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  • EDELWEISS Read-out Electronics and Future Prospects.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2012, v. 167, n. 5/6, p. 645, doi. 10.1007/s10909-012-0568-9
    • Censier, B.;
    • Benoit, A.;
    • Bres, G.;
    • Charlieu, F.;
    • Gascon, J.;
    • Gironnet, J.;
    • Grollier, M.;
    • Guichardaz, R.;
    • Juillard, A.;
    • Lauro, L.;
    • Minet, J.;
    • Paul, B.;
    • Vagneron, L.
    Publication type:
  • Ricochet Progress and Status.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2023, v. 212, n. 3/4, p. 127, doi. 10.1007/s10909-023-02971-5
    • Augier, C.;
    • Beaulieu, G.;
    • Belov, V.;
    • Berge, L.;
    • Billard, J.;
    • Bres, G.;
    • Bret, J. -L.;
    • Broniatowski, A.;
    • Calvo, M.;
    • Cazes, A.;
    • Chaize, D.;
    • Chapellier, M.;
    • Chaplinsky, L.;
    • Chemin, G.;
    • Chen, R.;
    • Colas, J.;
    • de Jesus, M.;
    • de Marcillac, P.;
    • Dumoulin, L.;
    • Exshaw, O.
    Publication type:
  • CONCERTO at APEX: Installation and Technical Commissioning.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2022, v. 209, n. 5/6, p. 751, doi. 10.1007/s10909-022-02690-3
    • Monfardini, A.;
    • Beelen, A.;
    • Benoit, A.;
    • Bounmy, J.;
    • Calvo, M.;
    • Catalano, A.;
    • Goupy, J.;
    • Lagache, G.;
    • Ade, P.;
    • Barria, E.;
    • Béthermin, M.;
    • Bourrion, O.;
    • Bres, G.;
    • Breuck, C. De;
    • Désert, F. -X.;
    • Duvauchelle, G.;
    • Fasano, A.;
    • Fenouillet, T.;
    • Garcia, J.;
    • Garde, G.
    Publication type:
  • HEMT-Based 1 K Front-End Electronics for the Heat and Ionization Ge CryoCube of the Future Ricochet CEνNS Experiment.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2022, v. 209, n. 3/4, p. 570, doi. 10.1007/s10909-022-02896-5
    • Baulieu, G.;
    • Billard, J.;
    • Bres, G.;
    • Bret, J.-L.;
    • Chaize, D.;
    • Colas, J.;
    • Dong, Q.;
    • Exshaw, O.;
    • Guerin, C.;
    • Ferriol, S.;
    • Filippini, J.-B.;
    • De Jesus, M.;
    • Jin, Y.;
    • Juillard, A.;
    • Lamblin, J.;
    • Lattaud, H.;
    • Minet, J.;
    • Misiak, D.;
    • Monfardini, A.;
    • Rarbi, F.
    Publication type:
  • The NIKA2 Instrument, A Dual-Band Kilopixel KID Array for Millimetric Astronomy.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2016, v. 184, n. 3/4, p. 816, doi. 10.1007/s10909-016-1582-0
    • Calvo, M.;
    • Benoît, A.;
    • Catalano, A.;
    • Goupy, J.;
    • Monfardini, A.;
    • Ponthieu, N.;
    • Barria, E.;
    • Bres, G.;
    • Grollier, M.;
    • Garde, G.;
    • Leggeri, J.-P.;
    • Pont, G.;
    • Triqueneaux, S.;
    • Adam, R.;
    • Bourrion, O.;
    • Macías-Pérez, J.-F.;
    • Rebolo, M.;
    • Ritacco, A.;
    • Scordilis, J.-P.;
    • Tourres, D.
    Publication type:
  • First demonstration of 30 eVee ionization energy resolution with Ricochet germanium cryogenic bolometers.

    Published in:
    European Physical Journal C -- Particles & Fields, 2024, v. 84, n. 2, p. 1, doi. 10.1140/epjc/s10052-024-12433-1
    • Ricochet Collaboration;
    • Augier, C.;
    • Baulieu, G.;
    • Belov, V.;
    • Bergé, L.;
    • Billard, J.;
    • Bres, G.;
    • Bret, J. -. L.;
    • Broniatowski, A.;
    • Calvo, M.;
    • Cazes, A.;
    • Chaize, D.;
    • Chala, M.;
    • Chapellier, M.;
    • Chaplinsky, L.;
    • Chemin, G.;
    • Chen, R.;
    • Colas, J.;
    • Cudmore, E.;
    • De Jesus, M.
    Publication type:
  • Fast neutron background characterization of the future Ricochet experiment at the ILL research nuclear reactor.

    Published in:
    European Physical Journal C -- Particles & Fields, 2023, v. 83, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1140/epjc/s10052-022-11150-x
    • Augier, C.;
    • Baulieu, G.;
    • Belov, V.;
    • Berge, L.;
    • Billard, J.;
    • Bres, G.;
    • Bret, J-. L.;
    • Broniatowski, A.;
    • Calvo, M.;
    • Cazes, A.;
    • Chaize, D.;
    • Chapellier, M.;
    • Chaplinsky, L.;
    • Chemin, G.;
    • Chen, R.;
    • Colas, J.;
    • De Jesus, M.;
    • de Marcillac, P.;
    • Dumoulin, L.;
    • Exshaw, O.
    Publication type:

    Published in:
    EAS Publications Series, 2009, v. 37, p. 95, doi. 10.1051/eas/0937011
    • Monfardini, A.;
    • Swenson, L. J.;
    • Benoit, A.;
    • Bideau, A.;
    • Bres, G.;
    • Camus, P.;
    • Garde, G.;
    • Hoffmann, C.;
    • Minet, J.;
    • Rodenas, H.
    Publication type:
  • A wide field-of-view low-resolution spectrometer at APEX: Instrument design and scientific forecast.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2020, v. 642, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/202038456
    • The CONCERTO Collaboration;
    • Ade, P.;
    • Aravena, M.;
    • Barria, E.;
    • Beelen, A.;
    • Benoit, A.;
    • Béthermin, M.;
    • Bounmy, J.;
    • Bourrion, O.;
    • Bres, G.;
    • De Breuck, C.;
    • Calvo, M.;
    • Cao, Y.;
    • Catalano, A.;
    • Désert, F.-X.;
    • Durán, C.A.;
    • Fasano, A.;
    • Fenouillet, T.;
    • Garcia, J.;
    • Garde, G.
    Publication type: