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  • Agnoprotein Is an Essential Egress Factor during BK Polyomavirus Infection.

    Published in:
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, v. 19, n. 3, p. 902, doi. 10.3390/ijms19030902
    • Panou, Margarita-Maria;
    • Prescott, Emma L.;
    • Hurdiss, Daniel L.;
    • Swinscoe, Gemma;
    • Hollinshead, Michael;
    • Caller, Laura G.;
    • Morgan, Ethan L.;
    • Carlisle, Louisa;
    • Müller, Marietta;
    • Antoni, Michelle;
    • Kealy, David;
    • Ranson, Neil A.;
    • Crump, Colin M.;
    • Macdonald, Andrew
    Publication type:
  • HCV Genetic Diversity Can Be Used to Infer Infection Recency and Time since Infection.

    Published in:
    Viruses (1999-4915), 2020, v. 12, n. 11, p. 1241, doi. 10.3390/v12111241
    • Carlisle, Louisa A.;
    • Turk, Teja;
    • Metzner, Karin J.;
    • Mbunkah, Herbert A.;
    • Shah, Cyril;
    • Böni, Jürg;
    • Huber, Michael;
    • Braun, Dominique L.;
    • Fehr, Jan;
    • Salazar-Vizcaya, Luisa;
    • Rauch, Andri;
    • Yerly, Sabine;
    • Nguyen, Aude;
    • Cavassini, Matthias;
    • Stoeckle, Marcel;
    • Vernazza, Pietro;
    • Bernasconi, Enos;
    • Günthard, Huldrych F.;
    • Kouyos, Roger D.
    Publication type:
  • Viral Diversity Based on Next-Generation Sequencing of HIV-1 Provides Precise Estimates of Infection Recency and Time Since Infection.

    Published in:
    • Carlisle, Louisa A;
    • Turk, Teja;
    • Kusejko, Katharina;
    • Metzner, Karin J;
    • Leemann, Christine;
    • Schenkel, Corinne D;
    • Bachmann, Nadine;
    • Posada, Susana;
    • Beerenwinkel, Niko;
    • Böni, Jürg;
    • Yerly, Sabine;
    • Klimkait, Thomas;
    • Perreau, Matthieu;
    • Braun, Dominique L;
    • Rauch, Andri;
    • Calmy, Alexandra;
    • Cavassini, Matthias;
    • Battegay, Manuel;
    • Vernazza, Pietro;
    • Bernasconi, Enos
    Publication type:
    journal article