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  • Molecular Confirmation of Rickettsia parkeri in Amblyomma ovale Ticks, Veracruz, Mexico.

    Published in:
    • Sánchez-Montes, Sokani;
    • Ballados-González, Gerardo G.;
    • Hernández-Velasco, Alejandra;
    • Zazueta-Islas, Héctor M.;
    • Solis-Cortés, Marlene;
    • Miranda-Ortiz, Haydee;
    • Canseco-Méndez, Julio C.;
    • Fernández-Figueroa, Edith A.;
    • Colunga-Salas, Pablo;
    • López-Pérez, Andrés M.;
    • la Mora, Jesús Delgado-de;
    • Licona-Enriquez, Jesús D.;
    • la Mora, David Delgado-de;
    • Karpathy, Sandor E.;
    • Paddock, Christopher D.;
    • Rangel-Escareño, Claudia;
    • Delgado-de la Mora, Jesús;
    • Delgado-de la Mora, David
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • No molecular evidence of SARS‐CoV‐2 infection in companion animals from Veracruz, Mexico.

    Published in:
    Transboundary & Emerging Diseases, 2022, v. 69, n. 4, p. 2398, doi. 10.1111/tbed.14153
    • Sánchez‐Montes, Sokani;
    • Ballados‐González, Gerardo G.;
    • Gamboa‐Prieto, Janete;
    • Cruz‐Romero, Anabel;
    • Romero‐Salas, Dora;
    • Pérez‐Brígido, Carlos D.;
    • Austria‐Ruíz, María J.;
    • Guerrero‐Reyes, Alfredo;
    • Lammoglia‐Villagómez, Miguel A.;
    • Camacho‐Peralta, Ireri P.;
    • Morales‐Narcia, José Á.;
    • Bravo‐Ramos, José L.;
    • Barrientos‐Villeda, Manuel;
    • Blanco‐Velasco, Leopoldo A.;
    • Becker, Ingeborg
    Publication type:
  • Detection of pathogenic <italic>Leptospira</italic> species associated with phyllostomid bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) from Veracruz, Mexico.

    Published in:
    Transboundary & Emerging Diseases, 2018, v. 65, n. 3, p. 773, doi. 10.1111/tbed.12802
    • Ballados‐González, G. G.;
    • Sánchez‐Montes, S.;
    • Romero‐Salas, D.;
    • Colunga Salas, P.;
    • Gutiérrez‐Molina, R.;
    • León‐Paniagua, L.;
    • Becker, I.;
    • Méndez‐Ojeda, M. L.;
    • Barrientos‐Salcedo, C.;
    • Serna‐Lagunes, R.;
    • Cruz‐Romero, A.
    Publication type:
  • Molecular detection of Mycoplasma ovis in an outbreak of hemolytic anemia in sheep from Veracruz, Mexico.

    Published in:
    Tropical Animal Health & Production, 2019, v. 51, n. 1, p. 243, doi. 10.1007/s11250-018-1648-x
    • Martínez-Hernández, J. M.;
    • Ballados-González, G. G.;
    • Fernández-Bandala, D.;
    • Martínez-Soto, S.;
    • Velázquez-Osorio, V.;
    • Martínez-Rodríguez, P. B.;
    • Cruz-Romero, A.;
    • Grostieta, E.;
    • Lozano-Sardaneta, Y.;
    • Colunga Salas, P.;
    • Becker, I.;
    • Sánchez-Montes, S.
    Publication type:
  • New records of Haemaphysalis leporispalustris in the Transmexican Volcanic Belt province of Mexico with detection of rickettsial infection.

    Published in:
    Parasitology Research, 2020, v. 119, n. 6, p. 1969, doi. 10.1007/s00436-020-06684-6
    • Sánchez-Montes, Sokani;
    • Fernández-Figueroa, Edith;
    • González-Guzmán, Saúl;
    • Cervantes, Vladimir Paredes;
    • Ballados-González, Gerardo G.;
    • Rangel-Escareño, Claudia;
    • Cárdenas-Ovando, Roberto A.;
    • Becker, Ingeborg
    Publication type:
  • New records, and molecular detection of vector-borne pathogens in Felicola subrostratus from eastern Mexico.

    Published in:
    Veterinary Research Communications, 2023, v. 47, n. 4, p. 2145, doi. 10.1007/s11259-023-10173-3
    • Sánchez-Montes, Sokani;
    • Rendón-Franco, Emilio;
    • Muñoz-García, Claudia Irais;
    • Chagoya-Flores, Norma Edith;
    • Onofre-de Jesús, María de los Ángeles;
    • Chagoya-Fuentes, Jorge Luis;
    • Bravo-Ramos, José L.;
    • Solís-Cortés, Marlene;
    • Lara-Castillo, Juan José;
    • Becker, Ingeborg;
    • Ballados-González, Gerardo G.
    Publication type:
  • Molecular detection of Rickettsia felis in fleas and ticks collected from dogs and cats of Puebla, Mexico.

    Published in:
    Zoonoses & Public Health, 2023, v. 70, n. 2, p. 176, doi. 10.1111/zph.13011
    • Salceda‐Sánchez, Beatriz;
    • Gasca‐Zarate, Cecilia M.;
    • Jiménez‐Soto, Karen;
    • Grostieta, Estefania;
    • López‐Sánchez, Claudia G.;
    • Soto‐Gutiérrez, Juan J.;
    • Lammoglia‐Villagómez, Miguel Á.;
    • Huerta‐Peña, Javier;
    • Hernández‐Carbajal, Gabriela R.;
    • Chagoya‐Fuentes, Jorge L.;
    • Jácome‐Sosa, Edelmira;
    • Pérez‐Brígido, Carlos D.;
    • Ballados‐González, Gerardo G.;
    • Becker, Ingeborg;
    • Sánchez‐Montes, Sokani
    Publication type:
  • Detection of Bartonella bovis DNA in blood samples from a veterinarian in Mexico.

    Published in:
    Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo, 2023, v. 65, p. 1, doi. 10.1590/S1678-9946202365062
    • Gamboa-Prieto, Jannete;
    • Cruz-Romero, Anabel;
    • Jiménez-Hernández, José A.;
    • Rodrigo Ramos-Vázquez, José;
    • Ballados-González, Gerardo G.;
    • Romero-Salas, Dora;
    • Pardío-Sedas, Violeta T.;
    • Esparza-Gonzalez, Sandra C.;
    • Becker, Ingeborg;
    • Sánchez-Montes, Sokani
    Publication type:
  • Rhipicephalus sanguineus Complex in the Americas: Systematic, Genetic Diversity, and Geographic Insights.

    Published in:
    Pathogens, 2021, v. 10, n. 9, p. 1118, doi. 10.3390/pathogens10091118
    • Sánchez-Montes, Sokani;
    • Salceda-Sánchez, Beatriz;
    • Bermúdez, Sergio E.;
    • Aguilar-Tipacamú, Gabriela;
    • Ballados-González, Gerardo G.;
    • Huerta, Herón;
    • Aguilar-Domínguez, Mariel;
    • Mora, Jesús Delgado-de la;
    • Licona-Enríquez, Jesús D.;
    • Mora, David Delgado-de la;
    • López-Pérez, Andrés M.;
    • Torres-Castro, Marco A.;
    • Alcántara-Rodríguez, Virginia;
    • Becker, Ingeborg;
    • Colunga-Salas, Pablo
    Publication type:
  • Molecular detection of Coxiella-like endosymbionts and absence of Coxiella burnetii in Amblyomma mixtum from Veracruz, Mexico.

    Published in:
    Experimental & Applied Acarology, 2022, v. 88, n. 1, p. 113, doi. 10.1007/s10493-022-00748-1
    • Grostieta, Estefanía;
    • Zazueta-Islas, Héctor M.;
    • Cruz-Valdez, Timoteo;
    • Ballados-González, Gerardo G.;
    • Álvarez-Castillo, Lucía;
    • García-Esparza, Sandra M.;
    • Cruz-Romero, Anabel;
    • Romero-Salas, Dora;
    • Aguilar-Domínguez, Mariel;
    • Becker, Ingeborg;
    • Sánchez-Montes, Sokani
    Publication type:
  • Confirmation of the presence of Rickettsia felis infecting Ornithodoros puertoricensis in Mexico.

    Published in:
    Medical & Veterinary Entomology, 2023, v. 37, n. 2, p. 219, doi. 10.1111/mve.12624
    • Ballados‐González, Gerardo G.;
    • Bravo‐Ramos, José L.;
    • Grostieta, Estefania;
    • Andrade‐López, Angélica Nataly;
    • Ramos‐Vázquez, José Rodrigo;
    • Chong‐Guzmán, Laura Alejandra;
    • Moctezuma‐Díaz, Luis Ángel;
    • Colunga‐Salas, Pablo;
    • Miranda‐Caballero, Carlos I.;
    • Álvarez‐Castillo, Lucía;
    • Cruz‐Romero, Anabel;
    • Aguilar‐Domínguez, Mariel;
    • Becker, Ingeborg;
    • Sánchez‐Montes, Sokani
    Publication type: