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- Title
Regional differences in sweat rate response of steers to short-term heat stress.
- Authors
Spiers, D. E.; Wax, L. E.; Scharf, B.; Aiken, G. E.
- Abstract
A preliminary study was performed to determine the sweat rate response to short-term heat stress using a new portable detector. Six angus steers (319.5 avg bw) were placed in two chambers maintained at 16.5 - 18.8C air temperature (Ta) within the Brody Environmental Center at the University of Missouri. Cold chamber Ta was lowered to 8.1C and Ta within the hot chamber was increased to 32.7C over a 24h period. Measurements at selected time periods included air and rectal temperatures, along with respiration rate, as indicators of thermal strain. Skin temperature was measured at shoulder and rump locations with determination of sweat rate using a Vapometer (Delfin Technologies Ltd, Finland). Rectal temperature did not change in cold or hot locations due to a known lag in this response, and to effectiveness of thermoeffector mechanisms. Respiration rate nearly doubled in the heat (P 2 =0.87; P2 values of 0.37, 0.72, and 0.97, respectively. This suggests that thermal inputs, other than rectal or shoulder temperatures, drive the sweat response in the shoulder.
- Subjects
FINLAND; PERSPIRATION; UNIVERSITY of Missouri; REGIONAL differences; SWEAT glands; RESPONSE rates; THERMAL strain; SKIN temperature
- Publication
Journal of Animal Science, 2006, Vol 84, p303
- Publication type
Academic Journal