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  • Emergence and clonal expansion of Vibrio aestuarianus lineages pathogenic for oysters in Europe.

    Published in:
    Molecular Ecology, 2023, v. 32, n. 11, p. 2869, doi. 10.1111/mec.16910
    • Mesnil, Aurélie;
    • Jacquot, Maude;
    • Garcia, Céline;
    • Tourbiez, Delphine;
    • Canier, Lydie;
    • Bidois, Audrey;
    • Dégremont, Lionel;
    • Cheslett, Deborah;
    • Geary, Michelle;
    • Vetri, Alessia;
    • Roque, Ana;
    • Furones, Dolors;
    • Garden, Alison;
    • Orozova, Petya;
    • Arzul, Isabelle;
    • Sicard, Mathieu;
    • Charrière, Guillaume M.;
    • Destoumieux‐Garzón, Delphine;
    • Travers, Marie‐Agnès
    Publication type: