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  • Scale‐dependent effects of marine subsidies on the island biogeographic patterns of plants.

    Published in:
    Ecology & Evolution (20457758), 2022, v. 12, n. 9, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/ece3.9270
    • Obrist, Debora S.;
    • Fitzpatrick, Owen T.;
    • Brown, Norah E. M.;
    • Hanly, Patrick J.;
    • Nijland, Wiebe;
    • Reshitnyk, Luba Y.;
    • Wickham, Sara B.;
    • Darimont, Chris T.;
    • Reynolds, John D.;
    • Starzomski, Brian M.
    Publication type:
  • Field-based experimental acidification alters fouling community structure and reduces diversity.

    Published in:
    Journal of Animal Ecology, 2016, v. 85, n. 5, p. 1328, doi. 10.1111/1365-2656.12557
    • Brown, Norah E. M.;
    • Therriault, Thomas W.;
    • Harley, Christopher D. G.;
    • Webb, Tom
    Publication type:
  • Ocean acidification can mediate biodiversity shifts by changing biogenic habitat.

    Published in:
    Nature Climate Change, 2017, v. 7, n. 1, p. 81, doi. 10.1038/nclimate3161
    • Sunday, Jennifer M.;
    • Fabricius, Katharina E.;
    • Kroeker, Kristy J.;
    • Anderson, Kathryn M.;
    • Brown, Norah E.;
    • Barry, James P.;
    • Connell, Sean D.;
    • Dupont, Sam;
    • Gaylord, Brian;
    • Hall-Spencer, Jason M.;
    • Klinger, Terrie;
    • Milazzo, Marco;
    • Munday, Philip L.;
    • Russell, Bayden D.;
    • Sanford, Eric;
    • Thiyagarajan, Vengatesen;
    • Vaughan, Megan L. H.;
    • Widdicombe, Stephen;
    • Harley, Christopher D. G.
    Publication type:
  • Natural acidification changes the timing and rate of succession, alters community structure, and increases homogeneity in marine biofouling communities.

    Published in:
    Global Change Biology, 2018, v. 24, n. 1, p. e112, doi. 10.1111/gcb.13856
    • Brown, Norah E. M.;
    • Milazzo, Marco;
    • Rastrick, Samuel P. S.;
    • Hall‐Spencer, Jason M.;
    • Therriault, Thomas W.;
    • Harley, Christopher D. G.
    Publication type:
  • Biogeographic features mediate marine subsidies to island food webs.

    Published in:
    Ecosphere, 2022, v. 13, n. 7, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/ecs2.4171
    • Obrist, Debora S.;
    • Hanly, Patrick J.;
    • Brown, Norah E. M.;
    • Ernst, Christopher M.;
    • Wickham, Sara B.;
    • Fitzpatrick, Owen T.;
    • Kennedy, Jeremiah C.;
    • Nijland, Wiebe;
    • Reshitnyk, Luba Y.;
    • Darimont, Chris T.;
    • Starzomski, Brian M.;
    • Reynolds, John D.
    Publication type:
  • Wildcards in climate change biology.

    Published in:
    Ecological Monographs, 2021, v. 91, n. 4, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/ecm.1471
    • Srivastava, Diane S.;
    • Coristine, Laura;
    • Angert, Amy L.;
    • Bontrager, Megan;
    • Amundrud, Sarah L.;
    • Williams, Jennifer L.;
    • Yeung, Alex C. Y.;
    • de Zwaan, Devin R.;
    • Thompson, Patrick L.;
    • Aitken, Sally N.;
    • Sunday, Jennifer M.;
    • O'Connor, Mary I.;
    • Whitton, Jeannette;
    • Brown, Norah E. M.;
    • MacLeod, Colin D.;
    • Parfrey, Laura Wegener;
    • Bernhardt, Joey R.;
    • Carrillo, Juli;
    • Harley, Christopher D. G.;
    • Martone, Patrick T.
    Publication type:
  • Energetic context determines species and community responses to ocean acidification.

    Published in:
    Ecology, 2020, v. 101, n. 8, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/ecy.3073
    • Brown, Norah E. M.;
    • Bernhardt, Joey R.;
    • Harley, Christopher D. G.
    Publication type:
  • Ocean acidification through the lens of ecological theory.

    Published in:
    Ecology, 2015, v. 96, n. 1, p. 3, doi. 10.1890/14-0802.1
    • Gaylord, Brian;
    • Kroeker, Kristy J.;
    • Sunday, Jennifer M.;
    • Anderson, Kathryn M.;
    • Barry, James P.;
    • Brown, Norah E.;
    • Connell, Sean D;
    • Dupont, Sam;
    • Fabricius, Katharina E.;
    • Hall-Spencer, Jason M.;
    • Klinger, Terrie;
    • Milazzo, Marco;
    • Munday, Philip L.;
    • Russell, Bayden D.;
    • Sanford, Eric;
    • Schreiber, Sebastian J.;
    • Thiyagarajan, Vengatesen;
    • Vaughan, Megan L. H.;
    • Widdicombe, Steven;
    • Harley, Christopher D. G.
    Publication type: