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  • UV Index Experimental Values During the Years 2000 and 2001 from the Spanish Broadband UV-B Radiometric Network.

    Published in:
    Photochemistry & Photobiology, 2002, v. 76, n. 2, p. 181, doi. 10.1562/0031-8655(2002)0760181UIEVDT2.0.CO2
    • Martínez-Lozano, José A.;
    • Marín, María J.;
    • Tena, Fernando;
    • Utrillas, María P.;
    • Sánchez-Muniosguren, Luis;
    • González-Frías, Carlos;
    • Cuevas, Emilio;
    • Redondas, Alberto;
    • Lorente, Jerónimo;
    • Cabo, Xavier;
    • Cachorro, Victoria;
    • Vergaz, Ricardo;
    • Frutos, Angel;
    • Díaz, Juan P.;
    • Expósito, Francisco J.;
    • Morena, Benito;
    • Vilaplana, José M.
    Publication type:
  • Comparison of Models Used for UV Index Calculations.

    Published in:
    Photochemistry & Photobiology, 1998, v. 67, n. 6, p. 657, doi. 10.1111/j.1751-1097.1998.tb09109.x
    • Koepke, Peter;
    • Bais, Alkiviadis;
    • Balis, Dimitrios;
    • Buchwitz, Michael;
    • Backer, Hugo;
    • Cabo, Xavier;
    • Eckert, Pierre;
    • Eriksen, Paul;
    • Gillotay, Didier;
    • Heikkilä, Anu;
    • Koskela, Tapani;
    • Lapeta, Bozena;
    • Litynska, Zenobia;
    • Lorente, Jeronimo;
    • Mayer, Bernhard;
    • Renaud, Anne;
    • Ruggaber, Ansgar;
    • Schauberger, Günther;
    • Seckmeyer, Gunther;
    • Seifert, Peter
    Publication type:
  • Intercomparison of Spectroradiometers for Global and Direct Solar Irradiance in the Visible Range.

    Published in:
    Journal of Atmospheric & Oceanic Technology, 2003, v. 20, n. 7, p. 997
    • MartÍnez-Lozano, JosÉ A.;
    • Utrillas, Maria P.;
    • Pedrós, Roberto;
    • Tena, Fernando;
    • DÍaz, Juan P.;
    • Expósito, Francisco J.;
    • Lorente, Jerónimo;
    • de Cabo, Xavier;
    • Cachorro, Victoria;
    • Vergaz, Ricardo;
    • Carreño, Virgilio
    Publication type:
  • Osteoarticular infection caused by MDR Pseudomonas aeruginosa: the benefits of combination therapy with colistin plus β-lactams.

    Published in:
    • Ribera, Alba;
    • Benavent, Eva;
    • Lora-Tamayo, Jaime;
    • Tubau, Fe;
    • Pedrero, Salvador;
    • Cabo, Xavier;
    • Ariza, Javier;
    • Murillo, Oscar
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Comparison of measured and modelled uv indices for the assessment of health risks.

    Published in:
    Meteorological Applications, 2001, v. 8, n. 3, p. 267, doi. 10.1017/S1350482701003024
    • De Backer, Hugo;
    • Koepke, Peter;
    • Bais, Alkiviadis;
    • de Cabo, Xavier;
    • Frei, Thomas;
    • Gillotay, Didier;
    • Haite, Christine;
    • Heikkilä, Anu;
    • Kazantzidis, Andreas;
    • Koskela, Tapani;
    • Kyrö, Esko;
    • Lapeta, Bozena;
    • Lorente, Jeronimo;
    • Masson, Kaisa;
    • Mayer, Bernhard;
    • Plets, Hans;
    • Redondas, Alberto;
    • Renaud, Anne;
    • Schauberger, Gunther;
    • Schmalwiesser, Alois
    Publication type: