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  • Aerosol characteristics and particle production in the upper troposphere over the Amazon Basin.

    Published in:
    Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics Discussions, 2017, p. 1, doi. 10.5194/acp-2017-694
    • Andreae, Meinrat O.;
    • Afchine, Armin;
    • Albrecht, Rachel;
    • Holanda, Bruna Amorim;
    • Artaxo, Paulo;
    • Barbosa, Henrique M. J.;
    • Bormann, Stephan;
    • Cecchini, Micael A.;
    • Costa, Anja;
    • Dollner, Maximilian;
    • Fütterer, Daniel;
    • Järvinen, Emma;
    • Jurkat, Tina;
    • Klimach, Thomas;
    • Konemann, Tobias;
    • Knote, Christoph;
    • Krämer, Martina;
    • Krisna, Trismono;
    • Machado, Luiz A. T.;
    • Mertes, Stephan
    Publication type: