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  • Effects of environmental conditions on reproductive effort and nest success of Arctic‐breeding shorebirds.

    Published in:
    Ibis, 2018, v. 160, n. 3, p. 608, doi. 10.1111/ibi.12571
    • Weiser, Emily L.;
    • Brown, Stephen C.;
    • Lanctot, Richard B.;
    • Gates, H. River;
    • Abraham, Kenneth F.;
    • Bentzen, Rebecca L.;
    • Bêty, Joël;
    • Boldenow, Megan L.;
    • Brook, Rodney W.;
    • Donnelly, Tyrone F.;
    • English, Willow B.;
    • Flemming, Scott A.;
    • Franks, Samantha E.;
    • Gilchrist, H. Grant;
    • Giroux, Marie‐andrée;
    • Johnson, Andrew;
    • Kendall, Steve;
    • Kennedy, Lisa V.;
    • Koloski, Laura;
    • Kwon, Eunbi
    Publication type:
  • Effects of geolocators on hatching success, return rates, breeding movements, and change in body mass in 16 species of Arctic-breeding shorebirds.

    Published in:
    Movement Ecology, 2016, v. 4, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/s40462-016-0077-6
    • Weiser, Emily L.;
    • Lanctot, Richard B.;
    • Brown, Stephen C.;
    • Alves, José A.;
    • Battley, Phil F.;
    • Bentzen, Rebecca;
    • Bêty, Joël;
    • Bishop, Mary Anne;
    • Boldenow, Megan;
    • Bollache, Loïc;
    • Casler, Bruce;
    • Christie, Maureen;
    • Coleman, Jonathan T.;
    • Conklin, Jesse R.;
    • English, Willow B.;
    • Gates, H. River;
    • Gilg, Olivier;
    • Giroux, Marie-Andrée;
    • Gosbell, Ken;
    • Hassell, Chris
    Publication type:
  • Effects of leg flags on nest survival of four species of Arctic‐breeding shorebirds.

    Published in:
    Journal of Field Ornithology, 2018, v. 89, n. 3, p. 287, doi. 10.1111/jofo.12264
    • Weiser, Emily L.;
    • Lanctot, Richard B.;
    • Brown, Stephen C.;
    • River Gates, H.;
    • Bentzen, Rebecca L.;
    • Boldenow, Megan L.;
    • Cunningham, Jenny A.;
    • Doll, Andrew;
    • Donnelly, Tyrone F.;
    • English, Willow B.;
    • Franks, Samantha E.;
    • Grond, Kirsten;
    • Herzog, Patrick;
    • Hill, Brooke L.;
    • Kendall, Steve;
    • Kwon, Eunbi;
    • Lank, David B.;
    • Liebezeit, Joseph R.;
    • Rausch, Jennie;
    • Saalfeld, Sarah T.
    Publication type:
  • Composition and Drivers of Gut Microbial Communities in Arctic-Breeding Shorebirds.

    Published in:
    Frontiers in Microbiology, 2019, p. 1, doi. 10.3389/fmicb.2019.02258
    • Grond, Kirsten;
    • Santo Domingo, Jorge W.;
    • Lanctot, Richard B.;
    • Jumpponen, Ari;
    • Bentzen, Rebecca L.;
    • Boldenow, Megan L.;
    • Brown, Stephen C.;
    • Casler, Bruce;
    • Cunningham, Jenny A.;
    • Doll, Andrew C.;
    • Freeman, Scott;
    • Hill, Brooke L.;
    • Kendall, Steven J.;
    • Kwon, Eunbi;
    • Liebezeit, Joseph R.;
    • Pirie-Dominix, Lisa;
    • Rausch, Jennie;
    • Sandercock, Brett K.
    Publication type:
  • Life-history tradeoffs revealed by seasonal declines in reproductive traits of Arctic-breeding shorebirds.

    Published in:
    Journal of Avian Biology, 2018, v. 49, n. 2, p. 1, doi. 10.1111/jav.01531
    • Weiser, Emily L.;
    • Brown, Stephen C.;
    • Lanctot, Richard B.;
    • Gates, H. River;
    • Abraham, Kenneth F.;
    • Bentzen, Rebecca L.;
    • Bêty, Joël;
    • Boldenow, Megan L.;
    • Brook, Rodney W.;
    • Donnelly, Tyrone F.;
    • English, Willow B.;
    • Flemming, Scott A.;
    • Franks, Samantha E.;
    • Gilchrist, H. Grant;
    • Giroux, Marie-Andrée;
    • Johnson, Andrew;
    • Kennedy, Lisa V.;
    • Koloski, Laura;
    • Kwon, Eunbi;
    • Lamarre, Jean-François
    Publication type:
  • Factors influencing mercury exposure in Arctic-breeding shorebirds.

    Published in:
    Ecotoxicology, 2023, v. 32, n. 8, p. 1062, doi. 10.1007/s10646-023-02708-w
    • Perkins, Marie;
    • Stenhouse, Iain J.;
    • Lanctot, Richard B.;
    • Brown, Stephen;
    • Bêty, Joël;
    • Boldenow, Megan;
    • Cunningham, Jenny;
    • English, Willow;
    • Gates, River;
    • Gilchrist, H. Grant;
    • Giroux, Marie-Andrée;
    • Grond, Kirsten;
    • Hill, Brooke;
    • Kwon, Eunbi;
    • Lamarre, Jean-Francois;
    • Lank, David B.;
    • Lecomte, Nicolas;
    • Pavlik, David;
    • Rausch, Jennie;
    • Regan, Kevin
    Publication type:
  • Landscape Change Detected over a Half Century in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Using High-Resolution Aerial Imagery.

    Published in:
    Remote Sensing, 2018, v. 10, n. 8, p. 1305, doi. 10.3390/rs10081305
    • Jorgenson, Janet C.;
    • Jorgenson, M. Torre;
    • Boldenow, Megan L.;
    • Orndahl, Kathleen M.
    Publication type:
  • Migratory connectivity of Semipalmated Sandpipers and implications for conservation.

    Published in:
    Condor: Ornithological Applications, 2017, v. 119, n. 2, p. 207, doi. 10.1650/CONDOR-16-55.1
    • Brown, Stephen;
    • Gratto-Trevor, Cheri;
    • Porter, Ron;
    • Weiser, Emily L.;
    • Mizrahi, David;
    • Bentzen, Rebecca;
    • Boldenow, Megan;
    • Clay, Rob;
    • Freeman, Scott;
    • Giroux, Marie-Andrée;
    • Kwon, Eunbi;
    • Lank, David B.;
    • Lecomte, Nicolas;
    • Liebezeit, Joe;
    • Loverti, Vanessa;
    • Rausch, Jennie;
    • Sandercqck, Brett K.;
    • Schulte, Shiloh;
    • Smith, Paul;
    • Taylor, Audrey
    Publication type: