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  • Reseña de Historia de la literatura Ilustrada española del siglo XIX.

    Published in:
    Siglo Diecenueve: Literatura Hispánica, 2020, n. 26, p. 217, doi. 10.37677/sigloxix.vi26.150
    • Dolores Cabrero Rodríguez-Jalón, María de los
    Publication type:
  • Serum ferritin as a component of the insulin resistance syndrome.

    Published in:
    • Fernández-Real, José-Manuel;
    • Ricart-Engel, Wifredo;
    • Arroyo, Enric;
    • Balançá, Rafael;
    • Casamitjana-Abella, Roser;
    • Cabrero, Dolores;
    • Fernández-Castañer, Miquel;
    • Soler, Joan;
    • Fernández-Real, J M;
    • Ricart-Engel, W;
    • Arroyo, E;
    • Balançá, R;
    • Casamitjana-Abella, R;
    • Cabrero, D;
    • Fernández-Castañer, M;
    • Soler, J
    Publication type:
    journal article