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  • Solid pseudopapillary neoplasms of the pancreas are dependent on the Wnt pathway.

    Published in:
    Molecular Oncology, 2019, v. 13, n. 8, p. 1684, doi. 10.1002/1878-0261.12490
    • Selenica, Pier;
    • Raj, Nitya;
    • Kumar, Rahul;
    • Brown, David N.;
    • Arqués, Oriol;
    • Reidy, Diane;
    • Klimstra, David;
    • Snuderl, Matija;
    • Serrano, Jonathan;
    • Palmer, Héctor G.;
    • Weigelt, Britta;
    • Reis‐Filho, Jorge S.;
    • Scaltriti, Maurizio
    Publication type:
  • TET2 controls chemoresistant slow-cycling cancer cell survival and tumor recurrence.

    Published in:
    • Puig, Isabel;
    • Tenbaum, Stephan P.;
    • Chicote, Irene;
    • Arqués, Oriol;
    • Martínez-Quintanilla, Jordi;
    • Cuesta-Borrás, Estefania;
    • Ramírez, Lorena;
    • Gonzalo, Pilar;
    • Soto, Atenea;
    • Aguilar, Susana;
    • Eguizabal, Cristina;
    • Caratù, Ginevra;
    • Prat, Aleix;
    • Argilés, Guillem;
    • Landolfi, Stefania;
    • Casanovas, Oriol;
    • Serra, Violeta;
    • Villanueva, Alberto;
    • Arroyo, Alicia G.;
    • Terracciano, Luigi
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • ?-catenin confers resistance to PI3K and AKT inhibitors and subverts FOXO3a to promote metastasis in colon cancer.

    Published in:
    Nature Medicine, 2012, v. 18, n. 6, p. 892, doi. 10.1038/nm.2772
    • Tenbaum, Stephan P;
    • Ordóñez-Morán, Paloma;
    • Puig, Isabel;
    • Chicote, Irene;
    • Arqués, Oriol;
    • Landolfi, Stefania;
    • Fernández, Yolanda;
    • Herance, José Raúl;
    • Gispert, Juan D;
    • Mendizabal, Leire;
    • Aguilar, Susana;
    • Cajal, Santiago Ramón y;
    • Schwartz, Simó;
    • Vivancos, Ana;
    • Espín, Eloy;
    • Rojas, Santiago;
    • Baselga, José;
    • Tabernero, Josep;
    • Muñoz, Alberto;
    • Palmer, Héctor G
    Publication type: