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- Title
In Romania, Elderly People Who Most Need ICT Are Those Who Are Less Probable to Use It.
- Authors
Dascălu, Monica; Rodideal, Anda; Popa, Lavinia
- Abstract
In the context of a globally ageing society, information and communication technologies (ICT) have a significant social potential for improving the quality of life of older people and maintaining the balance of the entire society. However, the impact of ICT is not as high as expected from this perspective. The article analyses the ICT usage among elderly Romanian individuals. While most sophisticate explanations regarding the low ICT adoption look towards computer anxiety, cognitive impairment and lack of knowledge, it seems that in Romania the main obstacle regarding ICT adoption still remains the basic one: no access. Scientific literature emphasizes the benefits of ICT for older people in terms of lower costs of healthcare assistance, reducing isolation and higher security regarding health risks and accidents. However, within the elderly Romanian population, people with low income, who live alone and have health issues are the less probable to use ICT.
- Subjects
OLDER people; QUALITY of life; INFORMATION & communication technologies; COGNITION disorders; HEALTH risk assessment
- Publication
Social Work Review / Revista de Asistenta Sociala, 2018, Vol 17, Issue 2, p81
- Publication type
Academic Journal