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  • The Immunopathology of Pulmonary Rejection after Murine Lung Transplantation.

    Published in:
    Cells (2073-4409), 2024, v. 13, n. 3, p. 241, doi. 10.3390/cells13030241
    • Kaes, Janne;
    • Pollenus, Emilie;
    • Hooft, Charlotte;
    • Liu, Hengshuo;
    • Aelbrecht, Celine;
    • Cambier, Seppe;
    • Jin, Xin;
    • Van Slambrouck, Jan;
    • Beeckmans, Hanne;
    • Kerckhof, Pieterjan;
    • Velde, Greetje Vande;
    • Van Raemdonck, Dirk;
    • Yildirim, Ali Önder;
    • Van den Steen, Philippe E.;
    • Vos, Robin;
    • Ceulemans, Laurens J.;
    • Vanaudenaerde, Bart M.
    Publication type:
  • The nature of chronic rejection after lung transplantation: a murine orthotopic lung transplant study.

    Published in:
    Frontiers in Immunology, 2024, p. 1, doi. 10.3389/fimmu.2024.1369536
    • Heigl, Tobias;
    • Kaes, Janne;
    • Aelbrecht, Celine;
    • Serré, Jef;
    • Yoshito Yamada;
    • Geudens, Vincent;
    • Van Herck, Anke;
    • Vanstapel, Arno;
    • Sacreas, Annelore;
    • Ordies, Sofie;
    • Frick, Anna;
    • Gimenez, Berta Saez;
    • Van Slambrouck, Jan;
    • Beeckmans, Hanne;
    • Acet Oztürk, Nilüfer A.;
    • Orlitova, Michaela;
    • Vaneylen, Annemie;
    • Claes, Sandra;
    • Schols, Dominique;
    • Velde, Greetje Vande
    Publication type:
  • The MUC5B Promoter Polymorphism is Not Associated With Non-ILD Chronic Respiratory Diseases or Post-transplant Outcome.

    Published in:
    Transplant International, 2022, v. 35, n. 5, p. 149, doi. 10.3389/ti.2022.10159
    • Goos, Tinne;
    • Verleden, Stijn E.;
    • De Sadeleer, Laurens J.;
    • Van Herck, Anke;
    • Sacreas, Annelore;
    • Vanstapel, Arno;
    • Kaes, Janne;
    • Geudens, Vincent;
    • Aelbrecht, Celine;
    • Ruttens, David;
    • Lambrechts, Diether;
    • Vermeer, Sascha;
    • Ceulemans, Laurens J.;
    • Van Raemdonck, Dirk E.;
    • Godinas, Laurent;
    • Yserbyt, Jonas;
    • Vanaudenaerde, Bart M.;
    • Verleden, Geert M.;
    • Vos, Robin;
    • Wuyts, Wim A.
    Publication type:
  • Proteolytic inactivation of CXCL12 in the lungs and circulation of COVID-19 patients.

    Published in:
    Cellular & Molecular Life Sciences, 2023, v. 80, n. 8, p. 1, doi. 10.1007/s00018-023-04870-0
    • Cambier, Seppe;
    • Beretta, Fabio;
    • Pörtner, Noëmie;
    • Metzemaekers, Mieke;
    • de Carvalho, Ana Carolina;
    • Martens, Erik;
    • Kaes, Janne;
    • Aelbrecht, Celine;
    • Jacobs, Cato;
    • Van Mol, Pierre;
    • Wauters, Els;
    • Meersseman, Philippe;
    • Hermans, Greet;
    • Marques, Rafael Elias;
    • Vanaudenaerde, Bart;
    • Vos, Robin;
    • Wauters, Joost;
    • Gouwy, Mieke;
    • Proost, Paul
    Publication type:
  • Lung Microenvironments and Disease Progression in Fibrotic Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis.

    Published in:
    • De Sadeleer, Laurens J.;
    • McDonough, John E.;
    • Schupp, Jonas C.;
    • Xiting Yan;
    • Vanstapel, Arno;
    • Van Herck, Anke;
    • Everaerts, Stephanie;
    • Geudens, Vincent;
    • Sacreas, Annelore;
    • Goos, Tinne;
    • Aelbrecht, Celine;
    • Nawrot, Tim S.;
    • Martens, Dries S.;
    • Schols, Dominique;
    • Claes, Sandra;
    • Verschakelen, Johny A.;
    • Verbeken, Eric K.;
    • Ackermann, Maximilian;
    • Decottignies, Anabelle;
    • Mahieu, Manon
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Supplementary material Lung microenvironments and disease progression in fibrotic hypersensitivity pneumonitis.

    Published in:
    American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine, 2022, v. 205, n. 1, p. E1, doi. 10.1164/rccm.202103-0569oc
    • De Sadeleer, Laurens J.;
    • McDonough, John E.;
    • Schupp, Jonas C.;
    • Xiting Yan;
    • Vanstapel, Arno;
    • Van Herck, Anke;
    • Everaerts, Stephanie;
    • Geudens, Vincent;
    • Sacreas, Annelore;
    • Goos, Tinne;
    • Aelbrecht, Celine;
    • Nawrot, Tim S.;
    • Martens, Dries S.;
    • Schols, Dominique;
    • Claes, Sandra;
    • Verschakelen, Johny A.;
    • Verbeken, Eric K.;
    • Ackermann, Maximilian;
    • Decottignies, Annabelle;
    • Mahieu, Manon
    Publication type:
  • Local expression profiles of vitamin D-related genes in airways of COPD patients.

    Published in:
    • Mathyssen, Carolien;
    • Aelbrecht, Celine;
    • Serré, Jef;
    • Everaerts, Stephanie;
    • Maes, Karen;
    • Gayan-Ramirez, Ghislaine;
    • Vanaudenaerde, Bart;
    • Janssens, Wim
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Mucosal immune alterations at the early onset of tissue destruction in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

    Published in:
    Frontiers in Immunology, 2023, p. 1, doi. 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1275845
    • de Fays, Charlotte;
    • Geudens, Vincent;
    • Gyselinck, Iwein;
    • Kerckhof, Pieterjan;
    • Vermaut, Astrid;
    • Goos, Tinne;
    • Vermant, Marie;
    • Beeckmans, Hanne;
    • Kaes, Janne;
    • Van Slambrouck, Jan;
    • Mohamady, Yousry;
    • Willems, Lynn;
    • Aversa, Lucia;
    • Cortesi, Emanuela E.;
    • Hooft, Charlotte;
    • Aerts, Gitte;
    • Aelbrecht, Celine;
    • Everaerts, Stephanie;
    • McDonough, John E.;
    • De Sadeleer, Laurens J.
    Publication type: