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  • Academic family health teams: Part 2: patient perceptions of access.

    Published in:
    • Carroll, June C;
    • Talbot, Yves;
    • Permaul, Joanne;
    • Tobin, Anastasia;
    • Moineddin, Rahim;
    • Blaine, Sean;
    • Bloom, Jeff;
    • Butt, Debra;
    • Kay, Kelly;
    • Telner, Deanna
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Academic family health teams: Part 1: patient perceptions of core primary care domains.

    Published in:
    • Carroll, June C;
    • Talbot, Yves;
    • Permaul, Joanne;
    • Tobin, Anastasia;
    • Moineddin, Rahim;
    • Blaine, Sean;
    • Bloom, Jeff;
    • Butt, Debra;
    • Kay, Kelly;
    • Telner, Deanna
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Academic family health teams.

    Published in:
    Canadian Family Physician / Médecin de Famille Canadien, 2016, v. 62, n. 1, p. e31
    • Carroll, June C.;
    • Talbot, Yves;
    • Permaul, Joanne;
    • Tobin, Anastasia;
    • Moineddin, Rahim;
    • Blaine, Sean;
    • Bloom, Jeff;
    • Butt, Debra;
    • Kay, Kelly;
    • Telner, Deanna
    Publication type:
  • Academic family health teams.

    Published in:
    Canadian Family Physician / Médecin de Famille Canadien, 2016, v. 62, n. 1, p. e23
    • Carroll, June C.;
    • Talbot, Yves;
    • Permaul, Joanne;
    • Tobin, Anastasia;
    • Moineddin, Rahim;
    • Blaine, Sean;
    • Bloom, Jeff;
    • Butt, Debra;
    • Kay, Kelly;
    • Telner, Deanna
    Publication type:
  • Maternal age-based prenatal screening for chromosomal disorders: attitudes of women and health care providers toward changes.

    Published in:
    • Carroll JC;
    • Rideout A;
    • Wilson BJ;
    • Allanson J;
    • Blaine S;
    • Esplen MJ;
    • Farrell S;
    • Graham GE;
    • Mackenzie J;
    • Meschino WS;
    • Prakash P;
    • Shuman C;
    • Taylor S;
    • Tobin S;
    • Carroll, June C;
    • Rideout, Andrea;
    • Wilson, Brenda J;
    • Allanson, Judith;
    • Blaine, Sean;
    • Esplen, Mary Jane
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Genetics: factor V Leiden.

    Published in:
    • Cremin C;
    • Carroll JC;
    • Allanson J;
    • Blaine SM;
    • Dorman H;
    • Gibbons CA;
    • Honeywell C;
    • Meschino WS;
    • Permaul J;
    • Wilson BJ;
    • Cremin, Carol;
    • Carroll, June C;
    • Allanson, Judith;
    • Blaine, Sean M;
    • Dorman, Heather;
    • Gibbons, Clare A;
    • Honeywell, Christina;
    • Meschino, Wendy S;
    • Permaul, Joanne;
    • Wilson, Brenda J
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Genetics: Factor V Leiden.

    Published in:
    Canadian Family Physician / Médecin de Famille Canadien, 2010, v. 56, n. 4, p. 353
    • Cremin, Carol;
    • Carroll, June C.;
    • Allanson, Judith;
    • Blaine, Sean M.;
    • Dorman, Heather;
    • Gibbons, Clare A.;
    • Honeywell, Christina;
    • Meschino, Wendy S.;
    • Permaul, Joanne;
    • Wilson, Brenda J.
    Publication type:
  • Genetics: Preimplantation genetic diagnosis.

    Published in:
    • Gibbons CA;
    • Allanson J;
    • Blaine SM;
    • Cremin C;
    • Dorman H;
    • Honeywell C;
    • Meschino WS;
    • Permaul J;
    • Carroll JC;
    • Gibbons, Clare A;
    • Allanson, Judith;
    • Blaine, Sean M;
    • Cremin, Carol;
    • Dorman, Heather;
    • Honeywell, Christina;
    • Meschino, Wendy S;
    • Permaul, Joanne;
    • Carroll, June C
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Genetics: familial melanoma.

    Published in:
    • Cremin C;
    • Blaine SM;
    • Allanson J;
    • Dorman H;
    • Gibbons CA;
    • Honeywell C;
    • Meschino WS;
    • Permaul J;
    • Carroll JC;
    • Cremin, Carol;
    • Blaine, Sean M;
    • Allanson, Judith;
    • Dorman, Heather;
    • Gibbons, Clare A;
    • Honeywell, Christina;
    • Meschino, Wendy S;
    • Permaul, Joanne;
    • Carroll, June C
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Genetics: schizophrenia.

    Published in:
    • Rideout AL;
    • Carroll JC;
    • Blaine SM;
    • Cremin C;
    • Dorman H;
    • Gibbons CA;
    • Honeywell C;
    • Meschino WS;
    • Permaul J;
    • Allanson J;
    • Rideout, Andrea L;
    • Carroll, June C;
    • Blaine, Sean M;
    • Cremin, Carol;
    • Dorman, Heather;
    • Gibbons, Clare A;
    • Honeywell, Christina;
    • Meschino, Wendy S;
    • Permaul, Joanne;
    • Allanson, Judith
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Genetic education for primary care providers: Improving attitudes, knowledge, and confidence.

    Published in:
    Canadian Family Physician / Médecin de Famille Canadien, 2009, v. 55, n. 12, p. e92
    • Carroll, June C.;
    • Rideout, Andrea L.;
    • Wilson, Brenda J.;
    • Allanson, Judith;
    • Blaine, Sean M.;
    • Esplen, Mary Jane;
    • Farrell, Sandra A.;
    • Graham, Gail E.;
    • MacKenzie, Jennifer;
    • Meschino, Wendy;
    • Miller, Fiona;
    • Prakash, Preeti;
    • Shuman, Cheryl;
    • Summers, Anne;
    • Taylor, Sherry
    Publication type:
  • Genetic education for primary care providers: improving attitudes, knowledge, and confidence.

    Published in:
    • Carroll JC;
    • Rideout AL;
    • Wilson BJ;
    • Allanson JM;
    • Blaine SM;
    • Esplen MJ;
    • Farrell SA;
    • Graham GE;
    • MacKenzie J;
    • Meschino W;
    • Miller F;
    • Prakash P;
    • Shuman C;
    • Summers A;
    • Taylor S;
    • Carroll, June C;
    • Rideout, Andrea L;
    • Wilson, Brenda J;
    • Allanson, Judith Md;
    • Blaine, Sean M
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Genetics: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

    Published in:
    • Honeywell C;
    • Meschino WS;
    • Allanson J;
    • Blaine SM;
    • Cremin C;
    • Dorman H;
    • Gibbons CA;
    • Permaul J;
    • Carroll JC;
    • Honeywell, Christina;
    • Meschino, Wendy S;
    • Allanson, Judith;
    • Blaine, Sean M;
    • Cremin, Carol;
    • Dorman, Heather;
    • Gibbons, Clare A;
    • Permaul, Joanne;
    • Carroll, June C
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Genetics: Newborn screening for sickle cell anemia.

    Published in:
    • Meschino WS;
    • Gibbons CA;
    • Allanson J;
    • Blaine SM;
    • Cremin C;
    • Dorman H;
    • Honeywell C;
    • Permaul J;
    • Wilson BJ;
    • Carroll JC;
    • Meschino, Wendy S;
    • Gibbons, Clare A;
    • Allanson, Judith;
    • Blaine, Sean M;
    • Cremin, Carol;
    • Dorman, Heather;
    • Honeywell, Christina;
    • Permaul, Joanne;
    • Wilson, Brenda J;
    • Carroll, June C
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Genetics: type 2 diabetes.

    Published in:
    • Dorman H;
    • Meschino WS;
    • Allanson J;
    • Blaine SM;
    • Cremin C;
    • Gibbons CA;
    • Honeywell C;
    • Permaul J;
    • Carroll JC;
    • Dorman, Heather;
    • Meschino, Wendy S;
    • Allanson, Judith;
    • Blaine, Sean M;
    • Cremin, Carol;
    • Gibbons, Clare A;
    • Honeywell, Christina;
    • Permaul, Joanne;
    • Carroll, June C
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Genetics: prostate cancer.

    Published in:
    • Blaine SM;
    • Honeywell C;
    • Allanson J;
    • Cremin C;
    • Dorman H;
    • Gibbons CA;
    • Meschino WS;
    • Permaul J;
    • Carroll JC;
    • Blaine, Sean M;
    • Honeywell, Christina;
    • Allanson, Judith;
    • Cremin, Carol;
    • Dorman, Heather;
    • Gibbons, Clare A;
    • Meschino, Wendy S;
    • Permaul, Joanne;
    • Carroll, June C
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Genetics: Alzheimer disease.

    Published in:
    • Dorman H;
    • Meschino WS;
    • Allanson J;
    • Blaine SM;
    • Cremin C;
    • Gibbons CA;
    • Honeywell C;
    • Permaul J;
    • Carroll JC;
    • Dorman, Heather;
    • Meschino, Wendy S;
    • Allanson, Judith;
    • Blaine, Sean M;
    • Cremin, Carol;
    • Gibbons, Clare A;
    • Honeywell, Christina;
    • Permaul, Joanne;
    • Carroll, June C
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Genetics: newborn screening for MCAD deficiency.

    Published in:
    • Carroll JC;
    • Gibbons CA;
    • Blaine SM;
    • Cremin C;
    • Dorman H;
    • Honeywell C;
    • Meschino WS;
    • Permaul J;
    • Allanson J;
    • Carroll, June C;
    • Gibbons, Clare A;
    • Blaine, Sean M;
    • Cremin, Carol;
    • Dorman, Heather;
    • Honeywell, Christina;
    • Meschino, Wendy S;
    • Permaul, Joanne;
    • Allanson, Judith
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Genetics: Codeine metabolism.

    Published in:
    • Gibbons CA;
    • Blaine SM;
    • Allanson J;
    • Cremin C;
    • Dorman H;
    • Honeywell C;
    • Meschino WS;
    • Permaul J;
    • Carroll JC;
    • Gibbons, Clare A;
    • Blaine, Sean M;
    • Allanson, Judith;
    • Cremin, Carol;
    • Dorman, Heather;
    • Honeywell, Christina;
    • Meschino, Wendy S;
    • Permaul, Joanne;
    • Carroll, June C
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Genetics: hereditary hemochromatosis.

    Published in:
    • Allanson J;
    • Honeywell C;
    • Blaine SM;
    • Cremin C;
    • Dorman H;
    • Gibbons CA;
    • Grimshaw J;
    • Meschino WS;
    • Permaul J;
    • Wilson BJ;
    • Carroll JC;
    • Allanson, Judith;
    • Honeywell, Christina;
    • Blaine, Sean M;
    • Cremin, Carol;
    • Dorman, Heather;
    • Gibbons, Clare A;
    • Grimshaw, Jeremy;
    • Meschino, Wendy S;
    • Permaul, Joanne
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Hereditary breast and ovarian cancers.

    Published in:
    • Carroll JC;
    • Cremin C;
    • Allanson J;
    • Blaine SM;
    • Dorman H;
    • Gibbons CA;
    • Grimshaw J;
    • Honeywell C;
    • Meschino WS;
    • Permaul J;
    • Wilson BJ;
    • Carroll, June C;
    • Cremin, Carol;
    • Allanson, Judith;
    • Blaine, Sean M;
    • Dorman, Heather;
    • Gibbons, Clare A;
    • Grimshaw, Jeremy;
    • Honeywell, Christina;
    • Meschino, Wendy S
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Participant Evaluation of a Prediabetes Intervention Program Designed for Rural Adults.

    Published in:
    Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice & Research, 2020, v. 81, n. 2, p. 80, doi. 10.3148/cjdpr-2019-033
    • AZZI, JAYSON L.;
    Publication type:
  • Characteristics of rural adults from Tavistock and Stratford with a diagnosis of prediabetes.

    Published in:
    Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice & Research, 2016, v. 77, n. 3, p. e5
    • Vermeer, Adrienne;
    • Azzi, Sarita;
    • Barresi, Teresa;
    • Blaine, Sean;
    • Giroux, Isabelle
    Publication type:
  • GenetiKit: a randomized controlled trial to enhance delivery of genetics services by family physicians.

    Published in:
    Family Practice, 2011, v. 28, n. 6, p. 615, doi. 10.1093/fampra/cmr040
    • Carroll, June C;
    • Wilson, Brenda J;
    • Allanson, Judith;
    • Grimshaw, Jeremy;
    • Blaine, Sean M;
    • Meschino, Wendy S;
    • Permaul, Joanne A;
    • Graham, Ian D
    Publication type: