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  • Management of acute coronary syndrome and the importance of hospital access: findings from the EPICOR Asia study.

    Published in:
    European Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine, 2017, v. 5, n. 2, p. 522, doi. 10.5083/ejcm.20424884.150
    • Ong, Tiong K.;
    • Lee, Stephen W-L.;
    • Sawhney, Jitendra P. S.;
    • Hyo-Soo Kim;
    • Krittayaphong, Rungroj;
    • Nhan, Vo T.;
    • Garcia, Angeles Alonso;
    • Chee Tang Chin;
    • Jie Jiang;
    • Vega, Ana;
    • Hayashi, Nobuya;
    • Pocock, Stuart J.;
    • Yong Huo
    Publication type:
  • Management of acute coronary syndrome and the importance of hospital access: findings from the EPICOR Asia study.

    Published in:
    European Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine, 2016, v. 4, n. 1, p. 522, doi. 10.5083/ejcm.20424884.150
    • Ong, Tiong K.;
    • Stephen W-L Lee;
    • Sawhney, Jitendra P. S.;
    • Hyo-Soo Kim;
    • Rungroj Krittayaphong;
    • Nhan, Vo T.;
    • Garcia, Angeles Alonso;
    • Chee Tang Chin;
    • Jie Jiang;
    • Vega, Ana;
    • Hayashi, Nobuya;
    • Pocock, Stuart J.;
    • Yong Huo
    Publication type:
  • Long‐term antithrombotic management patterns in Asian patients with acute coronary syndrome: 2‐year observations from the EPICOR Asia study.

    Published in:
    Clinical Cardiology, 2020, v. 43, n. 9, p. 999, doi. 10.1002/clc.23400
    • Zheng, Bo;
    • Huo, Yong;
    • Lee, Stephen W.‐L.;
    • Sawhney, Jitendra P. S.;
    • Kim, Hyo‐Soo;
    • Krittayaphong, Rungroj;
    • Pocock, Stuart J.;
    • Nhan, Vo T.;
    • Alonso Garcia, Angeles;
    • Chin, Chee Tang;
    • Jiang, Jie;
    • Jan, Stephen;
    • Vega, Ana Maria;
    • Hayashi, Nobuya;
    • Ong, Tiong K.
    Publication type:
  • Rationale, Design, and Baseline Characteristics of the EPICOR Asia Study (Long- tErm follow- uP of antithrombotic management patterns In Acute CORonary Syndrome patients in Asia).

    Published in:
    Clinical Cardiology, 2015, v. 38, n. 9, p. 511, doi. 10.1002/clc.22431
    • Huo, Yong;
    • Lee, Stephen W.-L.;
    • Sawhney, Jitendra P. S.;
    • Kim, Hyo-Soo;
    • Krittayaphong, Rungroj;
    • Nhan, Vo T.;
    • Alonso-Garcia, Angeles;
    • Han, Ya Ling;
    • Ge, Junbo;
    • Chin, Chee Tang;
    • Ong, Tiong K.;
    • Jan, Stephen;
    • Itoh, Yohji;
    • Vega, Ana Maria;
    • Pocock, Stuart
    Publication type:
  • New medicinal products for chronic heart failure: advances in clinical trial design and efficacy assessment.

    Published in:
    • Cowie, Martin R.;
    • Filippatos, Gerasimos S.;
    • Alonso Garcia, Maria de los Angeles;
    • Anker, Stefan D.;
    • Baczynska, Anna;
    • Bloomfield, Daniel M.;
    • Borentain, Maria;
    • Bruins Slot, Karsten;
    • Cronin, Maureen;
    • Doevendans, Pieter A.;
    • El‐Gazayerly, Amany;
    • Gimpelewicz, Claudio;
    • Honarpour, Narimon;
    • Janmohamed, Salim;
    • Janssen, Heidi;
    • Kim, Albert M.;
    • Lautsch, Dominik;
    • Laws, Ian;
    • Lefkowitz, Martin;
    • Lopez‐Sendon, Jose
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Clinical outcome endpoints in heart failure trials: a European Society of Cardiology Heart Failure Association consensus document.

    Published in:
    European Journal of Heart Failure, 2013, v. 15, n. 10, p. 1082, doi. 10.1093/eurjhf/hft095
    • Zannad, Faiez;
    • Garcia, Angeles Alonso;
    • Anker, Stefan D.;
    • Armstrong, Paul W.;
    • Calvo, Gonzalo;
    • Cleland, John G.F.;
    • Cohn, Jay N.;
    • Dickstein, Kenneth;
    • Domanski, Michael J.;
    • Ekman, Inger;
    • Filippatos, Gerasimos S.;
    • Gheorghiade, Mihai;
    • Hernandez, Adrian F.;
    • Jaarsma, Tiny;
    • Koglin, Joerg;
    • Konstam, Marvin;
    • Kupfer, Stuart;
    • Maggioni, Aldo P.;
    • Mebazaa, Alexandre;
    • Metra, Marco
    Publication type:
  • New medicinal products for chronic heart failure: advances in clinical trial design and efficacy assessment.

    Published in:
    European Journal of Heart Failure. Supplements, 2017, v. 19, n. 6, p. 718, doi. 10.1002/ejhf.809
    • Cowie, Martin R.;
    • Filippatos, Gerasimos S.;
    • de los Angeles Alonso Garcia, Maria;
    • Anker, Stefan D.;
    • Baczynska, Anna;
    • Bloomfield, Daniel M.;
    • Borentain, Maria;
    • Slot, Karsten Bruins;
    • Cronin, Maureen;
    • Doevendans, Pieter A.;
    • El-Gazayerly, Amany;
    • Gimpelewicz, Claudio;
    • Honarpour, Narimon;
    • Janmohamed, Salim;
    • Janssen, Heidi;
    • Kim, Albert M.;
    • Lautsch, Dominik;
    • Laws, Ian;
    • Lefkowitz, Martin;
    • Lopez-Sendon, Jose
    Publication type:
  • Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Management of Pericardial Diseases Executive Summary.

    Published in:
    European Heart Journal, 2004, v. 25, n. 7, p. 587, doi. 10.1016/j.ehj.2004.02.002
    • Maisch, Bernhard;
    • Seferović, Petar M.;
    • Ristić, Arsen D.;
    • Erbel, Raimund;
    • Rienmüller, Reiner;
    • Adler, Yehuda;
    • Tomkowski, Witold Z.;
    • Thiene, Gaetano;
    • Yacoub, Magdi H.;
    • Priori, Silvia G.;
    • Alonso Garcia, Maria Angeles;
    • Blanc, Jean-Jacques;
    • Budaj, Andrzej;
    • Cowie, Martin;
    • Dean, Veronica;
    • Deckers, Jaap;
    • Fernandez Burgos, Enrique;
    • Lekakis, John;
    • Lindahl, Bertil;
    • Mazzotta, Gianfranco
    Publication type:
  • Guidelines on Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Infective Endocarditis Executive Summary.

    Published in:
    European Heart Journal, 2004, v. 25, n. 3, p. 267, doi. 10.1016/j.ehj.2003.11.008
    • Horstkotte, Dieter;
    • Follath, Ferenc;
    • Gutschik, Erno;
    • Lengyel, Maria;
    • Oto, Ali;
    • Pavie, Alain;
    • Soler-Soler, Jordi;
    • Thiene, Gaetano;
    • von Graevenitz, Alexander;
    • Priori, Silvia G.;
    • Alonso Garcia, Maria Angeles;
    • Blanc, Jean-Jacques;
    • Budaj, Andrzej;
    • Cowie, Martin;
    • Dean, Veronica;
    • Deckers, Jaap;
    • Fernández Burgos, Enrique;
    • Lekakis, John;
    • Lindahl, Bertil;
    • Mazzotta, Gianfranco
    Publication type:
  • What can heart failure trialists learn from oncology trialists?

    Published in:
    European Heart Journal, 2021, v. 42, n. 24, p. 2373, doi. 10.1093/eurheartj/ehab236
    • Zannad, Faiez;
    • Cotter, Gad;
    • Garcia, Angeles Alonso;
    • George, Suzanne;
    • Davison, Beth;
    • Figtree, Gemma;
    • Prasad, Krishna;
    • Rockhold, Frank;
    • Schilsky, Richard L;
    • Stockbridge, Norman;
    • Pitt, Bertram;
    • Butler, Javed
    Publication type:
  • Large streamlined trials in cardiovascular disease.

    Published in:
    European Heart Journal, 2014, v. 35, n. 9, p. 544, doi. 10.1093/eurheartj/eht535
    • Calvo, Gonzalo;
    • McMurray, John J.V.;
    • Granger, Christopher B.;
    • Alonso-García, Ángeles;
    • Armstrong, Paul;
    • Flather, Marcus;
    • Gómez-Outes, Antonio;
    • Pocock, Stuart;
    • Stockbridge, Norman;
    • Svensson, Anders;
    • Van de Werf, Frans
    Publication type:
  • International differences in treatment effect: do they really exist and why?†.

    Published in:
    European Heart Journal, 2013, v. 34, n. 24, p. 1846, doi. 10.1093/eurheartj/eht071
    • Pocock, Stuart;
    • Calvo, Gonzalo;
    • Marrugat, Jaume;
    • Prasad, Krishna;
    • Tavazzi, Luigi;
    • Wallentin, Lars;
    • Zannad, Faiez;
    • Alonso Garcia, Angeles
    Publication type:
  • Diabetes clinical trials: helped or hindered by the current shift in regulatory requirements?

    Published in:
    European Heart Journal, 2012, v. 33, n. 9, p. 1049, doi. 10.1093/eurheartj/ehr437
    • Zannad, Faiez;
    • Stough, Wendy Gattis;
    • Pocock, Stuart J.;
    • Sleight, Peter;
    • Cushman, William C;
    • Cleland, John G.F.;
    • McMurray, John J.V.;
    • Lonn, Eva;
    • Geller, Nancy L.;
    • Wedel, Hans;
    • Abadie, Eric;
    • Alonso-Garcia, Angeles;
    • Pitt, Bertram
    Publication type:
  • Czwarta uniwersalna definicja zawału serca (2018).

    Published in:
    Polish Heart Journal / Kardiologia Polska, 2018, v. 76, n. 10, p. 1383, doi. 10.5603/KP.2018.0203
    • Thygesen, Kristian;
    • Alpert, Joseph S.;
    • Jaffe, Allan S.;
    • Chaitman, Bernard R.;
    • Bax, Jeroen J.;
    • Morrow, David A.;
    • White, Harvey D.;
    • Mickley, Hans;
    • Crea, Filippo;
    • Van de Werf, Frans;
    • Bucciarelli-Ducci, Chiara;
    • Katus, Hugo A.;
    • Pinto, Fausto J.;
    • Antman, Elliott M.;
    • Hamm, Christian W.;
    • De Caterina, Raffaele;
    • Januzzi Jr., James L.;
    • Apple, Fred S.;
    • Alonso Garcia, Maria Angeles;
    • Underwood, S. Richard
    Publication type: