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  • Gender differences in characteristics and outcomes in heart failure patients referred for end‐stage treatment.

    Published in:
    ESC Heart Failure, 2021, v. 8, n. 6, p. 5031, doi. 10.1002/ehf2.13567
    • Fluschnik, Nina;
    • Strangl, Felix;
    • Kondziella, Christoph;
    • Goßling, Alina;
    • Becher, Peter Moritz;
    • Schrage, Benedikt;
    • Schnabel, Renate B.;
    • Bernadyn, Julia;
    • Bremer, Wiebke;
    • Grahn, Hanno;
    • Bernhardt, Alexander M.;
    • Reichenspurner, Hermann;
    • Rybczynski, Meike;
    • Blankenberg, Stefan;
    • Kirchhof, Paulus;
    • Magnussen, Christina;
    • Knappe, Dorit
    Publication type:
  • Heart Rate Reduction and Outcomes in Heart Failure Outpatients.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2023, v. 12, n. 21, p. 6779, doi. 10.3390/jcm12216779
    • Memenga, Felix;
    • Rybczynski, Meike;
    • Magnussen, Christina;
    • Goßling, Alina;
    • Kondziella, Christoph;
    • Becher, Nina;
    • Becher, Peter Moritz;
    • Bernadyn, Julia;
    • Berisha, Filip;
    • Bremer, Wiebke;
    • Sinning, Christoph;
    • Blankenberg, Stefan;
    • Kirchhof, Paulus;
    • Knappe, Dorit
    Publication type:
  • Therapiefrequenz in der ambulanten logopädischen Praxis.

    Published in:
    Forum Logopadie, 2013, v. 27, n. 2, p. 12, doi. 10.2443/skv-s-2013-53020130202
    • Asmussen, Lotte;
    • Bremer, Wiebke;
    • Heldt, Cornelia;
    • Krüger, Stefan
    Publication type: