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  • The Sun and heliosphere explorer - the Interhelioprobe mission.

    Published in:
    Geomagnetism & Aeronomy, 2016, v. 56, n. 7, p. 781, doi. 10.1134/S0016793216070124
    • Kuznetsov, V.;
    • Zelenyi, L.;
    • Zimovets, I.;
    • Anufreychik, K.;
    • Bezrukikh, V.;
    • Chulkov, I.;
    • Konovalov, A.;
    • Kotova, G.;
    • Kovrazhkin, R.;
    • Moiseenko, D.;
    • Petrukovich, A.;
    • Remizov, A.;
    • Shestakov, A.;
    • Skalsky, A.;
    • Vaisberg, O.;
    • Verigin, M.;
    • Zhuravlev, R.;
    • Andreevskyi, S.;
    • Dokukin, V.;
    • Fomichev, V.
    Publication type: