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  • Sm, Ho, Lu production in VVR-SM.

    Published in:
    Atomic Energy, 2011, v. 111, n. 2, p. 140, doi. 10.1007/s10512-011-9466-5
    • Nishanov, Sh.;
    • Khuzhaev, S.;
    • Mirzaeva, N.;
    • Turdieva, G.;
    • Abdukayumov, A.;
    • Rikhsiev, A.;
    • Abdusalyamov, N.
    Publication type:
  • Preparation of <sup>89</sup>Sr chloride.

    Published in:
    Radiochemistry, 2008, v. 50, n. 4, p. 411, doi. 10.1134/S1066362208040140
    • Usarov, Z.;
    • Khuzhaev, S.;
    • Abdukayumov, M.;
    • Rikhsiev, A.;
    • Abdusalyamov, N.;
    • Mirzaeva, N.
    Publication type: