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  • Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information in 2023.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2023, v. 51, n. D1, p. D29, doi. 10.1093/nar/gkac1032
    • Sayers, Eric W;
    • Bolton, Evan E;
    • Brister, J Rodney;
    • Canese, Kathi;
    • Chan, Jessica;
    • Comeau, Donald C;
    • Farrell, Catherine M;
    • Feldgarden, Michael;
    • Fine, Anna M;
    • Funk, Kathryn;
    • Hatcher, Eneida;
    • Kannan, Sivakumar;
    • Kelly, Christopher;
    • Kim, Sunghwan;
    • Klimke, William;
    • Landrum, Melissa J;
    • Lathrop, Stacy;
    • Lu, Zhiyong;
    • Madden, Thomas L;
    • Malheiro, Adriana
    Publication type:
  • Best Match: New relevance search for PubMed.

    Published in:
    PLoS Biology, 2018, v. 16, n. 8, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pbio.2005343
    • Fiorini, Nicolas;
    • Canese, Kathi;
    • Starchenko, Grisha;
    • Kireev, Evgeny;
    • Kim, Won;
    • Miller, Vadim;
    • Osipov, Maxim;
    • Kholodov, Michael;
    • Ismagilov, Rafis;
    • Mohan, Sunil;
    • Ostell, James;
    • Lu, Zhiyong
    Publication type:
  • PubMed Labs: an experimental system for improving biomedical literature search.

    Published in:
    Database: The Journal of Biological Databases & Curation, 2018, v. 2018, p. 1, doi. 10.1093/database/bay094
    • Fiorini, Nicolas;
    • Canese, Kathi;
    • Bryzgunov, Rostyslav;
    • Radetska, Ievgeniia;
    • Gindulyte, Asta;
    • Latterner, Martin;
    • Miller, Vadim;
    • Osipov, Maxim;
    • Kholodov, Michael;
    • Starchenko, Grisha;
    • Kireev, Evgeny;
    • Lu, Zhiyong
    Publication type:
  • Database resources of the national center for biotechnology information.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2022, v. 50, n. D1, p. D20, doi. 10.1093/nar/gkab1112
    • Sayers, Eric W;
    • Bolton, Evan E;
    • Brister, J Rodney;
    • Canese, Kathi;
    • Chan, Jessica;
    • Comeau, Donald C;
    • Connor, Ryan;
    • Funk, Kathryn;
    • Kelly, Chris;
    • Kim, Sunghwan;
    • Madej, Tom;
    • Marchler-Bauer, Aron;
    • Lanczycki, Christopher;
    • Lathrop, Stacy;
    • Lu, Zhiyong;
    • Thibaud-Nissen, Francoise;
    • Murphy, Terence;
    • Phan, Lon;
    • Skripchenko, Yuri;
    • Tse, Tony
    Publication type:
  • Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2021, v. 49, n. D1, p. D10, doi. 10.1093/nar/gkaa892
    • Sayers, Eric W;
    • Beck, Jeffrey;
    • Bolton, Evan E;
    • Bourexis, Devon;
    • Brister, James R;
    • Canese, Kathi;
    • Comeau, Donald C;
    • Funk, Kathryn;
    • Kim, Sunghwan;
    • Klimke, William;
    • Marchler-Bauer, Aron;
    • Landrum, Melissa;
    • Lathrop, Stacy;
    • Lu, Zhiyong;
    • Madden, Thomas L;
    • O'Leary, Nuala;
    • Phan, Lon;
    • Rangwala, Sanjida H;
    • Schneider, Valerie A;
    • Skripchenko, Yuri
    Publication type:
  • Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2020, v. 48, n. D1, p. D9, doi. 10.1093/nar/gkz899
    • Sayers, Eric W;
    • Beck, Jeff;
    • Brister, J Rodney;
    • Bolton, Evan E;
    • Canese, Kathi;
    • Comeau, Donald C;
    • Funk, Kathryn;
    • Ketter, Anne;
    • Kim, Sunghwan;
    • Kimchi, Avi;
    • Kitts, Paul A;
    • Kuznetsov, Anatoliy;
    • Lathrop, Stacy;
    • Lu, Zhiyong;
    • McGarvey, Kelly;
    • Madden, Thomas L;
    • Murphy, Terence D;
    • O'Leary, Nuala;
    • Phan, Lon;
    • Schneider, Valerie A
    Publication type:
  • Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2019, v. 47, n. D1, p. D23, doi. 10.1093/nar/gky1069
    • Sayers, Eric W;
    • Agarwala, Richa;
    • Bolton, Evan E;
    • Brister, J Rodney;
    • Canese, Kathi;
    • Clark, Karen;
    • Connor, Ryan;
    • Fiorini, Nicolas;
    • Funk, Kathryn;
    • Hefferon, Timothy;
    • Holmes, J Bradley;
    • Kim, Sunghwan;
    • Kimchi, Avi;
    • Kitts, Paul A;
    • Lathrop, Stacy;
    • Lu, Zhiyong;
    • Madden, Thomas L;
    • Marchler-Bauer, Aron;
    • Phan, Lon;
    • Schneider, Valerie A
    Publication type:
  • Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2012, p. D13, doi. 10.1093/nar/gkr1184
    • Sayers, Eric W.;
    • Barrett, Tanya;
    • Benson, Dennis A.;
    • Bolton, Evan;
    • Bryant, Stephen H.;
    • Canese, Kathi;
    • Chetvernin, Vyacheslav;
    • Church, Deanna M.;
    • DiCuccio, Michael;
    • Federhen, Scott;
    • Feolo, Michael;
    • Fingerman, Ian M.;
    • Geer, Lewis Y.;
    • Helmberg, Wolfgang;
    • Kapustin, Yuri;
    • Krasnov, Sergey;
    • Landsman, David;
    • Lipman, David J.;
    • Lu, Zhiyong;
    • Madden, Thomas L.
