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  • A Systematic Literature Review of Education Financing Model in Indonesian School.

    Published in:
    Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 2020, v. 11, n. 10, p. 638
    • Gunartin;
    • Siagian, Ade Onny;
    • Nufus, Khayatun;
    • Yusuf, Nur'aini;
    • Supratikta, Hadi;
    • Maddinsyah, Ali;
    • Muchtar, Awaluddin;
    • Sari, Widya Intan;
    • Sunarsi, Denok;
    • Akbar, Irfan Rizka;
    • Arianto, Nurmin;
    • Purwanto, Agus;
    • Noryani;
    • Wijoyo, Hadion
    Publication type: