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- Title
İlyada Destanı'nda İda (Kazdağı).
- Authors
- Abstract
Homer's epics Illiad and Odyses are first literary texts of The European literary. The most prominent venues of the the text of the Iliad are Troy, the city's immediate surroundings and in particular in Mount İda. The glory of the İda, its divinity, vegetation, water resources, being a source of life for people and other living things are explanied in various parts of the Iliad Epic. The course of events in the Trojan War to be related to Mount İda, shows the importance of The Greek mthology. Especially İda's historical, cultural and geographic values within a continuum, continues to exist from ancient times today. The purpose of this article is to determine how İda was handled in Iliad. İt is important in terms of social sciences. İn this article, in-process screening and resource review methods are used. So it has been seen the Mount İda was handled as an important place in the Epic of İliad and it has been an important symbol in social memory in cultural continuity.
- Publication
Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities Researches, 2018, Vol 19, Issue 41, p103
- Publication type
Academic Journal