. 4, p. -1, doi. 10.1142/S2251171716410075
    • Price, D. C.;
    • Staveley-Smith, L.;
    • Bailes, M.;
    • Carretti, E.;
    • Jameson, A.;
    • Jones, M. E.;
    • van Straten, W.;
    • Schediwy, S. W.
    Publication type:
  • Using rotation measure grids to detect cosmological magnetic fields: A Bayesian approach.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2016, v. 591, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201527291
    • Vacca, V.;
    • Oppermann, N.;
    • Enβlin, T.;
    • Jasche, J.;
    • Selig, M.;
    • Greiner, M.;
    • Junklewitz, H.;
    • Reinecke, M.;
    • Brüggen, M.;
    • Carretti, E.;
    • Feretti, L.;
    • Ferrari, C.;
    • Hales, C. A.;
    • Horellou, C.;
    • Ideguchi, S.;
    • Johnston-Hollitt, M.;
    • Pizzo, R. F.;
    • Röttgering, H.;
    • Shimwell, T. W.;
    • Takahashi, K.
    Publication type:
  • Estimating extragalactic Faraday rotation.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2015, v. 575, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201423995
    • Oppermann, N.;
    • Junklewitz, H.;
    • Greiner, M.;
    • Enßlin, T. A.;
    • Akahori, T.;
    • Carretti, E.;
    • Gaensler, B. M.;
    • Goobar, A.;
    • Harvey-Smith, L.;
    • Johnston-Hollitt, M.;
    • Pratley, L.;
    • Schnitzeler, D. H. F. M.;
    • Stil, J. M.;
    • Vacca, V.
    Publication type:
  • Galactic interstellar turbulence across the southern sky seen through spatial gradients of the polarization vector.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2014, v. 566, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201322982
    • Iacobelli, M.;
    • Burkhart, B.;
    • Haverkorn, M.;
    • Lazarian, A.;
    • Carretti, E.;
    • Staveley-Smith, L.;
    • Gaensler, B. M.;
    • Bernardi, G.;
    • Kesteven, M. J.;
    • Poppi, S.
    Publication type:
  • Commercial Ca(OH) nanoparticles for the consolidation of immovable works of art.

    Published in:
    Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, 2014, v. 114, n. 3, p. 723, doi. 10.1007/s00339-013-7942-6
    • Baglioni, P.;
    • Chelazzi, D.;
    • Giorgi, R.;
    • Carretti, E.;
    • Toccafondi, N.;
    • Jaidar, Y.
    Publication type:
  • Large Radio Telescopes for Anomalous Microwave Emission Observations.

    Published in:
    Advances in Astronomy, 2012, p. 1, doi. 10.1155/2012/607384
    • Battistelli, E. S.;
    • Carretti, E.;
    • De Bernardis, P.;
    • Masi, S.
    Publication type:
  • GMIMS: the Global Magneto-Ionic Medium Survey.

    Published in:
    Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2008, v. 4, n. S259, p. 89, doi. 10.1017/S1743921309030117
    • Wolleben, Maik;
    • Landecker, T. L.;
    • Carretti, E.;
    • Dickey, J. M.;
    • Fletcher, A.;
    • Gaensler, B. M.;
    • Han, J. L.;
    • Haverkorn, M.;
    • Leahy, J. P.;
    • McClure-Griffiths, N. M.;
    • McConnell, D.;
    • Reich, W.;
    • Taylor, A. R.
    Publication type:
  • Use of mid-infrared fiber-optic reflectance spectroscopy (FORS) to evaluate efficacy of nanostructured systems in wall painting conservation.

    Published in:
    Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, 2006, v. 83, n. 4, p. 669, doi. 10.1007/s00339-006-3537-9
    • Rosenzweig, B.;
    • Carretti, E.;
    • Picollo, M.;
    • Baglioni, P.;
    • Dei, L.
    Publication type: