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- Title
Two Key Success Factors for Global Project Team Leadership: Communications and Human Resource Management.
- Authors
Browne, Winifred; Dreitlein, Suzanne; My Ha; Manzoni, John; Mere, Alejandra
- Abstract
Project management involves the management of resources, of which one of the most difficult to manage is human resources. In global projects where resources and project team members are spread across the globe, it is worth considering the various risks, effects on quality, and what the key success factors in managing a global team may be. The results of our research build on a foundation of accepted global project management, offshore project management, and international project communications standards. Management of international global teams may require project managers to learn new ways of working. This can include learning a new language, managing international communication, ensuring training is consistent, or providing rewards and incentives that encourage a diverse group. To be successful in managing resources across the globe, considerations must be made by the selected project manager to ensure that they are culturally fluent. Expectations for the team must be set that accept the limitations of global project teams. Some limitations may include cultural differences and language barriers. How project managers manage these degrees of difference will determine the success of the global team as a whole. Management of human capital focusing on performance, leadership, and working together will ensure that each resource will provide value and strive for excellence.
- Subjects
- Publication
Journal of Information Technology & Economic Development, 2016, Vol 7, Issue 2, p40
- Publication type
Academic Journal