    Publication type:
  • Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2011, v. 39, n. suppl_1, p. D38, doi. 10.1093/nar/gkq1172
    • Sayers, Eric W.;
    • Barrett, Tanya;
    • Benson, Dennis A.;
    • Bolton, Evan;
    • Bryant, Stephen H.;
    • Canese, Kathi;
    • Chetvernin, Vyacheslav;
    • Church, Deanna M.;
    • DiCuccio, Michael;
    • Federhen, Scott;
    • Feolo, Michael;
    • Fingerman, Ian M.;
    • Geer, Lewis Y.;
    • Helmberg, Wolfgang;
    • Kapustin, Yuri;
    • Landsman, David;
    • Lipman, David J.;
    • Lu, Zhiyong;
    • Madden, Thomas L.;
    • Madej, Tom
    Publication type:
  • Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2009, v. 37, n. 9, p. 3124, doi. 10.1093/nar/gkp382
    • Sayers, Eric W.;
    • Barrett, Tanya;
    • Benson, Dennis A.;
    • Bryant, Stephen H.;
    • Canese, Kathi;
    • Chetvernin, Vyacheslav;
    • Church, Deanna M.;
    • DiCuccio, Michael;
    • Edgar, Ron;
    • Federhen, Scott;
    • Feolo, Michael;
    • Geer, Lewis Y.;
    • Helmberg, Wolfgang;
    • Kapustin, Yuri;
    • Landsman, David;
    • Lipman, David J.;
    • Madden, Thomas L.;
    • Maglott, Donna R.;
    • Miller, Vadim;
    • Mizrachi, Ilene
    Publication type:
  • Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2009, v. 37, n. suppl_1, p. D5, doi. 10.1093/nar/gkn741
    • Sayers, Eric W.;
    • Barrett, Tanya;
    • Benson, Dennis A.;
    • Bryant, Stephen H.;
    • Canese, Kathi;
    • Chetvernin, Vyacheslav;
    • Church, Deanna M.;
    • DiCuccio, Michael;
    • Edgar, Ron;
    • Federhen, Scott;
    • Feolo, Michael;
    • Geer, Lewis Y.;
    • Helmberg, Wolfgang;
    • Kapustin, Yuri;
    • Landsman, David;
    • Lipman, David J.;
    • Madden, Thomas L.;
    • Maglott, Donna R.;
    • Miller, Vadim;
    • Mizrachi, Ilene
    Publication type:
  • Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2008, v. 36, p. D13
    • Wheeler, David L.;
    • Barrett, Tanya;
    • Benson, Dennis A.;
    • Bryant, Stephen H.;
    • Canese, Kathi;
    • Chetvernin, Vyacheslav;
    • Church, Deanna M.;
    • DiCuccio, Michael;
    • Edgar, Ron;
    • Federhen, Scott;
    • Feolo, Michael;
    • Geer, Lewis Y.;
    • Helmberg, Wolfgang;
    • Kapustin, Yuri;
    • Khovayko, Oleg;
    • Landsman, David;
    • Lipman, David J.;
    • Madden, Thomas L.;
    • Maglott, Donna R.;
    • Miller, Vadim
    Publication type:
  • Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2007, v. 35, p. d5, doi. 10.1093/nar/gkl1031
    • Wheeler, David L.;
    • Barrett, Tanya;
    • Benson, Dennis A.;
    • Bryant, Stephen H.;
    • Canese, Kathi;
    • Chetvernin, Vyacheslav;
    • Church, Deanna M.;
    • DiCuccio, Michael;
    • Edgar, Ron;
    • Federhen, Scott;
    • Geer, Lewis Y.;
    • Kapustin, Yuri;
    • Khovayko, Oleg;
    • Landsman, David;
    • Lipman, David J.;
    • Madden, Thomas L.;
    • Maglott, Donna R.;
    • Ostell, James;
    • Miller, Vadim;
    • Pruitt, Kim D.
    Publication type:
  • Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2006, v. 34, n. suppl 1, p. d173, doi. 10.1093/nar/gkj158
    • Wheeler, David L.;
    • Barrett, Tanya;
    • Benson, Dennis A.;
    • Bryant, Stephen H.;
    • Canese, Kathi;
    • Chetvernin, Vyacheslav;
    • Church, Deanna M.;
    • DiCuccio, Michael;
    • Edgar, Ron;
    • Federhen, Scott;
    • Geer, Lewis Y.;
    • Helmberg, Wolfgang;
    • Kapustin, Yuri;
    • Kenton, David L.;
    • Khovayko, Oleg;
    • Lipman, David J.;
    • Madden, Thomas L.;
    • Maglott, Donna R.;
    • Ostell, James;
    • Pruitt, Kim D.
    Publication type:
  • Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2005, v. 33, n. suppl 1, p. d39
    • Wheeler, David L.;
    • Barrett, Tanya;
    • Benson, Dennis A.;
    • Bryant, Stephen H.;
    • Canese, Kathi;
    • Church, Deanna M.;
    • DiCuccio, Michael;
    • Edgar, Ron;
    • Federhen, Scott;
    • Helmberg, Wolfgang;
    • Kenton, David L.;
    • Khovayko, Oleg;
    • Lipman, David J.;
    • Madden, Thomas L.;
    • Maglott, Donna R.;
    • Ostell, James;
    • Pontius, Joan U.;
    • Pruitt, Kim D.;
    • Schuler, Gregory D.;
    • Schriml, Lynn M.
    Publication type: