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  • Genome sequence of the stramenopile Blastocystis, a human anaerobic parasite.

    Published in:
    Genome Biology, 2011, v. 12, n. 3, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/gb-2011-12-3-r29
    • Denoeud, France;
    • Roussel, Michaël;
    • Noel, Benjamin;
    • Wawrzyniak, Ivan;
    • Silva, Corinne Da;
    • Diogon, Marie;
    • Viscogliosi, Eric;
    • Brochier-Armanet, Céline;
    • Couloux, Arnaud;
    • Poulain, Julie;
    • Segurens, Béatrice;
    • Anthouard, Véronique;
    • Texier, Catherine;
    • Blot, Nicolas;
    • Poirier, Philippe;
    • Choo Ng, Geok;
    • Tan, Kevin S. W.;
    • Artiguenave, François;
    • Jaillon, Olivier;
    • Aury, Jean-Marc
    Publication type:
  • Global trends of whole-genome duplications revealed by the ciliate Paramecium tetraurelia.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2006, v. 444, n. 7116, p. 171, doi. 10.1038/nature05230
    • Aury, Jean-Marc;
    • Jaillon, Olivier;
    • Duret, Laurent;
    • Noel, Benjamin;
    • Jubin, Claire;
    • Porcel, Betina M.;
    • Ségurens, Béatrice;
    • Daubin, Vincent;
    • Anthouard, Véronique;
    • Aiach, Nathalie;
    • Arnaiz, Olivier;
    • Billaut, Alain;
    • Beisson, Janine;
    • Blanc, Isabelle;
    • Bouhouche, Khaled;
    • Câmara, Francisco;
    • Duharcourt, Sandra;
    • Guigo, Roderic;
    • Gogendeau, Delphine;
    • Katinka, Michael
    Publication type:
  • Genome evolution in yeasts.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2004, v. 430, n. 6995, p. 35, doi. 10.1038/nature02579
    • Dujon, Bernard;
    • Sherman, David;
    • Fischer, Gilles;
    • Durrens, Pascal;
    • Casaregola, Serge;
    • Lafontaine, Ingrid;
    • de Montigny, Jacky;
    • Marck, Christian;
    • Neuvéglise, Cécile;
    • Talla, Emmanuel;
    • Goffard, Nicolas;
    • Frangeul, Lionel;
    • Aigle, Michel;
    • Anthouard, Véronique;
    • Babour, Anna;
    • Barbe, Valérie;
    • Barnay, Stéphanie;
    • Blanchin, Sylvie;
    • Beckerich, Jean-Marie;
    • Beyne, Emmanuelle
    Publication type:
  • The DNA sequence and analysis of human chromosome 14.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2003, v. 421, n. 6923, p. 601, doi. 10.1038/nature01348
    • Heilig, Roland;
    • Eckenberg, Ralph;
    • Petit, Jean-Louis;
    • Fonknechten, Núria;
    • Da Silva, Corinne;
    • Cattolico, Laurence;
    • Levy, Michaël;
    • Barbe, Valérie;
    • de Berardinis, Véronique;
    • Ureta-Vidal, Abel;
    • Pelletier, Eric;
    • Vico, Virginie;
    • Anthouard, Véronique;
    • Rowen, Lee;
    • Madan, Anup;
    • Qin, Shizhen;
    • Sun, Hui;
    • Du, Hui;
    • Pepin, Kymberlie
    Publication type:
  • Périgord black truffle genome uncovers evolutionary origins and mechanisms of symbiosis.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2010, v. 464, n. 7291, p. 1033, doi. 10.1038/nature08867
    • Martin, Francis;
    • Kohler, Annegret;
    • Murat, Claude;
    • Balestrini, Raffaella;
    • Coutinho, Pedro M.;
    • Jaillon, Olivier;
    • Montanini, Barbara;
    • Morin, Emmanuelle;
    • Noel, Benjamin;
    • Percudani, Riccardo;
    • Porcel, Bettina;
    • Rubini, Andrea;
    • Amicucci, Antonella;
    • Amselem, Joelle;
    • Anthouard, Véronique;
    • Arcioni, Sergio;
    • Artiguenave, François;
    • Aury, Jean-Marc;
    • Ballario, Paola;
    • Bolchi, Angelo
    Publication type:
  • Genome sequence of the metazoan plant-parasitic nematode Meloidogyne incognita.

    Published in:
    Nature Biotechnology, 2008, v. 26, n. 8, p. 909, doi. 10.1038/nbt.1482
    • Abad, Pierre;
    • Gouzy, Jérôme;
    • Aury, Jean-Marc;
    • Castagnone-Sereno, Philippe;
    • Danchin, Etienne G J;
    • Deleury, Emeline;
    • Perfus-Barbeoch, Laetitia;
    • Anthouard, Véronique;
    • Artiguenave, François;
    • Blok, Vivian C;
    • Caillaud, Marie-Cécile;
    • Coutinho, Pedro M;
    • Dasilva, Corinne;
    • De Luca, Francesca;
    • Deau, Florence;
    • Esquibet, Magali;
    • Flutre, Timothé;
    • Goldstone, Jared V;
    • Hamamouch, Noureddine;
    • Hewezi, Tarek
    Publication type:
  • The complete mitochondrial genome of the yeast Kluyveromyces thermotolerans

    Published in:
    FEBS Letters, 2005, v. 579, n. 1, p. 30, doi. 10.1016/j.febslet.2004.10.106
    • Talla, Emmanuel;
    • Anthouard, Véronique;
    • Bouchier, Christiane;
    • Frangeul, Lionel;
    • Dujon, Bernard
    Publication type: